Hobby Lobby and other “conservative” Evangelicals are behind huge ad campaign using Jesus to promote illegal migrants and LGBTQ agenda


From Revolver.News


Many of you may not realize this, but Hobby Lobby and other so-called “conservative” Evangelicals are behind the new “He Gets Us” and “Jesus Was a Refugee” ads that are blowing up.

These ads use the Bible and Jesus to validate and even promote the chaos at the border and also to appeal to the LGBTQ/trans communities.

And these Evangelical groups say they’re just getting started.

Apparently, they plan to make this a full-fledged PR campaign.


*The ads all stem from the central idea that “He Gets Us”. They discuss how “He” (Jesus Christ) was a refugee, had disdain for hypocrisy, and was also unfairly judged like other marginalized members of modern society.

* In one of the commercials, a black and white slideshow of photos tells the story of Central American migrants who must flee their home to avoid persecution. At the end, it is revealed the story being told is that of Jesus and his parents, Mary and Joseph.

* The ads are reportedly funded in part by the family that owns the notably religious craft store chain Hobby Lobby, according to Christianity Today, as well as other evangelical groups, including a foundation called The Signatry. Other donors have kept their identities anonymous.

At a time when our country is at its breaking point, our resources are spent, we’re deeply in debt, our border is flooded, our citizens are sick and dying from illegal drugs, and children are being indoctrinated by the perverted LGBTQ mafia, why on earth would so-called “conservatives” push this type of messaging?

Well, according to Bob Smeitana, a reporter for Religion News Service, it’s because they want to change supposed “negative public views” about Christianity.

In other words, they want to submit to the left’s godless agenda.


* Smietana says that the campaign is attempting to appeal to groups that may have felt excluded or repelled by the church in recent years, like members of the LGBTQ community, different races and ethnicities, those who lean more liberal politically, or people who have kept up with scandals of abuse.

* The group behind the campaign has also purchased an advertisement slot for this Sunday’s Super Bowl, one of the most expensive brand platforms out there. The estimated costs for those ads will run around $20 million.

* In an interview with Christianity Today, the branding firm for the campaign said the plan included investing $1 billion over the next three years, a budget comparable to that of a major brand.

Watch these two clip from the “He Gets Us” and “Jesus Was a Refugee” ad campaigns:

It’s a tale as old as time — rich business owners want cheap labor and to appeal to a new “customer” base, and they will happily sell the rest of us out to achieve it.

Get woke, go broke?

It remains to be seen if this progressive campaign will backfire on Hobby Lobby.

However, I think this is a good time to remind everyone that Evangelicalism is not always synonymous with “conservatism”.

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