Boundary County Sheriff Candidates Compared



The upcoming election will decide who the next Sheriff of Boundary County will be. We have arrived at a major crossroads in Boundary County, where the people need to decide if we want to escape the corruption, or if we will continue down that road. Several seats have been filled with Subversionists running unopposed. However, there are three candidates for Sheriff.

The voters have grown tired, and it shows. Fewer people are getting involved, and Conservatives are losing every election in 2022, 2023, and 2024. The corrupt have been winning left and right. It is time for us to vote for the most qualified candidate for Sheriff. If we fail to do our duty, the cartel known as “the good-ol-boy network” will continue strangling the citizens of this county. 


Last Thursday, March 21st, a “debate” was held at the Bonners Ferry High School. The Panhandle Republican Women’s group organized the event, with the help of several local businesses and subversionists who sponsored it. Although it was called a “debate”, it was nothing more than a question/answer session. However, it was a good event. You can watch the debate using this link: BOUNDARY COUNTY SHERIFF DEBATE 2024

Mary Fioravanti and Amy Roemelen were the moderators for this event.



Jon VanGesen clearly won the debate and stole the show. His presentation was natural, and powerful. He outlined his credentials and plan that the crowd understood and was excited about, based on the applause. After the debate, Mr VanGesen stood in the center of the room, while audience members joyfully surrounded him.


VanGesen with Citizen
VanGesen Speaking

Dave Schuman came in a solid “second”. He stood stoic, and had a strong presence on the floor. Mr Schuman answered some questions so honestly, that it surprised many audience members. I have known Dave for years, and have found him to be dedicated to this community. Additionally, I have found him to be one that sacrifices much of himself for his duty with the Sheriff’s Department. His grit and in-your-face style of honesty showed his character on the floor during the debate. It is important to note that I could hear that his mic was not calibrated/tuned to the same settings as the other two candidates’ mics. Whether it was on purpose, or by accident, I do not know. After the debate, Mr Schuman had several people at his booth that conversed with him.

Schuman and Citizen
Schuman Speaking

Travis Stolley came in far behind the other candidates. He stood in his spot and swayed back & forth. He failed to provide answers to most of the questions. He often went around in circles with his responses, and was unable to answer specifics about his qualifications. Most of his answers could be described using the term “doublespeak“. Mr Stolley went back to his booth after the debate. We were able to capture a nice photo of him, there. At the time we were there, there were no supporters talking to him.

Stolley at Booth
Stolley Speaking



Dave Schuman – Pros and Cons

Although Schuman has been consistently placed on the worst shifts, and often been treated with contempt by other members of the Sheriff’s Department, he has endured and overcome the adversity through his unbreakable fervor for his duty as a Deputy Sheriff. Shuman has extensive experience inside the Boundary County Sheriff’s Department, in addition to a full career working within Military Law Enforcement. Shuman’s biggest experience gap is lack of administrative skills. The following outlines some of the pros and cons of Dave Schuman:


  • 44 years of total experience (20 as military policeman, and 24 years with Boundary County Sheriff’s Department)
  • Wants to bring back integrity to the Department
  • Army Vet
  • JBS Member
  • Endorsements from local citizens, and law enforcement professionals
  • Holds several certifications
  • Constitutional based candidate
  • Dedicated to his duty
  • Received several commendations
  • Many of the corrupt Sheriff’s Department members said they will quit, if Schuman is elected. This says alot about his character. If the corrupt hate you, you must be doing something right


  • Ego Driven / Can be perceived as abrasive
  • Lacks Administrative experience that is required

Travis Stolley – Pros and Cons

Stolley is liked by many established members of the community. Although I have never met Travis, several people that I know have told me that he is a nice guy who really wants to do his part for the community. I have to say that that is a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, the Sheriff needs certain qualifications, and Mr Stolley has zero qualifications to be Sheriff. Being a former standby deputy is not a qualification for Sheriff. One analogy reminds me of professional football, where a backup player fresh out of high school wants to be the coach of the team. It would be absurd to allow him to be the coach. Travis and his campaign have ignored requests by Boundary.News for an interview.

If you want to break the chains of corruption in this county, do not vote for Travis Stolley.


  • Former Marine
  • Has some experience in the Boundary County Police Department and the Sheriff’s Department
  • Constitutional based candidate
  • While on duty, Stolley has mishandled and “lost” key evidence that contained child pornography. He also did not file a report on the child porn case
  • He has failed to wear gloves while inside a murder scene
  • Lacks experience in any capacity relevant to being a Sheriff
  • Member of the Establishment, Old Boy Network (susceptible to corruption)
  • Will not answer questions about his resume
  • Does not respond well to questions
  • Relies too much on his “connections” in the community
  • Endorsed by the Bonners Ferry Herald, and 9b news, which are both local marxist news outlets
  • No website
  • Endorsed by the corrupt, local establishment and marxists
  • Stonewalled Boundary.News when asked for interview over the phone or in person
  • Campaign Facebook page is locked to where the public cannot view it
  • Suspicious entities have donated to his campaign. See the notes below in the Campaign Donations section

Jon VanGesen – Pros and Cons

Jon VanGesen’s entrance into the race caught most of us by surprise. To tell the truth, I was very skeptical of this individual that seemingly came out of left field. My only interactions with Mr VanGesen was a single phone interview. I tried several techniques in an effort to get a negative read on Jon. Although I did my best, I detected no signs of deception, and he passed the interview with zero red flags. During the debate, his demeanor and natural communication skills were quite impressive. I also tried to find gaps in his skill set and character history, but I failed to find anything that was noteworthy.


  • 35 years of experience as a Law Enforcement Professional. Is the most experienced in law enforcement
  • Leader and Administrator in numerous Supervisory and Administrative Positions
  • Holds several certifications
  • Brings a fresh perspective
  • Strong Communicator
  • Wants to bring better response times
  • Wants to modernize squad vehicles with Mobile Data Terminals
  • Wants to modernize online presence
  • Endorsed by several professionals in law enforcement
  • Received the most commendations out of all of the candidates
  • Constitutional based candidate


  • Fan of Jimmy Carter


We pulled the campaign donations data from the Sunshine Report. What we found, was a little strange. The dataset can be downloaded from Boundary.News here: CAMPAIGN DONATIONS DATA SET

NOTE: The Sunshine Report Database is going through a migration to a new site. The dataset we were able to get might not be up to date.


Travis Stolley’s campaign received money from suspicious sources, and has received more donations than the other candidates, combined. We also uncovered a history of financial problems. However, due to the amount of time that has passed, we will not outline the details. What did concern us, is that information about Travis Stolley is being scrubbed/removed from several online investigative sources. This almost always happens when a person asks for their information to be removed or made private on these sites.

The suspicious entity that donated $980.00 to his campaign is called “Boundary Educational Services International”. We looked into this organization and found it to be fake. It is registered in Wyoming as a business. However, there is no name associated with it, and when we checked their website, the phone numbers did not work, and the website looks like a typical NGO site that is setup with fake information. This entity donated twice totaling $980 to Stolley’s campaign. He also is listed as having $4500 in cash without explaining where it came from. In addition to this, several corrupt police officers donated to his campaign, along with several subversionists.


Dave Schuman’s campaign has received a few donations, and we found no issues with where the money comes from.


According to the dataset, VanGesen has not taken any donations. He appears to be financing his campaign with his own money. 


This election is the most important election in decades. The people of Boundary County need to start putting aside their feelings and start voting for the best candidates. Just because you have strong feelings about someone is not a good reason to vote for them. A Sheriff, in a county this size needs a Sheriff with good character, skills to do the job properly. Do your duty, and vote based on these things. 

Tell your friends to read this article. Share it with as many people as you can. Send it to friends through email and social media so that everyone can be informed about the candidates.


  1. Ok the library is a total mess, the schools are falling apart and 50% of the kids are home schooled while being taxed for services not being rendered. The police department is a wreak cant even transport a criminal much less investigate a real crime like rape. The buildings downtown are falling apart, aproxamatly 50% occupancy rate . The Republican central committee cencors its members and the public and wont support the winner of its primary. There are 6,806 republicans and only 663 Democrats. And outsiders are the problem. Keep doin what youre doin ….. keep gettin what your gettinn

  2. You nailed it Dave !! How can 663 Demorats be SO stupid as to not see what their influence is doing to this community. But then, what do you expect from the “good ol boys” and their bias 9B so-called publisher who has his head so far up his butt, will never have a clue to what is truly going on. Kinda goes back to….They can’t see the forest for the trees.

  3. April 5, 2024
    This is a well written article with much good information. Hopefully people will read it. Don’t bother to go to the Herald, much phony information. If a conservative letter is written ‘letter to the editor’ the liberal people will surround that letter with opposing letters – no truth. That is what you get from The Herald.

  4. FYI, the mentally ill teenager escaped from a private security transport service. Many of the Republicans you site are actually Democrats who change party affiliation to vote for RINOs.

  5. Mr Stolley recently did an interview with the Herald. He correctly explained why he did not have on gloves entering the crime scene. Until you are sure there are no more suspects or victims at the location, gloves are always kept off so you can utilize your weapons properly. You only put gloves on after the scene is secure. Everyone arriving at the scene after it is secure would then put on gloves if they were handling evidence. Thats it.

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