
Is Your Library Pro-Porn?


Is Your Library Pro-Porn?

A recent poll conducted by the Idaho Family Policy Center revealed that 74% of Idaho voters believe public schools and community libraries should keep pornographic materials away from minor children.  That leaves the 26% who are pro-pornography.  Which group does your library board trustee fall into?

At the Boundary County library board meeting last month, Aaron Bohacheck, current board member who is up for re-election, stated emphatically that the bible is the most controversial book.  Really?  Compared to books like Gender Queer and other books of smut now being introduced to our libraries.  I have never had to supervise my children when reading the bible.

Let’s compare one questionable book called “Identical,” by Ellen Hopkins.  This is an excerpt copied straight from Amazon.

Amazon Book Review:

Kaeleigh and Raeanne are 16-year-old identical twins, the daughters of a district court judge.  Kaeleigh always tries so hard to be the good girl – her father’s perfect little flower.  But when the girls were 9, Daddy started to turn to his beloved Kaeleigh in ways a father never should and has been sexually abusing her for years.

Amazon was careful not to reveal any more of the sordid details of this book in their preview.  I certainly can’t blame them.

The actual book content degrades to a disgusting level wherein the author describes in intricate detail a revolting encounter between the judge and his daughter.  Is this repulsive behavior something our children should be introduced to or have access to when browsing for something to read?

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  A lot of the books in question contain graphic animated pictures of sexual acts.  Boy with boy, girl with girl, etc., etc., ad nauseum.  What’s next, Drag Queen Story Hour?

Our last library director resigned when her agenda was revealed and foiled by concerned parents.  The current library board was fully aware of her agenda and complicit.

Current library board trustee Lee Colson was quoted in a CNN article (Sept. 5th 2022).  “The conflict is that I cannot say we will not get them,” “Because if we’re a library, if the public comes and requests those books, we will get those books.  That’s what we do.”

Who are these board members that are devaluing our traditional Bonners Ferry values?  Are they quietly supporting the agenda promoted by the American Library Association (ALA)?

The ALA masks the real agenda by calling it a First Amendment right and book banning.  Parents expect their children will be protected from harmful material at local libraries.  Libraries should be healthy places of learning, not places of indoctrination.

The majority of concerned citizens believe there is no First Amendment protection to distribute pornography to children (74% of Idaho voters).  This cannot be used as a cover.  Retail stores do not shelve dirty adult magazines at childrens’ level.  They take the necessary precautions to shield children from accessing these magazines.

The real issue here is whether sexually deviant books should become part of the library’s permanent collection and will our children be protected?

Does your board member think pedophilia is simply a lifestyle decision?  Are these the type of people that represent your values?

Let’s keep our library worthy of the “Best Small Library in America” awarded to us in 2017.  Our library should be a wholesome and safe place for our children to learn.

Those who wish to introduce our children to pornography should be removed from the library board.  You can vote for the status quo or vote for morality.


Zone 3 (Bonners Ferry) – vote for Lewis Clark

Zone 5 (Naples) – vote for Mary-Esther Wilson

Meet the two candidates at the Mt. Hall Community Church, 1554 Highway 1 in Bonners Ferry.  Tuesday, May 2nd at 6 PM.

Bring your questions and learn more about these candidates who support and defend our children.


1 Comment

  1. I don’t go to the library, I have long thought of the library staff
    and it’s directors were left of Marx. The corruption of the young is one of the primary steps to the destruction of any society. My surprise is parents that allow these books near their children, they are the abusers!

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