Boundary County has lost its Moral and Patriotic compass


Name: RadicalGranny

Would the Globalists please stand up?

Do you love the freedoms that you have today?
Then listen to me closely to what I have to say
because if you do not listen and act in a Patriotic way
those freedoms you so dearly love will surely go away.

I have listened with my ears and seen with my eyes and have come
up with this conclusion that this county has lost its Moral and Patriotic compass.
This does not fall on any one group of people, but includes all of us.
Look in the mirror and see if you like what you see.

The time has come for us all to reexamine what we stand for. This county is in deep trouble, as is the whole
USA, and it is going to take all of us on the same page to bring us back to some sort of reality.
This is war between good and evil; which side will you choose to be on?

1 Comment

  1. 2 factors … we are under attack from the depraved crowed and people tend to have a friendly ‘go along to get along’ attitude that does nothing to prevent what the overly-active depraved people are trying to do here. If we want Boundary County (and Bonners Ferry) to keep (or go back to?) a moral and just culture, we have to admit that it’s time for good people to rise up and fight back, go on the offensive, rather than just putting in time and thinking it’s someone else’s problem … and get busy!

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