Quick Update from Rep. Heather Scott 223

Bills-Bills and More Bills! The session is in full swing!

Hello from the Capital!

The 2023 session is flying by and it is refreshing to be working with many of the new House and Senate legislators on good legislation.  We have been putting a lot of effort into  drafting good legislation and trying to remove bad parts of the law.  Remember, to get rid of a bad law, you have to pass a new law.  With almost 300 pieces of legislation introduced so far, there are too many to provide details on all.  Here are some of the highlights I think you might be interested in:



House Bill 24 (Little-IACI-Blanksma), Launching Idaho into Debt and Socialism

Socialist/Communist China determines what citizens do which jobs.   Capitalism lets citizens decide which jobs they want to pursue to follow a dream or passion and to enjoy and excel at what they do.  Apparently, the legislators in green above want Idaho to follow China’s lead.  One of the first bills pushed through the system was HB 24, the governor’s “education launch program.” This bill would use an “independent” council of appointed bureaucrats, global corporate businessmen, and establishment cronies hiding behind the moniker (the Work Force Development Council) to determine more or less which careers should qualify as “essential” hence, buying off high school graduate with an $8500 taxpayer funded tuition gift to continue education in these “approved workforce careers”. . Continue Reading…

Choices in Education are Good!

Senate Bill1038 (Nichols/Lenney) the Freedom in Education Savings Account Act (FIE).  This bill creates savings accounts for Idaho families with K-12 age children. It allows the dollars to follow students so parents could access the education services and environments that work best for their children. Parents will be able to access and spend these funds on behalf of their child for approved educational expenses through an online platform. A “Parent Review Commission” is established to provide recommendations to the Department… Read More Here…

The Vulnerable Child Protective Act – Child Sex Change Surgeries and Practices on Children

House Bill 71 (Skaug) would amend the existing state ban on female genital mutilation to also include puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and sex reassignment surgeries when administered to children struggling with gender dysphoria. Like FGM, these medical interventions are almost always irreversible; some render the patient sterile or with lifelong sexual dysfunction, while others unnecessarily mutilate healthy body organs.  This bill passed the House floor and is in the Senate awaiting debate.  I am a co-sponsor of this bill.  If you want to watch the Committee meeting and testimony, you can click HERE and watch the Feb 7th meeting.

Other bills to keep an eye on:

HB154 (Nichols/Boyle) makes it a misdemeanor to administer experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in Idaho. 

SB1004 (Herndon) Is an enhanced Castle Doctrine/ Stand Your Ground laws. It protects individuals if they merely threaten the use of force in a lawful self-defense situation, and offers individuals who use lawful force a legal opportunity in the courts to claim self-defense immunity. The bill also allows for recovery of costs in certain prosecutions. I am a co-sponsor on this bill.

HJM001  The purpose of this memorial is to authorize the Idaho and Oregon legislatures to begin official discussions on whether it is feasible to move the Idaho border into Eastern Oregon.  This memorial passed the House and is off to the Senate!

There has been a lot of conversation and ideas floating around about Property Tax Relief….Read More of What’s Coming

Read More of What’s Coming…

There is a new short documentary movie out on some interesting Idaho history that most may have forgotten about.  I was working in the Bear River area when it happened and remember hearing much about it and seeing the cat enclosure. Idaho’s history can never be called dull or mundane! 

You can watch the video created by public television HERE



That’s all for now, but stay tuned!  I am sure things are going to start to get real interesting!


In Liberty,

Representative Heather Scott



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© Heather Scott
P.O. Box 134, Blanchard, Idaho, 83804, United States


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