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Bonners Ferry Herald and Boundary County Employees Consort Against Boundary County Watchman

The following is from information that Boundary.News received regarding an incident between The Bonners Ferry Herald & Boundary County Employees, and the Boundary County Watchman group.

“The Bonners Ferry Herald has asked me for a statement for an article they are writing. Apparently, the Herald has been privy to a Cease and Desist letter from Boundary County allegedly addressed to me regarding the use of the Boundary County’s flag. Why is a newspaper privy to a legal letter prior to me?

I have not received a letter or any communication in regards to using the county flag. Should I receive this letter or any other communication I will be glad to investigate the claim, should I be at fault I will be glad to remedy the issue. Out of curiosity, I decided to do some research on the use of a municipality flag. It seems a similar case has already been to trial and was deemed that a municipality insignia cannot be trademarked. Could you imagine not being able to use the American flag freely? I mean even the State of Idaho has instructions on the Secretary of State’s website on how to use the Idaho State seal…

The posted statements on my pages:
“We are citizens of Boundary County standing guard watching. We post events, meetings, openings for jobs & other positions. Also, potential accountability issues and more. Disclaimer: We are not endorsed, authorized or sponsored by any entity or government agency.”

There is a similar case from another jurisdiction, outlined below.

Related Case Info:

Article on the case:

Tina Renna, Plaintiff, v. THE COUNTY OF UNION, N.J., Defendant:

To dig deep here is the Section 43(A) Of The Lanham Act

The photo below is an example of the flag in question:

Boundary County Flag

The following was pulled from the Idaho State official website, regarding seals and emblems:


Are You A “Thought Criminal”?

By Michael Snyder:

If we are not free to think what we want, we do not have a free society.  It really is that simple.  Unfortunately, there is now an overwhelming consensus among elitists in the western world that radical measures must be instituted to control what people think.  If you insist on being a rebel, there is a very good chance that you will be punished for holding unorthodox views.  You won’t necessarily be put in prison, but our system has countless other ways that it can punish you.  For example, those that insist on embracing unacceptable thoughts will find that their career choices are quite limited, and there are certain positions that they will be prohibited from ever holding under any circumstances.  Not only that, but if your thoughts are offensive enough you may have a financial account suddenly shut down or credit denied for seemingly no reason.  This sort of thing was unheard of a decade ago, but now it is happening all the time.  Of course you can forget about having any sort of a substantial social media presence if your thoughts do not conform to current “societal norms”.  Even the “free speech platforms” are banning and shadowbanning countless accounts every single day.


Arrest Made In University of Idaho Murder Case


A 28-year-old suspect was taken into custody in connection with the slayings of four University of Idaho students on Friday morning.

Bryan Christopher Kohberger was arrested by police and the FBI around 3 a.m. in Scranton, Pennsylvania, according to reports.

Kohberger, who briefly appeared in court Friday morning, appears to have been pursuing a doctorate in criminal justice at Washington State University in Pullman, less than 10 miles from Moscow, where the killings took place.

Following the pre-dawn police raid, a car matching the description of the white Hyundai Elantra authorities have said they were looking for in connection to the murders was also seized.

Kohberger’s DNA has also been matched to samples recovered at the scene of the crimes, according to CNN.

Bryan Christopher Kohberger

Tractor Supply Store Approved by Planning and Zoning

A new Tractor Supply location has been essentially approved by Planning and Zoning. The location will be on the west side of Highway 95, on Homestead Loop. This puts the store across from KG&T. The expected completion of the new store, is currently late 2023, or early 2024. Boundary.News will monitor the progress, and post updates as we receive them.

The photo below shows the site location for the new Tractor Supply store.

Click on Photo for Full Sized Image


You BETTER Know This: The New Healthcare Norm

In this video, Patriot Nurse discusses the realities one must face in the current health system infrastructure when taking someone to the hospital. The nursing and caregiver shortage is only part of the equation, and today we delve into the deeper issues of the medical industrial complex and state-mediated kidnapping of children under the guise of ‘protecting’ patients. You need to know.

US Military Hires Recruits Diagnosed With Mental/Behavioral Disorders

The Pentagon is changing its standards amid the largest enlistment shortfall since 1973.

The US military has allowed 700 recruits with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to sign up, after it rewrote its rules on which medical conditions bar applicants from joining, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Tuesday.

The 700 trainees were hired following a decision by the military in June to allow those who suffered from 38 medical conditions to enlist, provided they hadn’t demonstrated symptoms or needed treatment for between three and seven years prior to signing up. These conditions – which include congenital heart defects and tuberculosis –  were previously automatic disqualifiers.

Army Secretary Christine Wormuth told the WSJ that the branch would assess the effectiveness of the program after a year of service by the recruits.

“We want to be cautious,” Wormuth said, referring to hiring those with mental health conditions. “I think we have to constantly be refreshing our approach and looking at conditions in this society.”


Omnibus Shows Congress’s Priorities: Authoritarianism & War

Those hoping for a Christmastime government shutdown were once again disappointed when Congress passed a 4,000-page, $1.7 trillion omnibus appropriations bill that few, if any, Representatives and Senators read before voting on. The Republican leadership celebrated this bloated monstrosity because it spends $858 billion on warfare while “only” spending $772.5 billion on welfare.

No one should think Republican insistence on more warfare than welfare spending means Democrats oppose the warfare state. Under President Biden and a Democrat-controlled Congress, “defense” spending has increased by 4.3 percent over the last two years. Similarly, every Republican President in recent years—including two who had a Republican-controlled Congress for at least part of their term—supported huge increases in welfare state spending. Most Democrats only pretend to oppose warfare and most Republicans only pretend to oppose welfare to appease their parties’ respective bases.

The Omnibus appropriates a $44.5 billion giveaway to Ukraine. This brings the total US spending on Ukraine’s military to over $100 billion – approximately 50 percent more than Russia’s entire military budget! This money is spent in a conflict that does not affect US security, yet one that would likely have not occurred were it not for prior US meddling in the region.

The Omnibus bill provides $11.3 billion for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a $569.6 million increase and $524 billion above the President’s request. According to the Democratic leadership, the funding increase is so the FBI can better fight “extremist violence and domestic terrorists.”

The public recently learned what the FBI considers an appropriate way to fight “extremism,” with the release of emails between Twitter officials and the FBI. These memos show the Bureau was working with Twitter—and almost certainly other social media companies—to suppress certain stories, such as Hunter Biden’s laptop, and points of view, such as skepticism regarding masks, lockdowns, and vaccine mandates. The bureau even used taxpayer funds to reimburse Twitter for the costs of implementing these “requests.” Government officials working with private companies to silence American citizens is a clear violation of the First Amendment.

This is hardly the first time the FBI has violated the constitutional rights of American citizens. In fact, since its founding the Bureau has targeted political activists and leaders such as Martin Luther King, whose agenda was considered “extreme” or “dangerous” by the Bureau’s corrupt leadership. The idea of a national police force with the power to target Americans because of their political beliefs would have horrified the drafters of the Constitution. The federal government has no constitutional authority over criminal law except for cases of piracy, counterfeiting, and treason. Libertarians, constitutional conservatives, and progressives who still care about civil liberties should join together to defund the FBI.

The fiscal year 2022 omnibus appropriations bill expands government, reduces liberty, and increases government debt, forcing the Federal Reserve to monetize more debt leading to more price inflation. Our political elites prioritize militarism abroad and authoritarianism at home over addressing the problems facing the American people like the Federal Reserve’s destructive monetary policy. This will fuel growing discontent with the political system. As the economy continues to worsen and the attempt to run the world continues to result in failures, the discontent will grow until the welfare warfare system collapses and, hopefully, a new error of liberty peace and prosperity dawns.

Copyright © 2022 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

Deaths Among CCP Elites Rise as New COVID-19 Wave Hits China

It started with a high fever, a telltale sign of COVID-19, that soon led to a positive test result. Yang Lianghua, formerly a senior reporter for the Chinese communist regime’s official mouthpiece People’s Daily and the chief editor of the newspaper’s international edition, then had to wait in the emergency room for a bed in Beijing’s top hospital, which was already beyond packed.

With intervention from the state media’s senior executives and the hospital director, Yang was eventually admitted to the intensive care unit, where he died hours later. The cause of his death was a bacterial lung infection.

Direct confrontation between Russia and NATO is a matter of weeks

Several insiders reported that NATO had allegedly decided to officially enter the conflict with Russia on the side of Ukraine in the coming weeks or even days. Such announcements were heard from officials of the Polish Ministry of Defense, the General Staff of the NATO alliance, officers of the French army and (of course) the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.


The Red Thread in the Pacific Northwest

If you were a communist and your mission was to destroy an opposing military, what better way than become involved in base closings, military spending reductions and military community redevelopment?  One of the great ironies of history will be that the U.S. Congress funded the communist movement in the communities of the military that allegedly defeated communism in Europe.  The following is a historical sketch of how it happened and how they came to infiltrate the Pacific-Northwest.


Russell Brand Talks About Some Spooky Topics


If nuclear weapons falling from the sky don’t get you then the microplastics will. As a new study reveals the astonishing level of microplastic particles falling from the sky, research also shows the devastating impacts this is having on our ability to reproduce. Don’t worry though, you’ll be able to buy a baby grown in a lab soon. Nothing to see here.


The Smear Industrial Complex: Remaking the World in their Own Image

Many people these days get their news from their Facebook feed, or from Twitter, Instagram or other sites.  If we want to find out about people such as John Birch Society members, or Trump supporters, or the Tea Party, or other conservatives, we are advised to “google it.”  This, however, is not a very reliable way to find out what is happening in our world.

Prize-winning investigative journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, explains the pitfalls of doing so in her book, The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote.

Attkisson informs us of the existence of what she calls a “smear industrial complex,” consisting of tens of thousands of people that can be employed “against targets identified by corporations, competitors, governments, politicians, or candidates for elected office.” The smear industrial complex has an economy of billions upon billions of dollars, and its influence has exploded exponentially with the rise of the Internet.

This smear apparatus makes use of social media and transactional journalism to create a phony perception of reality for unaware persons.  This brief description falls far short of their extensive strategies and activities, however.

Who’s Your Daddy?

The Granddaddy of the smear industrial complex is David Brock.  Brock cut his incisors executing dirty, political tricks for the Republicans, but, in 2003, joined with Bill and Hillary Clinton.  Brock has since become a big boy amongst political operatives for the left.  He founded Media Matters as an educational non-profit in 2003.  Over the next few years, Brock built an empire of non-profits, LLCs, PACs and miscellaneous groups, through which donors pass huge sums of money, or which are handsomely paid by their clients to generate scandals, or otherwise engage in propaganda activities to promote leftist/liberal causes.

Inventing Language

In 2016, members of the smear machine really brought out the charm.  Attkisson writes “the collective David Brock propaganda groups began a theme and meme of [portraying] Trump and his supporters as ‘white nationalists’.”  This was during Hillary Clinton’s race against Trump in 2016. Attkisson tells us that, during the 2016 campaign, smear artists, ideologues and transactional journalists made use of smears such as “alt-right” and “fake news” to control the narrative for public consumption. Often, smear artists invent language which then enters the public lexicon without people being aware of where the terms came from.

Brock and his cadre cooperated with Google to further an effort to control news under the cover of preventing “fake news” from being read or heard by the public.  Google’s former CEO and Chairman, Eric Schmidt, donated 1.6 million dollars to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and offered himself as an advisor and strategist for her cause. Clinton quickly came out denouncing fake news.  Barack Obama came out in favor of managing news to protect against misinformation.  Facebook and Twitter chimed in.

Google’s Brave New World

Google employees have since admitted that they manipulate their algorithms to control what the public sees.  Project Veritas secretly videoed Jen Gennaire, Google CEO, saying the company is training its algorithms to bring information to Google users that furthers Google’s idea of fairness.  I would say they are training the unsuspecting public as well.  Google does a lot of this training through its auto fill function in the browser search bar.  This function auto fills the search bar with preselected search results designed to direct users to information that conditions the public to accept Google’s official view of how things should be, not necessarily how things are.  It’s Google’s Truth or nothing.

Google began to train their algorithms in 2016 in order to prevent Trump from getting back into office in 2020.  That makes it hard to blame all election manipulation on the Russians, doesn’t it?

Find Out More

For more information on this subject, take a look at Sharyl Attkisson’s video.  You can also read her book, The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What you Think, and How You Vote.

Watch Project Veritas’ video about Google’s control of information, too.

The next time someone repeats smears about certain people and groups, and tells you to “google” it, be aware and wary.  Consider the source. Read.  Be aware of social media’s links to the smear industrial complex. Don’t just rely on news feeds on your social media accounts. Know that many journalists are in mutually beneficial relationships with those who want to control what you think, and how you vote.

Lies and Retaliation Perpetrated by Sheriff’s Deputy Mike Valenzuela

Corrupt Sheriff’s Deputies in Boundary County

Sheriff’s deputy Mike Valenzuela commits perjury on his reports, and falsely files charges against people, in retaliation when citizens invoke their right to not speak without an attorney.

On November 9th, 2022, Mike Valenzuela called a law-abiding citizen, and began threatening the citizen with felonious theft charges, because the citizen did not allow a thief to enter their property, to remove a shipping container that is owned by the thief.

The citizen invoked his right to have an attorney present, after the deputy made verbal threats. The deputy responded with, “So, that is the game you want to play.”

This shows a serious character flaw, gross lack of training, and a complete demonstration of ignorance by Mike Valenzuela.

Any officer of the law should never say, or believe that a citizen invoking their rights is “a game”.

The citizen hung up the phone, and assumed that the issue was done.

Over the next few weeks, the citizen worked with the owner of the shipping container, to have it removed from the property, by a third party. The removal was successful.

Then, the citizen received a summons to appear in court on felony theft charges.

On the paperwork, Mike Valenzuela swore that he had probable cause to file charges against the citizen. Note that the citizen never said that the shipping container would not be removed from the property, or that they were withholding the item. So, there is zero probable cause.

We have obtained a copy of the report. This deputy indeed lied on the report, and perjured himself. He  should be fired.

Additionally, we have seen transcripts of the calls, and text messages between the citizen and deputy, and between the citizen and owner of the shipping container.

Boundary County faces a possible civil rights lawsuit regarding this incident.

Corrupt individuals such as Mike Valenzuela should be removed from all positions related to policing, court of law, and government as a whole.

The following is on the homepage of the boundary County Sheriff’s website. Let’s hope that the department will uphold their pledge.

The Liberal Assault on Accreditation Continues — Democrats and “Friends of NIC” Implicated in False-Alarms & False-Flags

North Idaho College has been the primary cultural battleground here in North Idaho, and at the most recent meeting, the rhetoric the Leftists have been spewing for years has finally crossed the line from “free speech” to illegal acts of sabotage and violence.

During the December 10th meeting, left-wing activists cultural terrorists did everything in their power to force the meeting to shut down.

They Harassed & Intimidated Elected Officials.



This week is going to be cold. Temperatures will be sub-zero, with wind chills reaching as cold as -20 degrees. Make sure your animals are sheltered, and wear proper clothing for the extreme temperatures.

The National Weather Service forecast, with a winter weather advisory can be found below.




Registered voters in Boundary County need to know about major problems in the way our elections are managed.

Here, I describe two issues that one voter experienced.

  1. Back in 2020, when the tyrants were forcing people to wear masks, if they needed to go into the courthouse, many people simply avoided the courthouse, if at all possible.

Voting day, in November, many voters did not receive the proper ballots in the mail. One family described how they were lied to by the County Clerk, Glenda Posten. We will call this family, “The Smiths”. The Smiths did not receive the proper ballots in the mail, so that they could vote. They called the Clerk’s Office to find out if they can just show up at the polling station, and have a ballot issued, so that they could vote. The Clerk told them that they had to come into the Clerk’s office, to get a ballot, and that they would not be able to be issued a ballot at the local precinct polling station. This posed a problem for this family. Due to their religious convictions, and health reasons, they were unable to wear masks. This means that they were literally blocked from voting, by the tyrants running the courthouse, and the County Clerk.

The Smiths went to their precinct, in an attempt to vote, regardless of what the Clerk told them. When they arrived at their local polling station, they shared the situation, and the kind ladies who were working there, were able to help. It turned out, that voters could, in fact, have a ballot issued on the spot. It took a simple phone call to the County Clerk’s office. The Smiths were issued their proper ballots, and they voted.

The problem here, is that the County Clerk literally lied to the Smiths, in addition to several other families. It is unknown, how many other families did not go into their local polling station, based on the lies being told to them by the County Clerk.

This County Clerk should be fired, for their conduct.

  1. On election day, in November, 2022, one voter discovered something quite disturbing, within their local polling station. In an effort to do their duty, this voter filled out their ballot. Upon completion of their vote, this individual stepped up to place their ballot into a ballot box. Unfortunately, they were told that they had to put their ballot into an electronic counting machine. This posed a major issue with this voter. They remembered all of the problems with electronic voting machines, and voter the fraud that was attached to them all over the country. This voter wanted their vote to be tallied and counted by a human being. The supervisor at this polling station said that the only way to process votes, was through the electronic voting machines. The supervisor also stated that there were no ballot boxes on site, and voters would have to drive into town, and drop their ballots off at the County Clerk’s office, if they wanted their ballots to be processed by a human being. This polling station was a 30-minute drive into town.
    The voter placed their ballot on a table, and politely told the volunteers that were managing the voting process “There is no law that states that ballots must be tallied and counted by an electronic machine. Additionally, there is no law that requires voters to put their ballots into one of these machines. I have done my duty, and voted. I do not give anyone authorization to place my ballot into any machine. since you have not provided a ballot box, I am placing my completed ballot on this table. It is up to you (the supervisor) to make sure my vote gets processed according to law.” The voter then placed their ballot on the table, and left.

It is disturbing, and absurd that voters are being forced to use electronic voting machines. The supervisors should make sure that there are proper ballot boxes at their precinct polling station. It is the County Clerk’s office to make sure that the ballot boxes are provided.

My questions is this…

Why are voters not concerned about what happens to their ballots? This is a serious question, that deserves a serious answer. Voters have a duty to care enough about their votes, to ask these questions, and demand their votes get processed, properly.

Wake up, people.

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