
The Liars and Filth – Proofs that reveal who the liars and who the truth tellers are, regarding the assault that took place on March 6th, 2023



Recently, the Bonners Ferry Herald and 9b News (again) wrote articles about me, and an assault against me that took place at Mugsy’s on March 6th, 2023. The writers of these articles, as usual, fail to provide key facts, and their articles are nothing more than propaganda hit-pieces. These two “news outlets” are not news outlets at all. They are weaponized propaganda machines run by individuals who distort truth for their own benefit.

In this article, I will lay out the real facts of the assault, and show you the corruption surrounding this case. This is just the tip of the iceberg regarding corruption in Boundary County.

The Assault

Previously, I wrote about this assault in an in-depth article. That article can be found here: https://boundary.news/2023/03/12/the-truth-about-the-boundary-county-central-commitee-the-threats-and-the-assault/

In a nutshell, Danielle Ahrens attacked me during a Boundary County Republican Central Committee meeting. This assault was recorded by 4 cameras, and several witnesses gave sworn statements to the police regarding what they saw.

Case Moved to Bonner County

The case was moved to Bonner County, because Ahren’s son-in-law is a Bonners Ferry Police Officer, and her daughter is the assistant to the Boundary County Prosecutor. The Boundary County Prosecutor, Andrakay Pluid failed to notify me that the case had been moved. I only found out from the Records Department of the Boundary County Sheriff’s office, while filing a public records request. Over the years, I have heard that if you need a case to be moved, you should insist it be moved to Kootenai County, and never to Bonner County, due to the corrupt “Old Boy Network”. I found out the hard way, just how true this statement is.

Bonner County Investigator Christian Frye was the investigator assigned to this case. I met with him on April 11th, 2023. During this meeting, I provided a mountain of audio and video evidence to the investigator. Additionally, I verbally verified with the investigator that he had the cell phone video evidence from Adrienne Norris. Fry confirmed he did indeed have this video evidence. Fry was professional, but appeared to be playing devil’s advocate, at times. A recording of that meeting can be found here: Meeting with Bonner Investigator

Evidence, Admission of Crimes and the Coverup

Ahrens, her son-in-law (Sgt Willie Cowell), her daughter (Amanda Cristler), Boundary County Prosecutor Andrakay Pluid, Bonner County Prosecutor Louis Marshall, Bonners Ferry Police Chief Brian Zimmerman, Conspiracy and Corruption

Ahrens, on several occasions boastfully testifies that she:

  • Received information about me, from her son-in-law, Willie Cowell, who is a Bonners Ferry police officer. Ahrens told Idaho Republican Chair Dorothy Moon, and me that her son-in-law has investigated me, and Ahrens received that information from him. It is important to note that there are several serious, illegal actions involved with this.
    1. Police officers are forbidden from investigating people without probable cause. It is also illegal to use official police tools and background check databases for personal reasons.
    2. It is illegal for police officers to give access to this information to family members, or anyone not involved with a case in an official capacity.
    3. It is illegal for persons to receive a person’s private information that has been illegally obtained.
    4. NOTE: You can see her testify that she has received leaked information from her son-in-law, who has been illegally investigating me.
  • Received evidence from the Boundary County Prosecutor, illegally.

Here is audio evidence of this, from Ahrens’ herself. Ahrens Testifies her son-in-law and daughter are releasing information about me: https://boundary.news/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Ahrens-admits-to-her-PD-son-in-law-and-daughter-both-investigating-and-leaking-things-to-ahrens.mp3

I contacted the Bonners Ferry Chief of Police, Brian Zimmerman about someone in his department illegally using police tools, and leaking private information to Ahrens. Zimmerman was rude, combative, and refused to review any evidence on this topic. Here is the audio of Zimmerman’s childish, corrupt response. BFPD Chief Brian Zimmerman refuses to review evidence that someone in his department is abusing official tools and leaking information: https://boundary.news/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/BFPD-Zimmerman-Call-03272023.mp3

Ahrens makes comments about not being prosecuted, as if she already knew that the Bonner County Prosecutor would refuse to prosecute her. Here is that audio: Ahrens says no charges will be filed: https://boundary.news/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Ahrens-claims-neither-one-of-us-committed-a-crime-and-no-charges-will-be-made.mp3

Ahrens also testified that her daughter is the assistant to the prosecutor. Here is that audio: Ahrens testifies her daughter is the prosecutor’s assistant: https://boundary.news/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/ahrens-testifies-her-daughter-is-the-prosecutors-assistant-March-17-2023.mp3

Ahrens also testified that she received evidence from the Boundary County Prosecutor. It is important to note that this was during the time that all evidence was to NOT be released on this case. Here is that audio. Ahrens testifies she saw video evidence from the prosecutor: https://boundary.news/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/ahrens-testifies-she-saw-the-video-from-the-prosecutor.mp3

There is also a key piece of video evidence that shows Ahrens assaulting me. This clearly shows Ahrens attacking me. Video showing Ahrens physically assaulting Mark Moseley: https://rumble.com/v2z1wz4-danielle-ahrens-attacks-mark-moseley.html

BCRCC Cam 1 of the Assault: https://youtu.be/HRqnyUiZwx0

BCRCC Cam 2 of the Assault: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcY4YXr3FN4

There are other videos in evidence that show Ahrens stealing my things, breaking my eyeglasses, and assaulting me. I will not be adding those, for the sake of time. That evidence is readily available, and I will be glad to provide it, as needed. I may update this article with the other evidence.

Chain of Evidence

We opened several public records requests, in order to create proof that the Bonner County Prosecutor received all of the evidence in this case. We needed to prove the prosecutor had all of the evidence including all video, audio, and witness statements. See below for more information on this.

Bonner County Prosecutor Refuses to Prosecute

After three months of silence on this case, Louis Marshall’s office (the Bonner County Prosecutor) sent a letter to the Boundary County Prosecutor. In this letter, the prosecutor only talks about supplemental evidence that was submitted. It never mentions the cell phone video footage that clearly shows Ahrens attacking me. This letter also ignores the witness statements. The prosecutor literally cherry-picked portions of available evidence, while ignoring the key pieces, in order to create a narrative where they claim there is no proof that Ahrens assaulted me. This proves that Louis Marshall is corrupt. Here is a copy of the letter that was sent to the Boundary County Prosecutor: https://boundary.news/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Bonner-County-Rejection-Letter.pdf

Bonner County Prosecutor Stonewalls and Breaks Idaho Law

I have sent several public records requests to Louis Marshall via email, asking for a list of evidence his office has received from the Boundary County Prosecutor. Our first request was sent on June 16th; we have sent several other requests, and Louis Marshall has never responded. By law, Louis Marshall is required to respond within three days of the initial request. This is July 9th, and Marshall still has not responded. Here is a copy of the original request: https://boundary.news/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Idaho-Official-Public-Records-Request-Form-PRR_Generic_Request-Sealed-REDACTED-scaled.jpg

It is important to note that I have left 5 voicemails, and Louis Marshall’s office has never called me back. Every time I call, they say he is busy.

Additional Notes on Witness Statements

As you can find in the police report, there are several witness statements. Two key witness statements are Danielle Ahrens and Caleb Davis. They both make claims that I have threatened them, and others, and that I am violent. None of these accusations are true. I challenge anyone in Boundary County to show me doing any of these actions. These people are perpetual liars, and will say anything as long as they believe it will benefit them. Ahrens also claims that I tried to intimidate the Committee, and spit on them. The video of this meeting shows that I was NOT out of line, out of order, intimidated anyone, or spit on anyone. Sheriff Dave Kramer was also present at this meeting. Here is the video of that meeting: https://youtu.be/JSKgMLqeY4A?list=PLgGnmvs_JFiigZxR9c0FQZK5pQxoscZ5q&t=3670

Here is the video of the full March 6th public portion of the BCRCC meeting, where Caleb Davis and Ahrens accuse me of “blowing up”, being “verbally aggressive”, “threatening them” and “posturing”. As you will see in this video, these people are liars, and I never did any of the things they claim. March 6th Public BCRCC Meeting: https://youtu.be/uuiMHNqYb0Y?list=PLgGnmvs_JFiigZxR9c0FQZK5pQxoscZ5q

The last I recall, it is a crime to lie to police. Since Davis and Ahrens lied to police, why have they not been charged?

If you look at Ahrens’ witness statement, she mentions that “they” made sure there was a police presence, because they “had a feeling” something was going to happen. This means they planned for something to happen, and that they were the instigators. Additionally, this witness statement shows the lies being told by Davis and Ahrens. Here is the police report from Deputy Wion. (Note the language of Wion shows he is biased. He did not mention me being on the committee, or mention that I told him Eric Olson threatened me with bodily harm during the executive session.)

The Police Report and Witness Statement can be found here: https://boundary.news/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Police-Report-and-Witness-Statements-01-2023-00131.pdf

Lastly, I have collected the BCRCC meeting minutes from May 2022 – February 2023. These meeting minutes prove that I have never been aggressive, had outbursts, or been out of order. Caleb Davis, Danielle Ahrens, and their cronies on the BCRCC have been lying to the police, and everyone else about me. The video evidence is compelling, and the meeting minutes show I have done nothing but try to get the BCRCC to do its job.


Anyone who is not insane can clearly see that Ahrens assaulted me, and that I was not the aggressor.

The local “news” outlets have been working together with the “Old Boy Network” in this community, in an effort to destroy and silence those who they see unfit to be part of their corrupt system of cronyism.

Their articles about me have been an effort to discredit me, while propping up the corrupt in this county. Boundary.News will continue to expose the corruption in this community, tell the truth, and provide evidence of those truths.

The “Old Boy Network” is alive and well in North Idaho. Corruption will continue to thrive, unless the people rally together, and actually do something about it. We must purge the corrupt from this place. There is a war brewing between good and evil; which side are you going to be on?


  1. Good article. It is really amazing how these people can LIE and get by with it. Let’s see
    their evidence and not just their word, they can say anything. The only people they used
    as witnesses were those involved. How about the people who was present but not involved.

  2. I went through the same thing with the Herald regarding the tort I’m involved in with the school district. They cherry picked the criminal record in order to make the volunteer coach look like less of a dirtbag. Weland flat out refused to even write an article.

    The entire Boundary county government and law enforcement are corrupt. The school district and government officials commit crimes, while law enforcement and local fake media protect them.

  3. The good old boys club in this county has been around for years and that’s why many people hate the idea of new folks moving in. Same old names have been in power for the 30 plus years I have been here and like they did in the last election will ban together democrat and (so called) republican to keep good old boys in power and newer people out of local positions. Good luck with your battle but seems like they have circled the wagons for fear of an attack.

  4. It’s no wonder our BCRCC gets so little done and what they do get done is making sure the RINO good ol boys club stays in charge. What a bunch of infantile BS.

  5. Thank you for posting this including the informative media and documentation that show a very clear lack of professionalism. lack of decorum, and lack of respect for all in attendance. Obviously we need to see 2 resignations ASAP!

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