Railroading Us Into Relentless Votes on School Taxes


By: Gary Leonard

Message: Why do we have to vote against the school levy four times in one year?
Maybe they could put the costs of holding elections toward the schools.

Boundary County School District #101
M & O Levy March 14,2023
7188 Oak Street
Bonners Ferry, lD 83805

Boundary County School District #101
Alternate M & O Levy May16,2023
7188 Oak Street
Bonners Ferry, lD 83805

Boundary County School District #101
Alternate M & O Levy August29,2023
Possible Plant Facility Bond/Levy

Boundary County School District # 101
Trustee Zones 3 and 4
Altemate M & O Levy
Possible Plant Facility Bond/Levy
7188 Oak Street
Bonners Ferry, lD 83805
November 7 ,2023

1 Comment

  1. I imagine the school board believes that due to the fact that we are in a recession and inflationary period of time, are pockets are really deep. With the prices of everything being so high, they must believe now is a good time to rape us even more. I’d say they don’t have any common sense….

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