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Mark Sauter: A disappointment, but certainly not a surprise

Representative Mark Sauter: A disappointment, but certainly not a surprise

by: Jeanine Betsher

Moyie Springs, Idaho

Granted, he had some big shoes to fill, and we knew he wasn’t the person who could do it, but a lot of folks voted for Mark Sauter for Representative and here we are: the legislature has been in session only a few short weeks, and already Mr. Sauter appears to be a tax-and-spend RINO.

Regrettably, the House passed HB24, Governor Little’s Launch Grant Program, with the help of a few Republicans like Rep. Sauter who joined all the Democrats to support this new taxpayer giveaway to big business. This program expands government spending, subsidizes corporate training programs,
and allows unelected bureaucrats to decide which jobs or careers are essential.  Rep. Sauter voted YES.  Final votes: 36 YES, 34 NO.

Fortunately, the House passed HB58, a bill to eliminate the March and August election dates for school bond and levy questions and recall elections. This passed the House, but without Mr. Sauter’s help.  
Rep. Sauter voted NO.  Final votes: 43 YES, 26 NO.

Thankfully, the House passed HB71, a bill to protect children from unnecessary, life-altering medical procedures by prohibiting medical providers from performing sex reassignment surgery on minors or prescribing puberty blockers to them.
Rep. Sauter voted YES.  Final votes: 58 YES, 12 NO.

It is important to remember that our elected officials represent us.  They need to hear from you, whether it is to thank them for a vote that aligns with our principles, or when they vote contrary to those principles.

Reach out to Rep. Sauter at and reach out to our other representatives as well.

You can follow all bills and votes at  Or, if you prefer to track how your representative votes on each bill in comparison with other legislators, you can easily do so at

Election Day Intimidation, Coercion, Lies, Hostility and Law Breaking by County Clerk, County Commissioners and Poll Judges

Election Day Intimidation, Coercion, Lies, Hostility and Law Breaking by County Clerk, County Commissioners and Poll Judges

Disclaimer: The following article was written based on direct testimony from several witnesses that took part in the 2022 elections.


On election day, November 8th, 2022, there were several problems that were discovered at all Boundary County polling stations. These issues range from lack of actual ballot boxes, voting machine issues, hostility toward poll watchers and challengers, to lies committed by the County Clerk, and laws that were broken.

There was also a coordinated effort to coerce and intimidate poll watchers & challengers by the County Clerk, some poll workers and many of the precinct judges.

No Ballot Boxes Present at the Polling Stations

There was not a single ballot box located at any of the polling stations, for the purpose of putting completed ballots into. There are reports of people’s COMPLETED ballots being placed on tables for extended periods of time. Some people reported that voters demanded to have the option to put their completed ballots into an actual ballot box, and not into an electronic tally machine. These requests were denied, because the Boundary County Commissioners and County Clerk made sure that there were no ballot boxes at any of the polling stations.

Ballot boxes are REQUIRED to be at each precinct polling place, according to Idaho State Law. There are several mentions in the Idaho State Law actually talks about ballot boxes at the polling stations. The County Commissioners are supposed to “provide sufficient ballots and ballot boxes at each polling place”. The following is from the Idaho Election Laws Handbook:


The board of county commissioners shall also provide a suitable number of ballot boxes for each polling place within the county, and shall have complete authority to determine the specifications for such ballot boxes.

Since when did American citizens lose the right to have their votes counted by a human being, or to put their votes into a locked ballot box?

Voting Machine Shenanigans


In Moyie Springs, the first voting machine that was used, failed to work properly. The machine was failing to roll the ballots, and the ballots were getting hung-up. Voters were burdened with standing around waiting for a place to put their completed ballots. Had there been ballot boxes at the voting stations, this issue would have not had such a negative impact on voters. The County Clerk is required by Idaho State Law to properly test and verify all electronic tally machines prior to the first vote. This was obviously not done at the Moyie Springs polling station. Here is that statute:

34-2413. PREPARATION OF MACHINES FOR USE—INSTRUCTIONS. (1) Before each election at which voting machines or vote tally systems are to be used, the county clerk of a county, in which voting machines or vote tally systems are to be used, shall cause them to be properly prepared and shall cause the election board to be properly instructed in their use.

34-2416. PROCEDURE FOR PREPARING MACHINES FOR AN ELECTION. (1) In preparing a voting machine for an election, the county clerk or the clerk of the city, district or other political subdivision, as the case may be, shall:

(a) Arrange the machine and the ballot labels so that it shall in every particular case meet the requirements of voting and counting at such elections.

(b) Thoroughly inspect and test the machine, and file a certificate in his office that the ballot labels have been properly arranged.– 165 –

(2) The arrangement of offices and names of candidates upon the ballot labels shall conform as nearly as practicable to the provisions of law for the arrangement of names on paper ballots, and in the event that there are more candidates for any office than can be placed upon one (1) page, the labels shall be clearly marked to indicate that the names of candidates for the office are continued on the following page.

(3) Representatives of political parties and candidates shall be permitted to examine the voting machines or vote tally systems.


There was a second voting/tally machine brought in, due to the first machine failing to function properly. This new machine had EXISTING COMPLETED BALLOTS inside of it. The counter also did not register zero.

On top of all of this, neither the first, nor the second voting machine were verified by the first voter to use the machine, to be EMPTY, and the counter set to ZERO. This was verified by the Poll Watchers at Moyie Springs.

The Idaho Secretary of State says that prior to the first vote on a machine, the first elector should be shown verification that the machine is EMPTY and the counter is set to ZERO. Only after this is verified, should the first vote be entered into the machine. This can be found on page 3 of the “PROCEDURAL MANUAL FOR JUDGES AND CLERKS OF ELECTIONS”.

The following Idaho Statute states:

34-2421. PROCEDURE IF A VOTING MACHINE BECOMES INOPERATIVE. (1) If any voting machine used in any election precinct, during or before the time the polls are opened, becomes damaged so as to render it inoperative in whole or in part, an election board clerk immediately shall notify the election officer charged with the care of the machine.

(2) If possible, the election officer so notified shall repair the machine at once or substitute another machine for the damaged machine.

(3) If no other machine can be procured for use at the election and the damaged machine cannot be repaired in time for further use at the election, or where in the discretion of a majority of the members of the election board it is impracticable to use the machine, the election board shall permit the voters to use paper ballots prepared as in cases where paper ballots are used. The paper ballots shall be furnished to the election board by the county clerk. The paper ballots shall be issued, voted and deposited in ballot boxes in as nearly the same manner as provided by law, except that the paper ballots shall not be tallied and returned by the election board. Instead, these paper ballots shall be delivered to the county clerk for his tally and canvass.

It is important to note that for a period of time, BOTH the first and the second voting machine were being used in tandem. How can this be, if the first machine was inoperable?

Completed Ballots Placed on Tables Out in the Open and Not in a Ballot Box as Required by State Law

Some voters insisted that their ballots be placed in an actual ballot box, while other voters had issues with the electronic tally machines not processing their ballots. In all of these cases, the completed ballots were placed on tables for the rest of the day. We have not received any information as to exactly what happened to these completed ballots. They should have been LOCKED in a ballot box.

Republican Central Committee was Notified about These Issues but Dismissed the Complaints

On December 5th, 2022, some of the poll watchers voiced to the BCRCC their experience while being poll watchers. Her experience was dismissed by the BCRCC. Here is the video of the challenger at the BCRCC meeting: Video BCRCC Meeting December 5, 2022

Intimidation and Abuse of Power

Hostility, Intimidation, Coercion and Lies Against Poll Watchers & Challengers by the County Clerk and Precinct Judges

Poll Watchers Denied Entry into Ballot Tally Rooms

Ballots were being tallied/processed in rooms at some of the polling locations. Poll Watchers were initially told they are not allowed in the rooms where poll workers were manually tallying votes. According to several poll challengers & watchers, the judges, the County Clerk and some poll workers were extremely rude, hostile, and some even got physical when the watchers attempted to enter the tally areas. At two locations, only a single watcher was eventually allowed to observe the manually tallied ballots being processed. It is important to know that several precincts should have had watchers present, but the workers, judges and County Clerk stopped them. Many watchers were so intimidated, they sat in the chairs that they were “ordered” to sit in.

Lies Told to Poll Watchers

The poll watchers & challengers were all told that they had to:

  • Sit in a specific chair in a specific location
  • Do not move around the facility
  • Don’t speak
  • Do not use your phone for calls, photos or videos
  • You are not allowed to be present where manual tally of votes occurs

The County Clerk chose to follow “directives” by the Secretary of State, instead of following the actual Idaho State Law. After reading several cases regarding Secretary of State “directives”, it was discovered that these “directives” often carry no legal authority. They are merely “recommendations”, and are not enforceable, when the directives deviate from the actual wording of the law. the Secretary of State can only make enforceable directives according to State Law. Any directive based on their own ideas and interpretation of the law is not enforceable.

None of these “directives” exist in the Idaho State Law. Some of these “directives” are only found in a document issued by the Idaho Secretary of State called “IDAHO SECRETARY OF STATE DIRECTIVES“.

The packets handed out to poll workers and judges had the following “rules/directives” in them. As far as we could find, these directives do not exist in the Idaho State Law:

  • Poll watchers & challengers must sit in a single chair, and not move around the facility.
  • Poll watchers & challengers cannot speak.
  • Poll watchers & challengers cannot make calls.
  • Poll watchers & challengers are not allowed to be present and observe the manual processing of ballots.

The following Idaho Statute excerpt states:

34-304. CHALLENGERS—WATCHERS. A watcher is entitled to observe any activity conducted at the location at which the watcher is serving, provided however, that the watcher does not interfere with the orderly conduct of the election. If the watchers are present at the polling place when ballots are counted they shall not absent themselves until the polls are closed. A watcher serving at the central counting station may be present at any time the station is open for the purpose of processing or preparing to process election results and until the election officers complete their duties at the station.

It is important to note that directives from the Secretary of State are not law. In fact, the document provided by the Secretary of State does not align with Idaho State Law, in many sections.

Unprofessional and Unlawful Behavior of Poll Workers

Poll workers were observed by poll watchers making remarks for certain write-in candidates, and negative insulting remarks about other candidates. This occurred in at least three locations (Moyie Springs, Naples and The Bonners Ferry Fairgrounds).

Poll workers and judges are strictly forbidden from conversations that include making comments regarding candidates, or commenting on political issues, according to Idaho State Law.

Instructions from the Idaho Secretary of State Do Not Include Instructions for Manual Ballot Placement into a Ballot Box

Although the Idaho State Law clearly defines the process for manually casting ballots into a ballot box, none of the instruction materials handed out to poll workers & judges contained information on this topic. In fact, the Secretary of State directives had ZERO information regarding this topic. Poll workers and judges should have been given proper training on this topic, but the County Clerk failed to do so.

Poll Workers Abandoned their Posts

We received a report from the Copeland polling station, that all of the poll workers abandoned their posts for a period of time.

The County Clerk showed up, and called all poll workers and judges over to an area where the County Clerk could have a meeting with them. This left no post attended, and voters were left standing around not knowing what to do.

One voter asked a poll watcher a question. The County Clerk observed this, ran over and started yelling at the poll watcher. The poll watcher did not even have time to respond to the voter who asked them a question.

Idaho State Law states that at least one poll worker must be at their post at all times. This law was broken, when the County Clerk called an all-hands meeting while the polls were open.

Votes Cast by Email

We received a report alleging that during the 2020 election, the County Clerk enabled a family of voters to cast their votes through email. If this report is true, then the Clerk broke the law. It is illegal to vote via email in Idaho.

Signature Verification Problems

A voter told us her story about the signature verification process. She initially used a signature when registering to vote. However, she accidentally signed her ballot using a former signature that she no longer uses. Her vote was counted and processed. The signatures were never challenged by the Clerk’s office, or election official. Are signatures even being properly checked in Boundary County?


It is obvious that those who run the Boundary County elections are not interested in transparency in the election process. The poll watchers and challengers are supposed to help make sure we have honest, transparent elections. These people were met with hostility and intimidation by the County Clerk, Precinct Judges, and many of the Poll Workers. This only occurs when those who run our elections are corrupt. There is no valid reason why challengers and watchers should be lied-to, intimidated and coerced by the overseers of the election process.

Election laws were broken, and the Boundary County Republican Central Committee dismissed complaints by the poll watchers.

Election overseers should be transparent, professional and properly trained. This is not the case in Boundary County.

What are the people of Boundary County going to do to fix these abhorrent problems with our elections?

To Those Who Substitute Insults for Thought

From Neil Oliver: a biting indictment of the imprecise use of language and name calling in current political debate.  This Scot has a fine grasp of the English language. That’s something we all need to cultivate, as the war of words and ideas escalates. Listen here: The Slow Creep of Ugliness into the Language of Public Debate is Impossible to Ignore.

Toward that end, we should all review George Orwell’s classic, Politics and the English Language.

Cd’A Schools Adopted “Transgender Student Guidelines” in 2014 — Former Trustees Shocked Saying “I Would Have Flat Out Voted No On It”

From The Idaho Tribune:

BOMBSHELL: Cd’A Schools Adopted “Transgender Student Guidelines” in 2014 — Former Trustees Shocked Saying “I Would Have Flat Out Voted No On It”

Crazy – Not Conservative

Coeur d’Alene School District is back in hot water, following the release of the District’s “Transgender Student Guidelines” that had, until now, been kept hidden away from the prying eyes of the public.

This comes at a time that Coeur d’Alene Schools are seeking a Perpetual $25 Million Dollar a year levy that is “steadfastly opposed” by the KCRCC, the official Kootenai County Republican Party.

The policy documents were released in a series of Tweets by Conservative activist and founder of the Citizens Alliance of Idaho, Matt Edwards.

\uD83E\uDDF5 Non-Public Internal Document reveals @CdaSchools District 271, Coeur d' Alene, does in fact have Transgender Student Guidelines that allow biological males to compete in female sports, requires staff to use chosen pronouns, and prevents staff from discussing issue w/ parents.

— Matt Edwards (@TrueMattEdwards) February 10, 2023\n“,”width”:550,”height”:null,”resolvedBy”:”twitter”,”providerName”:”Twitter”}” data-block-type=”22″>

According to meeting minutes, the “Transgender Student Guidelines” were adopted on July 7th, 2014. That was the same meeting that Christa Hazel, a left wing agitator who has been linked to the violent domestic terrorist organization Antifa, was elected Chairman of Coeur d’Alene School District’s Board of Trustees.

Notable passages from the “Transgender Student Guidelines” adopted by the board say:

  • “Gender Identity is a person’s inner sense of being male or female, regardless of their biological sex assigned at birth.”

  • “Students have the right to dress in accordance with their gender identity that is consistently asserted at school,”

  • “…where students are separated by gender in school activities (e.g. overnight field trips), students should be permitted to participate in accordance with their gender identity consistently asserted at school.”

  • “A transgender student should not be required to use a locker room or restroom that conflicts with the student’s gender identity.”

  • “…students should be permitted to participate in physical education and sports in accordance with the student’s gender identity that is consistently asserted at school.”

  • “Any student ID should be issued in the name that reflects a student’s gender identity that is consistently asserted at school.”

We reached out to Trustees who were on the board at the time the “guidelines” were adopted.

Tom Hamilton is a Conservative who served as Chairman of Cd’A Schools Board of Trustees until 2014. According to the Spokesman Review, Hamilton “led a conservative takeover of the Coeur d’Alene School Board.”

In a phone call with Idaho Tribune reporters, Hamilton said “I would have flat out voted no on it.”

Hamilton was known as the “policy wonk” on the board, enthusiastic about reading every line of policy, and crafting new policies for the District. “They used to call me the policy wonk. I was the guy that stuck to details in the policy. I read everything.”

Three months later, 7/7/14, the Transgender Student Guidelines were slipped in among a laundry list of other actual policy items that were passed by the board 5-0 in single vote. There were not looked at one-by-one. Note that the guidelines do not contain a policy number.

— Matt Edwards (@TrueMattEdwards) February 10, 2023 “}” data-block-type=”22″>

According to the Cd’A School Board’s meeting minutes, Hamilton seconded the motion to adopt the guidelines which passed in a 5-0 vote. Hamilton said:

“There is no chance. We had screaming matches over it. I went to the attorney general and got a document that said if they wanted to be identified with different pronouns or as a different gender, you’d have to get a new birth certificate.”

“The last thing I would want is a 13 year old girl to be in the showers with a penis. It’s hard enough as it is to be a kid in school without that.”

Hamilton continued, saying “The one concession I would have made is if someone asked for a private bathroom to use, I would have been ok with that.” But otherwise, “If you’re a biological male, you’re going to stay with the biological males.”

Former Conservative Trustee Terri Seymour said that this “is absolutely not what I voted on. I never would have supported that policy. I was adamantly opposed, because that’s what they were trying to do. They wanted gender neutral bathrooms, locker rooms, etc…”

Earlier in 2014, liberal trustee Tom Hearn had brought forward policies about “Gender Identity” issues, during a coordinated campaign with the Human Rights Foundation, a George Soros linked NGO, during their controversial “Add The Words” campaign.

According to Maureen Dolan in a March 4th Coeur d’Alene Press article:

The controversial campaign to change Idaho’s anti-discrimination laws to include protections for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community has surfaced again in Coeur d’Alene.

Nine months after the Coeur d’Alene City Council adopted an ordinance that prohibits discrimination in employment and public accommodations on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, Coeur d’Alene School District trustees are being asked to do something similar.

The article which was about a contentious Board of Trustees meeting continues:

Tim Scott, a former tennis coach at Lake City High School, spoke next.

Scott accused trustees Tom Hearn and Christa Hazel of being dishonest about the issue.

Scott said he and John Padula, who also attended Monday’s board meeting, asked trustees in January and February if they were having any discussions with members of the LGBT community, and they were told no discussions were taking place.

“…this board was addressed with a concern relating to the LGBT approaching the school district board and proposing a change in school policy wording that would create a special class and a special group of individuals, which could ultimately open the door to allow these individuals access to their respective opposite restrooms and showers facilities and provide them with special privileges not available to other students,” Scott said.

Scott said that through a public records request, the men received copies of all of Tom Hearn’s school board account emails for November and December and discovered two instances where Hearn communicated with members of the LGBT community and the school board.

“You guys acted like there was nothing going on…”

Former Trustee Tom Hamilton said that he remembered this organized campaign, noting that Coeur d’Alene City Council had recently passed a LGBT ordinance that made it illegal for a little chapel called The Hitching Post to continue doing business. The Hitching Post, which was owned by a Christian family, refused to perform same-sex marriages. The Idaho Constitution only recognizes marriage as between one man and one woman.

The LGBT ordinance was approved of by Fake Republican Dan Gookin, and disgraced North Idaho College Trustee Christie Wood.

The Hitching Post has since closed its doors, sadly going out of business.

In 2021, following a community uproar against the school district due to it’s highly unpopular mask and vaccine policies, a similar conservative takeover of the Coeur d’Alene school board was attempted with KCRCC backed candidates Leslie Bjerke, Allie Anderton, and Glen Campbell. Bjerke and Anderton won their races, but Campbell lost by a narrow margin.

The Idaho Tribune spoke with current Coeur d’Alene School Board Trustee Leslie Bjerke about the policies. “I’m shocked,” she said. “I didn’t even know they existed. None of us even knew that it was there until Matt e-mailed us.”

Dr. Shon Hocker, the current Superintendent of Coeur d’Alene Public schools told the Tribune that “no one can say this was left out of the public’s eye.” However when searching the District’s website, the guidelines in question cannot be found with the search function. The only result that comes back is the Districts “Suicide Prevention” policy.

Hocker continued, saying “There were multiple board meetings held where this topic was discussed leading up to the board approving the guidelines 7/7/2014.”

Unfortunately, the Coeur d’Alene School Board’s website only provides meeting minutes as far back as 2021, and we have been unable to search the archives using their online portal.

Recently, these policies have been in the news, after chaos erupted in Caldwell Idaho, when their School District Board of Trustees shut down Senator Chris Trakel, who was giving public comment against the policy during the meeting.

It has since come to light that the Chairwoman of the board, Marisela Pesina, has a son that identifies as Trans and preforms at drag shows like Boise Pride.

The policy under consideration at Caldwell High School is the Idaho School Board Association (ISBA) Policy #3281 on “Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation.” The ISBA has been urging all Idaho Schools to adopt this policy, and has already been implemented at over 60 schools.

The policy has drawn sharp criticism from Attorney General Raul Labrador who cautioned the ISBA that the policy may be illegal according to Idaho’s Laws.

Coeur d’Alene School District has a unique opportunity ahead. This November, two more seats on the school board will be up for election, which could give Coeur d’Alene residents a supermajority on the board. If that happens, Coeur d’Alene schools could craft a policy that could become the Gold Standard of “transgender” policies not only in the state, but in the country.

Speaking with the Tribune, Trustee Allie Anderton said:

Since finding out about the “guidelines” I have reached out to several other school districts in Idaho as well as looked into other states who have successfully written policy outlining bathroom, locker room, and lodging for students to be addressed assigned and limited to biological sex.

I am looking at sample policies as well, and will be looking to modify and/or combine those policies to fit our district and community values, and present that to the rest of the board as soon as possible. Ultimately the rights, privacy, comfort, and safety of students in our district, regardless of sexual orientation, are of the utmost importance to me both personally and as a Board member.

Matt Edwards, who initially found the “hidden” guidelines at Coeur d’Alene schools still has questions though, and we do too. Edwards said on Twitter:

“This is a serious issue, because for 9 years, diligent parents who did basic research of the school district on their website as they vetted where their child would be attending school, would never have come across these guidelines. In fact, current and past Coeur d’ Alene Board members I spoke with told me they didn’t know that “guidelines” were something that the district had, that weren’t a part of existing policy that is readily available. What other guidelines does the district operate under that isn’t public?”

Former Conservative Trustee Tom Hamilton said in a phone call, “I wonder if this was done behind our backs. I guarantee you, NEVER would I have voted for boys using a girls locker room.”

This is an ongoing story, and we will be providing updates as soon as they are available.


From The Idaho Freedom Foundation

House Bill 24, the Idaho Launch bill, passed the House yesterday afternoon by a razor-thin margin after more than an hour of spirited debate. Rep. Megan Blanksma is the House sponsor, but Governor Little has been the driving force behind this bill, which would expand the existing Idaho Launch Grant program, providing $8,500 per high school graduate ($102 million overall) for technical education and workforce training.

Idaho Freedom Foundation strongly opposes this bill because it significantly expands a government program, subsidizes corporate training programs, and distributes money to certain industries as determined by the unelected Workforce Development Council.

Opponents of the bill made many excellent points during the House debate. Rep. David Cannon stated the obvious, that this bill was “a step away from free markets and a step in the direction of a command economy.” Rather than letting the market decide which careers are “in demand,” this bill allows the Workforce Development Council to use grants to push students toward certain areas.

Rep. Elaine Price called out the hubris of government deciding which jobs are “essential” and which are not. This sort of thing hearkens back to the COVID lockdowns, when Governor Brad Little shut down so-called “non-essential” businesses.

This bill would send tax dollars to trade schools, colleges, and corporations, ostensibly to train up a generation of Idaho tech workers. In a statement after the vote, Gov. Little lauded the bill, saying that the grant will help students looking for career opportunities as well as employers who need trained workers. Yet the governor forgot one important group. As Rep. Mike Kingsley asked, “Who is looking out for the taxpayer?”

Rep. Heather Scott asked a great question yesterday afternoon. With the Workforce Development Council made up of business leaders, what is to stop them from simply designating their own industries as “essential” and “in demand”? From that perspective, this bill amounts to a giveaway of tax dollars to private interests.

Rep. Vito Barbieri correctly pointed out that H.24 simply subsidizes corporations. “If we are going to help these students,” he asked, “why do we have to have a central planner?”

Rep. Jason Monks brought up basic economics, explaining that if students are allocated a “free” $8,500 from the government, then the price of workforce development is surely going to go up by a commensurate amount. Monks also pointed out that many of these corporations are already paying for their own workforce development, so once again this bill is a thinly-disguised handout.

Rep. Brent Crane gave what should have been the final nail in this bill’s coffin when he explained the nature of government programs: “Once we start it, we’re never going back.”

Unfortunately, enough representatives were persuaded, either by the governor’s office or IACI, that this new spending program would be a good idea. It is telling that every Democrat joined with a minority of House Republicans to pass this bill. Check the board below to see how your legislator voted:

Congratulations to those brave representatives who defied the governor and the special interests pushing hard for this bill, especially the freshmen who must be feeling enormous pressure. Now it moves to the Senate, where it might have a tougher time. The arguments made against the bill yesterday afternoon will echo as senators begin their own debates.

We call on the Senate to do what is right, to look out for the taxpayer rather than the special interests, and defeat this bad bill.

When Loggers were Right-Wing Extremists Part 1 / 2

Those of you who are long-term residents of Boundary County should think back to an earlier time.  Perhaps you are too young to remember, and should ask your parents and your grandparents if they remember when loggers were called tree-killers, land rapists, right-wing extremists, religious fanatics, owl murderers, buffalo hunters or members of  a far-right mob.

If old-timers here would like to take a trip down memory lane, they should read Alston Chases’ book, In a Dark Wood: the Fight over the Forests and the Myths of Nature.  Chase gives an absorbing account of the environmental movement and the struggle of rural Americans to survive it. I can guarantee you, there are many who don’t want you to remember.

Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Logger?

As environmental groups made more and more demands, and refused to compromise with loggers and other natural resource workers, frantic rural people, notably here in Boundary County, people in Troy, Libby, Pocatello and elsewhere across the United States began to network among themselves and organize themselves politically to struggle against the shutting down of the woods and the destruction of their livelihoods.  They called themselves “The Wise Use movement.”  The movement was national, joined by ranchers, farmers, fishermen, miners, property rights advocates and others.

Environmental non-governmental organizations were horrified at the public favor this new movement received.  Surveys showed that the majority of Americans were highly receptive to the idea that we could make use of natural resources without destroying either nature or the economy.  The two were not mutually exclusive. The public did not favor pure preservation that would hurt the economy or limit personal freedoms.

The Environmental Grantmakers Association got together to decide what to do about this unforeseen development.  Having done research, they admitted that the Wise Use movement was not made up of cronies of the lumber industry, but that they were a truly grassroots movement of moms and pops. The citizens in this movement were mom and pop groups operating out of garages and basements, with shoestring budgets not to be compared with the big bucks donated to their opposition groups. 

These people are not wrong, said one environmentalist, they get it. They’re losing their jobs.  This is a class issue.  They’re right: We are rich. They are saying, these guys live in glass towers in New York.  We are the real environmentalists, as we are the ones who have lived and worked and cared for the land for generations.

Nevertheless, the Wilderness report recommended smear tactics in order to win the majority of the public over to their point of view.  It recommended painting the Wise Use movement as a far-right, fanatically religious pawn of powerful, special interests.  The report suggested writing books, articles and monographs portraying Wise Use as ripping off America and showing the connections between leaders of the movement with other extremists.

Representatives of The Pew Charitable Trust, the Bullitt Foundation and the Alton Jones Foundation worked with public relations group, Fenton Communications, who sent activists to major media centers in Washington D.C. There, they briefed editorial boards, news directors, and feature writers, thereby generating a media blitz in their favor.

The Environmentalists Grantmakers Association decided to smear the Wise Use movement by “exposing” the links between their leaders and “other extremists” such as the Unification Church, the John Birch Society and Lyndon LaRouche. 

Yep, that’s it; they’re a far-right mob.

Think about it for a Minute

It all sounds so familiar by now, doesn’t it?  Question: How many extremist loggers do you remember here?  Most of the ones I knew just wanted a few beers after work, and to take their wives or girlfriends out dancing on Saturday night.  I did know a logger in Montana who said he was an anarchist, but I don’t seem to remember him doing anything about it.  He did eat spaghetti dinner at our cabin once.

Turning Point

Due to this use of smear tactics to convince a mostly misinformed urban population, as well as the support of biased media, the environmentalists were able to capture the sympathy of the American public.  Public pressure was put on federal land management agencies, and end runs around Congress and state legislatures were conducted.  Circuit court judges were employed to get the decisions special interests wanted. 

Because the environmentalists were afraid they were losing favor with the U.S. Congress, they did not seek a legislative fix to the conflict with the Wise Use movement.  The Congress was leaning toward Wise Use solutions by then.  The Endangered Species Act was due for renewal in 1993, and the environmental groups feared it would be revoked. 

 So, instead of going to Congress, Bill Clinton and Al Gore decided on establishing an administrative bureaucracy that would deal with the issue. They held the Forest Conference (Forest Summit) in Portland, Oregon in 1993. This conference decided the fate of the Pacific Northwest and California, and, a year later the same treatment was proposed for Idaho, Montana, Utah, Nevada and Eastern Washington. The decisions made then determined the fate of western lands and the people who lived there.  I will go into events at that conference more in detail in Part 2 of this two-part series.

Counting the Cost

Chase describes the use of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to seize control of lands, and its ineffectiveness in recovering species to the point where they could be deemed recovered and then removed from the list.  He does say that the enormous amounts of monies budgeted for their recovery was a boon to bureaucratic agencies.  Combined costs to all federal agencies for recovery efforts on behalf of the spotted owl and Chinook and sockeye salmon, just in 1992, were $152,415, 671.  That amount was for just those three species in that one year.  As of 1992, there were 895 species listed and the eventual cost to American taxpayers was estimated at $13.56 billion dollars. Since then, more species have been added.  Imagine costs now.

In addition to those direct expenses and monies, he claims that nobody took the trouble to calculate the huge indirect costs of the enforcement of the ESA to America. Indirect costs stemming from increased federal staffers, lands acquisition for sanctuaries, public assistance to the jobless, reduced or terminated business activities, lost jobs, devalued property, foregone tax revenues, and of course legal fees. 

Nor had anyone calculated the human and economic impacts stemming from the termination or reduction of thousands of private enterprises affected by the act. As an example of  this considerable cost, the creation of a preserve for the gnatcatcher in San Diego County, according to one estimate, would cost local residents $3.46 billion annually and eliminate 28,600 potential jobs.

Destabilization of Rural America

Between 1990 and 1993, 161 mills in Oregon, Idaho, Washington and California closed due to reduced timber harvests.  This displaced 14,675 employees, not including loggers or non-millworkers. Since 1980 the region had witnessed the closure of 342 mills with 32,208 mill jobs lost.  Many mills here in Boundary County have gone out of business just in the last 25 years and many families have had to leave.

By 1993, NBC Nightly News’ Roger O’Neill reported that, in Northern California alone, five thousand people had already lost their jobs because of the controversy over the spotted owl. 

Chase goes on to tell us, “Thanks to logging shutdowns, counties, destitute of funds, were closing schools and hospitals. Poverty spread and families disintegrated. In Grays Harbor County, Washington, the number of food bank users had increased from three thousand to eighteen thousand since 1989, and nearly 90 percent of students in some schools were eligible for the federal food program. A culture of poverty emerged, as aid that attended to the needy—attracted urban poor to the logging communities, where they in turn introduced violence and street gangs.”

In Oregon’s Willamette Valley, there were logging families who had lost their homes and who were camped out in neighbors’ yards and nearby forests. Families argued over finances, and their children began to exhibit emotional problems and destructive behaviors.

Loggers experiencing economic crisis and unemployment in the California Redwoods saw themselves as fast becoming the Appalachia of the West.

This is just touching the tip of the iceberg regarding the devastation of rural America brought on by the environmental movement’s war and the Endangered Species Act.


All the vitriol and devastation poured out on rural Americans did not go unnoticed by Robert G. Lee. When Lee wrote his book, Broken Trust, Broken Land: Freeing Ourselves From The War Over The Environment, he was a professor on the faculty of University of Washington.  His area of specialization is the sociology of natural resources, and he is both a trained forester and a sociologist.

Lee grew up in the country and loves the natural world, but he began to counsel displaced ruralites, and to see the pain and confusion on their faces as their jobs, hopes and dreams were destroyed.  They had been hardworking Americans who had served their country and lovingly cared for family farms and ranches, yet they were now vilified as nature destroyers, environmental criminals and even worse.  They felt their lives had been thrown in the garbage, and they were asking Lee why.  He began to study and reflect on the shadow side of the environmental movement.

In Part 2 of this two-part series, I will describe Lee’s journey, his findings and his conclusions.

Note: I previously wrote that the Forest Summit was held in 1992.  It was actually held in 1993.  I have corrected it above.

Part 2 is found here:

Reinventing Government When Loggers were Right-Wing Extremists

Reinventing Government When Loggers were Right-Wing Extremists Part 2 / 2 – Boundary.News


County Commissioner Tim Bertling Supports UN Agenda 2030 Goal 2

by: Bob Vickaryous

To the editor:

Goal 2  of agenda 2030 which Commissioner Tim Bertling says he supports is to end hunger worldwide. Who could be opposed to that? answer: Only those who have done their homework. Proponents of this UN sponsored  scam want to lock up a full 30% of all of the land by the year 2030. Growing less food is somehow going to give everyone a full belly. To add insult to this injury the 2030 agenda supports banning or restricting commercial fertilizers forcing farmers to produce less of everything including beef and pork.

If you’re not sick to your stomach yet take a look at the menu which is being proposed for little people like you and me. INSECTS! Doesn’t that sound yummy? You see cows exhale CO2 dubbed a greenhouse gas by the 2030  proponents. But in the real world it is known as the gas of life. Plants need it and can’t live without it.

Now back to the menu; Instead of eating beef or pork how about trying a maggot burger or some cow fly soup. Uncooked red worms could be fun too .You could watch them squirm after you cut them in two and try to wiggle off your fork. Meanwhile over in Davos Switzerland the world Oligarchs are making  plans for world population reduction.

Bill Gates who has invested heavily in Pharmaceuticals has stated that we can reduce the world’s population by 10 to 15% with the use of vaccines. Combine that with abortion  contraception  transgenderism and wars and you have the UN’s recipe for combating hunger. You simply have to reduce the amount of eaters to match the amount of available food if you’re going to solve the problem created by the World Oligarchs of too little food. For more on Agenda 2030 visit your local Bottom Dollar Store or go to JBS,org.


— Dictated at —


World Economic Forum Global Risk Report Creating Perfect Storm of Crisis’s

World Economic Forum Global Risk Report Creating Perfect Storm of Crisis’s

to Further Enslave Us

The psychopathic megalomaniacs at the WEF has come out with a report that details what they have orchestrated, for the sole purpose of the further enslavement of everyone in the industrialized world. The luciferians are again telling us exactly what they have in store for us.

This report includes a chart that outlines their 2-year and 10-year “risks”. The term “risk” really means “goal”.

2-Year Projections

The following model includes the 2-year projections of the top engineered crisis’s/goals of the WEF.

Cost-of-Living Crisis

Our government(s) (The USA for this example) has been taxing us into oblivion while spending dozens of trillions of dollars on anything and everything to cripple this nation as a people, while building itself up as a tyrannical, unstoppable entity. The cost of living has gone up 300% over the last ten years, while the dollar drops in value to all-time lows.

Natural Disasters and Extreme Weather Events

Some speculate that these are man-made by our government(s). Others say that if you look at history, you can see a pattern of natural events of Biblical proportions.

Geoeconomic Confrontation

This is the weaponization of economic policy between globally integrated powers. In a nutshell, trade-wars. Just look at what the west has attempted to do to Russia the past year. This will be happening more and more with other nations, as this plan unfolds.

Failure to Mitigate Climate Change

The WEF wants you to believe the term “climate change” has something to do with the weather. However, it actually means “you”. This is a war against humanity.

Erosion of Social Cohesion and Societal Polarization

This is literally the media (movies, TV, news agencies, etc) creating strife and division among the people.

Large-Scale Environmental Damage Incidents

These might include chemical spills, radiation leaks, etc

Failure of Climate Change Adaptation

This is more terrorizing the people into believing that some natural “climate” event is going to kill us all, if we do not capitulate to their directives.

Widespread Cybercrime and Cyber Insecurity

This is more terrorizing the people into believing that there is going to be some group of people that is going to cause this. We all know that they are the ones orchestrating this. Just look at how FTX was used to funnel money to Ukraine, and then back to the politicians in the US.

Natural Resource Crises

The government has been destroying the oil industry for years. Then, they call shortages and price increases a “crisis”. Just remember this is actually caused by our own government.

Large-Scale Involuntary Migration

Technically, migration is done by free-will. Involuntary Migration is actually when people are being forced to march, get onto trains, etc, to go to a place, forcibly by someone else. Pay close attention to these terms. Language is important.

Here is their (the WEF’s) official definitions of these terms:

Here is an interesting video by Analyst Neil McCoy-Ward that gives an interesting perspective on this report here:

We encourage you to read through the entire document in PDF format. The report contains several interesting charts, to show you that crisis’s they are forcing upon us in the near future.

The official link to download the report in PDF format is here:

You can also view the report embedded in this page here: WEF_Global_Risks_Report_2023

Hobby Lobby and other “conservative” Evangelicals are behind huge ad campaign using Jesus to promote illegal migrants and LGBTQ agenda

From Revolver.News


Many of you may not realize this, but Hobby Lobby and other so-called “conservative” Evangelicals are behind the new “He Gets Us” and “Jesus Was a Refugee” ads that are blowing up.

These ads use the Bible and Jesus to validate and even promote the chaos at the border and also to appeal to the LGBTQ/trans communities.

And these Evangelical groups say they’re just getting started.

Apparently, they plan to make this a full-fledged PR campaign.


*The ads all stem from the central idea that “He Gets Us”. They discuss how “He” (Jesus Christ) was a refugee, had disdain for hypocrisy, and was also unfairly judged like other marginalized members of modern society.

* In one of the commercials, a black and white slideshow of photos tells the story of Central American migrants who must flee their home to avoid persecution. At the end, it is revealed the story being told is that of Jesus and his parents, Mary and Joseph.

* The ads are reportedly funded in part by the family that owns the notably religious craft store chain Hobby Lobby, according to Christianity Today, as well as other evangelical groups, including a foundation called The Signatry. Other donors have kept their identities anonymous.

At a time when our country is at its breaking point, our resources are spent, we’re deeply in debt, our border is flooded, our citizens are sick and dying from illegal drugs, and children are being indoctrinated by the perverted LGBTQ mafia, why on earth would so-called “conservatives” push this type of messaging?

Well, according to Bob Smeitana, a reporter for Religion News Service, it’s because they want to change supposed “negative public views” about Christianity.

In other words, they want to submit to the left’s godless agenda.


* Smietana says that the campaign is attempting to appeal to groups that may have felt excluded or repelled by the church in recent years, like members of the LGBTQ community, different races and ethnicities, those who lean more liberal politically, or people who have kept up with scandals of abuse.

* The group behind the campaign has also purchased an advertisement slot for this Sunday’s Super Bowl, one of the most expensive brand platforms out there. The estimated costs for those ads will run around $20 million.

* In an interview with Christianity Today, the branding firm for the campaign said the plan included investing $1 billion over the next three years, a budget comparable to that of a major brand.

Watch these two clip from the “He Gets Us” and “Jesus Was a Refugee” ad campaigns:

It’s a tale as old as time — rich business owners want cheap labor and to appeal to a new “customer” base, and they will happily sell the rest of us out to achieve it.

Get woke, go broke?

It remains to be seen if this progressive campaign will backfire on Hobby Lobby.

However, I think this is a good time to remind everyone that Evangelicalism is not always synonymous with “conservatism”.


Most Important First Amendment Case You’ve Never Heard Of: Biden Regime Tries to Toss a Young Man in Jail for 10 Years for Anti-Hillary Memes

From Revolver.News

Douglass Mackey is alleged to be one of the many anonymous Twitter users who made the 2016 election so different, so memorable, and so important.

Like other anonymous internet memesmiths (anons), Mackey had no external reason that anyone should care what he said. He held no office. He had no byline at an elite publication. He had no vast pool of wealth that conferred legitimacy, deserved or undeserved, on what he had to say.

Mackey’s notability, like that of Bronze Age Pervert or Libs of TikTok, came exclusively from what he had to say, and that people found it funny and compelling. Over the summer and fall of 2016, Mackey allegedly went by the nom-de-tweet Ricky Vaughn (after Charlie Sheen’s character in Major League) and collected tens of thousands of followers who found him funny and compelling. Mackey was not single-handedly responsible for getting Donald Trump elected. But the work he allegedly did along with dozens of others is what made Trump’s victory possible. An MIT analysis estimated that Ricky Vaughn was a bigger influence on the 2016 election than NBC News.

But for the regime, the specter of anonymous individuals making the system tremble was too much. And so, for more than two years, the regime has been battling to send Mackey to prison.

You might not know much about Mackey’s case. It’s far less notorious than the January 6 prosecutions, or the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. But in terms of how much the speech matters for American liberty, it is as important as either of those — perhaps more so. 

In January 2021, shortly after the January 6 incident inaugurated a national anti-MAGA crackdown, the Department of Justice charged Mackey with “conspiring … to deprive individuals of their constitutional right to vote.”

Mackey’s offense? Illegal memes.


Specifically, the DOJ claims that the above meme merits a prison sentence of up to ten years, for violation of 18 U.S. Code § 241. The law, which concerns “Conspiracy against rights,” is a subset of the Enforcement Act of 1871, better known as the Ku Klux Klan Act.

The DOJ’s argument is that, by posting the above memes on Twitter in 2016, and designing it to resemble a Hillary Clinton ad, Mackey deceived the public into casting invalid text message votes, as part of a conspiracy to deprive them of the right to vote.

To be clear, the federal government can’t show that this actually happened. But the government says that proving a dumb meme fooled a single person is not necessary to find one guilty of the dastardly crime of disinformation.

[Revolver encourages anyone able to donate to the case at You can also donate crypto or send cash or check by going to, or if you prefer GiveSendGo, go to]

To drive home the absurdity of the charge, it’s worth quoting the relevant law in full:

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or

If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—

They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

Reading the law, it’s obvious how it was aimed at the Ku Klux Klan. It is plainly, and obviously, meant to criminalize physical violence, threats, or intimidation used to prevent people from exercising constitutional rights, such as the right to vote.

Now, the DOJ claims that the law’s scope includes possibly tricking someone with a meme on Twitter.

At the risk of being tedious, we  will explain: memes promoting incorrect election dates are old hat. People have been making them online and in print since at least 2000, and who are we kidding, probably well before that. They’re either a humorous indication of one’s desire to win a race, or else a political in-joke — “Man, Democrats/Republicans are so stupid they’d probably believe someone telling them election day is Wednesday!”

And of course, it doesn’t matter if some people were too dumb to get the joke. As the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals wrote in the 2013 case Farah v. Esquire:

But it is the nature of satire that not everyone “gets it” immediately. For example, when Daniel Defoe first published The Shortest Way with the Dissenters, an anonymous satirical pamphlet against religious persecution, it was initially welcomed by the church establishment Defoe sought to ridicule. See James Sutherland, English Satire 83–84 (1958). Similarly, Benjamin Franklin’s “Speech of Miss Polly Baker,” a fictitious news story mocking New England’s harsh treatment of unwed mothers, was widely republished in both England and the United States as actual news.

Is the joke a very good one? People can disagree. But it’s absolutely a joke that existed long before 2016, and until the Biden DOJ decided otherwise, it was never a crime.

This bears mentioning over and over again, if necessary: the law has never been used in this way before. This case is a drastic escalation in the use of “disinformation” as an excuse to target dissenting political voices. A regime that previously relied on deplatforming or doxing (both of which have already been used on Mackey) now makes use of outright felony prosecutions with the threat of decade-long prison sentences.

The case against Mackey is facially ridiculous. The charges, first brought two whole years ago, should have been immediately tossed out in court. Yet, incredibly, in mid-January, Mackey’s bid to have the case thrown out was rejected by Clinton-appointed district court judge Nicholas G. Garaufis.

Yet reading through Garaufis’s ruling rejecting the motion to dismiss does all the work necessary to show how repugnant and feeble the case is.

“This case is about conspiracy and injury, not speech,” writes Garaufis. Yet the government has produced no injured party, and there is no conduct that has occurred besides Mackey’s speech. Then, Garaufis proceeds to make one of the darkest, yet also most ridiculous comparisons imaginable:

The Government correctly argues that Defendant Mackey’s Deceptive Tweets are most accurately characterized as a vehicle or means for illegal conduct, and that the Statute-even as applied-is targeting that aspect of Mr. Mackey’s behavior, rather than a free-floating crime of speech. Treason is still treason if it is spoken aloud.

In a sequence straight out of a black comedy, Garaufis’s ruling describes what is plainly a freewheeling online groupchat as though it was a plot to overthrow the government.

Mr. Mackey and his co-conspirators are alleged to have participated in private direct message groups on Twitter called “Fed Free Hatechat,” the ‘War Room,” and “Infowars Madman,” to discuss “how best to influence the Election” and “to create, refine and share memes and hashtags that members of the group would subsequently post and distribute.”  Members of the group messaged about “memes” and Tweets that would “suggest[] that certain voters were hiding their desire to vote for a Presidential candidate from one of the two main political parties,” through “psyops” intended to “make all these shitlibs think they’re [sic] friends are secretly voting for” Donald Trump. Other messages “relat[ed] plans to alter images of various celebrities in a manner that falsely suggested that the celebrities were supporting [Donald Trump’s] candidacy” and suggested that if the Democrats were to win the presidency, women would be drafted into the military, with the stated intent of “mak[ing] the shitlib woman vote waver in this election.”

Yes, the government is using the “Draft Our Daughters” meme as evidence to claim Mackey should go to prison.

The federal government has not produced a single person who failed to cast a ballot due to Mackey’s supposed perfidy. It hasn’t produced anyone who claims they almost failed to vote based on Mackey’s memes. All it can produce is evidence that people texted the number on the meme, a completely meaningless measurement when any number of people might have done so just to see what would happen.

But now, the claim is headed to trial, in the Eastern District of New York, a venue whose jury figures to be favorable to the prosecution. And in one of the most sinister events of this entire Kafkaesque process, Garaufis also initially sought to mandate that Mackey’s jury consist entirely of those fully up-to-date on their Covid vaccinations.


Only Joe Biden’s incidental announcement that the Covid emergency will be ending (in three months) spared Mackey from a jury deliberately rigged to convict him.

If the DOJ gets its way and wins a conviction in this case, it will obviously be a gross miscarriage of justice for Mackey. But it will also herald far more sweeping anti-speech powers for the federal government. “Disinformation,” a term with no legal definition, will suddenly become a ready tool in the arsenal of ambitious prosecutors who want to rise through the left’s ranks. And even if actual prosecutions remain infrequent, the chilling effect over the wider political ecosystem will be massive.

Mackey’s case isn’t getting the attention it ought to, for the usual reasons: not all of Mackey’s tweets were nice enough to be printed in National Review or aired on Fox News, so with the notable exception of Tucker Carlson and Andrew McCarthy, neither has been eager to cover his case. There is also the pathological ADD of American conservatism: What’s on TV needs to change a lot to keep their attention, and if it’s not on TV, it may as well not exist at all. Mackey’s case, for better or for worse, involves 2016 memes, has been dragging on for two years without trial, and involves the nuances of American speech law rather than something thrilling like gunning down two Antifa thugs.

But just like the Rittenhouse trial, or Alex Jones’s case last fall, Douglass Mackey’s persecution matters. It matters because it is the test run for what the regime wants to do to all of its enemies: Circumscribe the acceptable range of activities and opinions until dissent is impossible, and create a few standout examples to inspire fear. The Biden DOJ brought this case for a reason, and if it gets away with it this time, many cases like it will follow. The left’s favorite slur — “Disinformation!” — will soon become its favorite criminal charge as well.

If Mackey had merely firebombed a cop car during riots, he would enjoy Cadillac-tier legal representation fully financed by a constellation of progressive non-profits. But sadly, Mackey’s only crime is speech, and the right has lamentably failed to make sure that legal fees are irrelevant for his case. Revolver encourages anyone able to donate to the case at You can also donate crypto or send cash or check by going to, or if you prefer GiveSendGo, go to


Local Voting Issues With Tabulators

From: Kirk Dixon
It’s all about election integrity……After a conversation with Glenda Poston a while back after our last elections, I believe what is happening in Clerburne county, Arkansas should be happening here. She told me that we have tabulators because hand counting took to many hours. After what our country has seen happen with tabulators miss counting and malfunctioning, perhaps the tabulators should go away. Why should we as voters take a chance with the possibility of errors. We have several really important elections coming up this year, I know I’d feel better knowing that my vote was hand counted like it used to be. Our county hasn’t grown that big to warrant machines. There are larger voting areas than this one that still hand count.

MUST READ! Boundary County School District Property Tax, and Promoting Indian Religions

Boundary County School District Forces Another “School” Tax Vote on March 14th

The Boundary County School District (BCSD) is relentlessly forcing more votes on the issue of more (a lot more) taxes on property owners.

The BCSD has been intentionally letting the school facilities in Bonners Ferry and Naples rot, for years. While doing this, they keep deceiving to you about how much a new tax (they call it a levy) will cost property owners, if this huge tax passes.

The BCSD like to say “this is an existing levy”. Their website says this: “We are requesting a renewal of the current levy amount of $2.4 million annually in order provide the level of education and services our students and families deserve.” (they forgot to include the word “to” after the word “order”)

If this is a “renewal”, nothing should change, right? Logic would suggest no additional property tax increases. So, this is a flat out lie/deception to make you think it is nothing new.

They tell you the tax will be roughly $105 per year, per $100,000 home value. They fail to mention that if the county declares your home to be assessed/valued at 1 million dollars, then your tax will be an ADDITIONAL $1050.00 on top of your existing property tax, regardless if you paid $300,000.00 for your home.

It is interesting to note that Mt Hall Elementary found funds to do a near-complete remodel of the school, without a new tax.

Some citizens came forward and said that only property owners are allowed to vote on school taxes. According to the IDAHO CONSTITUTION, Article 1 Section 20, it appears to read that property owners are the ones who should even be participating in this type of election. Although, this wording could suggest that the Legislators would stipulate this. It is interesting, at the very least.

Section 20.  NO PROPERTY QUALIFICATION REQUIRED OF ELECTORS — EXCEPTIONS. No property qualifications shall ever be required for any person to vote or hold office except in school elections, or elections creating indebtedness, or in irrigation district elections, as to which last-named elections the legislature may restrict the voters to land owners.”


Your current taxes are going to ridiculous things such as “Virtual Calming Rooms”. Since when were our schools supposed to be in the business of instructing children (or adults) on how to cope with emotional and mental issues?


Why are our schools used to promote things such as yoga? Yoga is a major part of an east Indian, pagan religion called Hinduism, that our Boundary County schools are promoting to our students. You can find some basic information on this topic by clicking on the screenshot below.

Infowars Video: Mother Reads Shocking Gay Porn Material Found In Minnesota School Direct To Board Members


A video of a mother reading passages from homosexual porn material found in her child’s school library directly to horrified school board members in Minnesota has gone viral.

The content is patently graphic and of an extreme sexual nature, yet was available to students at the Sartell-St. Stephen Independent School District, and was even used in classrooms.

The mother, Marie Pangerl, told the school board members “I’m going to read you several different passages from a book titled ‘Him’ by Sarina Bowen that the district made available for students to check out in room Heinz 104, an English classroom.”

“I want to know how and why this book was ever allowed in our school, more specifically, that process that was just discussed and how books are approved,” Mrs Pangerl added.

She then proceeded to read out the following passages, as the board members squirmed in discomfort:

“I sucked him deeper into my mouth, almost to the base. And just when he moaned, I released him, gliding my tongue along the long, hard length of him, until his d*ck was glistening.”

“I laughed at the moisture leaking out of his tip, and the taste of him infused my tongue, making my head spin. I was blowing my best friend. It was so surreal. It was what I dreamed about for so long, and the fantasy was nothing compared to the reality.”

“F*ck yeah, Canning’s hips began to rock as I took him in my mouth again. I licked the crown of his c*ck, teasing, savoring, then taking him deep again.”

“I quicken the pace, squeezing his shaft on every upstroke, tighter than I thought he’d like. But he kept muttering ‘Harder, faster, Wes.’ A choke sound left his lips; ‘F*ck Wess, you’re making me come.’ His fingers pulled my hair to the point of pain, his abs tightening as his hips rocked faster. A few seconds later, he groaned. The husky sound vibrated against my lips as he went still, thrust deep, and came inside my mouth while I swallowed up every last drop.”

“I tease and caress for several long moments before slipping my finger inside. My other hand grips his erection. I’m selfish, but I don’t want him to come until I’m very deep inside him.”

“So I don’t take him in my mouth or jerk him as hard as I know he wants. Slow, feather-light strokes is all he gets as I work my finger into his tight hole. When a second finger joins the party, his brows draw together. Beads of sweat break out on his forehead. Mine too. Loosening him up is one of the hottest thing I’ve ever done.”

“All three fingers, he moans loud enough to wake the dead, and I release his erection to press my palm to his mouth. I push forward again, and this time I’m able to ease in. Just the tip, but holy hell, the pressure is incredible. He’s hot and tight, squeezing me into oblivion. ‘Oh f*ck, oh f*ck, oh f*ck.’ It’s all he seems capable of saying as my cock pedals deeper.”

When Pangerl finished reading just a selection of the material, she announced “I hope these examples serve as a wake-up call to many other parents and community members in this district,” adding “And let me be the first to ask you again. Who, how, when and why?”

OBSCENE: Kootenai Library Network ADMITS Pornographic Books Available To Adolescents As Young As 12 — Concerned Moms Outraged

From the Idaho Tribune

Why Is This Happening In Idaho?

Editors Note: We don’t usually do trigger warnings in our articles. This time we are. We have included a quote from the book Identical by Ellen Hopkins, a book available at the Community Library Network in Kootenai County. The book is about an incestuous relationship between a father and his 10 year old daughter, and it’s described in graphic detail.

This book is available, and can be borrowed by children as young as 12 years old. It is our opinion here at the Tribune that this kind of material shouldn’t even exist, let alone be read by anyone; even an adult. We are reproducing it here because you NEED TO KNOW exactly what these sick people want minors to have access to in our libraries.


Boundary County Commissioners Supporting UN Agenda 2030

by: Bob Vickaryous

To the editor:

Let’s talk about the goals of the 2030 agenda which Tim Bertling supports one item at a time and see if they are achievable. Goal 1 is to end poverty. What a lofty goal and who could be opposed to that? The question is: How could it be accomplished by government at any level? When you stop and think about it government cannot and does not create wealth .It can only redistribute. It can only take from some that which they have earned and give it to someone that hasn’t. There’s a word for this. It’s called stealing. When we do this as private citizens we go to jail. If we as citizens don’t have this right how can we transfer it to government? When we take such measures it’s called tyranny. We become just like the nations that we spend trillions of dollars to defend ourselves against ie. Russia China Cuba. Which one of these socialist paradises would you like to move to? This brings to mind the recent cop 27 conference in Egypt wherein it was agreed to transfer trillions of dollars from the industrialized nations like ours to the underdeveloped Nations which are suffering from” climate change “caused by our affluent lifestyles. Climate change according to the UN sponsored Psychopaths is caused by gas  guzzling Vehicles which emit CO2.[ They are the same ones which insist on everyone getting a clot shot to stay healthy.]

So there you have it. Goal one is to be accomplished by shutting down our industry and moving it to China which of course is exempt from all CO2 regulations. And raising taxes thus putting more people in poverty.

Please have Tim Bertling and also Wally Cossiart explain why they support the 2030 agenda.

— Dictated at —



From the John Birch Society (JBS):

We hear politicians in Washington talk about “Drain the Swamp” all the time. Certainly it’s only a problem for those in the D.C. area. Or is it closer than you think? Find out how Globalists may be affecting your local government in this episode of Constitution Corner.

Action Items:
1) Like and share this video with others.
2) Follow your representatives voting record on The Freedom Index.
3) Sign up for Legislative Action Alerts or text JBS to 800-527-8721.


Other Local Writers Bashing Elected Officials

From: Kirk Dixon

I just got done reading 9B’s letter bashing Scott Herndon. Mike Weland’s letter to himself referenced Martin Luther king Day which was 1/16/2023. He posted his letter 1/25/2023.(9 days) A good publisher would not make a mistake like that. I find it interesting that 9B News will allow a candidate the platform to campaign, but after a win for senator, then bashes him because of his (Mike Weland) bias. I ask you, could Mike Weland’s time be coming to an end. Has anybody else noticed this?

Parents Outraged After Finding ‘Queer’ Porn In Children’s School Library

From Infowars

Does this story mirror Boundary County?

Parents of children in Sheboygan, Wisconsin demanded that the school district remove several books from the libraries there after they discovered the material contained graphic gay pornographic images.

The concerned parents flooded a school board meeting Tuesday with complaints after images from the ‘gender identity’ books were widely shared on social media:

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