On March 4th, 2023, I received an emailed containing the agenda for the March 6th BCRCC meeting. This agenda contained a line with the Copeland district, and my name, Mark Moseley with a strike through it, and the term “Indefinite Suspension” next to it.
Here is a screenshot of that line:

Just a few days prior, I had requested a topic be added to the agenda. Then, I followed up with a call to Caleb. Caleb never mentioned anything about an issue with me, or that he added my name with a strike through it on the agenda. After I received the agenda, I called Caleb and emailed him asking what the strike through my name was all about. Caleb never answered the phone, never called me back, and never responded to my email asking about this topic. Caleb Davis literally stone-walled me.
Just prior to the opening of the March 6th BCRCC meeting, I sat in an open seat on the side of the tables where the elected committeemen should all be sitting together. Beginning on the October 3rd 2022 meeting, they started placing these name-plates, with my name being far away from the other elected members. This was obviously to coerce me to sit away from the other elected committee members.
Caleb Davis attempted to bully me to move from my seat, and move off to the side, “where I belong”. I refused to give up my seat. Caleb said he would have me removed. I said that Caleb would have to have me physically removed from the seat. Caleb then left the room and immediately started talking to a Bonners Ferry Police Officer, who was standing outside. Caleb was attempting to claim that I threatened him. However, this was a lie. The police officer never did ask me any questions.
Note that there was police activity in and around Mugsy’s at this time. Squad cars were in the ally, and deputies were standing at different tactical points around the building. Someone obviously made sure there was a police presence that night. Caleb was obviously aware of the presence. There was obvious anticipation that something was going to happen. The subversionists, however, had no idea that it would end the way it did.
Let’s backup, provide some historical context, and then address the March 6th meeting.
The GOP leadership has, so far, done nothing to stop the behavior of the BCRCC, or stop it from constant subversion against the GOP.
In the Spring of 2022, this committee attacked Scott Herndon for what his campaign people put on promotional fliers for his campaign.
This committee has a history of refusing to support conservatives, even if the conservatives won the Primary.
This committee refused to promote Heather Scott during her campaign, and the committee opted to support Heather’s opponent, instead.
Dave Wenk, Erik Olson and Caleb Davis have all expressed their hatred for Dorothy Moon, Scott Herndon, and Heather Scott, in private. However, they praise Dorothy Moon in the public meetings.
Dave Wenk said he loves what leftists wrote against Dorothy Moon, and other GOP officials. He expressed his pleasure and asked if he could share the propaganda-hit-piece “art”. This shows exactly which side Dave Wenk is on, and it is not the side of the GOP.

Lester Pinkerton and Dave Wenk both placed campaign signs on their properties that supported the 2022 Primary LOSER and write-in candidate Tim Bertling.
Dave Wenk actually had TWO large signs in his fields, prior to moving them from his fields, and placing one of the signs on the corner of his property. We are unsure where the second sign was moved to. Note that he lied and claimed he never even had a sign. Here is proof that he lied about it.

Lester Pinkerton also placed a sign directly in front of Scott Herndon’s sign that said “NOT”.

Committee Members Dave Wenk and Erik Olson have attacked me (Mark Moseley), Adrienne Norris, and several other individuals in the community calling them names such as “whacko”, “extremist”, “liar”, shit stirrer”, etc. Dave Wenk stood up in the July 2022 meeting and called me a “Shit Stirrer” because I said the committee could do better, and that the meeting minutes were released every month at an unacceptable date.
In a previous meeting in the Spring of 2022, Erik Olson stood up, slammed his fist onto the table, and screamed at someone for saying that Jim Woodward votes like a democrat. I have to say that I had a problem with Erik Olson then being appointed to the BCRCC. I made it public that I had issues with the temperament of Eric Olson. Erik Olson has threatened me with bodily harm on several occasions during 2022. I never filed charges, until he did it several times on March 6th, 2023. There is currently an open complaint on file with the Boundary County Sheriff.
Several people have sent me numerous screenshots from social media and audio of these actions by these committee members.
Danielle Ahrens had an outburst at the December BCRCC meeting. She was saying that I (Mark Moseley) am singlehandedly responsible for getting Tim Bertling elected. Note that this is slander. She ignores the tens of thousands of dollars spent on campaign signs, television commercials, etc by the subversionists in this county.
The video of this can be found here: December 2022 BCRCC Meeting

On October 3rd, 2022, The BCRCC members Lester Pinkerton, Dave Wenk, Erik Olson, and Danielle Ahrens abused their positions as committee members. They conspired to stage the meeting as a platform to attack me, for calling out corruption outside the committee. An article regarding this event can be found here:
Boundary County Central Committee Commits Treason Against GOP

The March 6th meeting opened with Caleb Davis lecturing the community that he has the right to do this and that.
Caleb Davis, Erik Olson, and Danielle Ahrens were more concerned with shutting me up, than they were about actual, official business. Dorothy Moon sent Julie Lynn to speak at the meeting. However, she never got an opportunity to speak. Caleb also added several people to the agenda, knowing they would not be present.
Caleb Davis refused to sit at the table WITH me. So, he opted to sit off to the side. This is another childish action by the so-called Chairman of the Boundary County Republican Central Committee.
Caleb Davis is 100% against transparency. He started out by lecturing the public about how “the meeting minutes” are all anyone needs as a record of what happens at these meetings”. Note that without the cameras, we cannot prove anything. They need the cameras to be removed, so that they can continue their subversion without resistance.
Mark Quinn Spoke out against silencing members: Mark Quinn Speaks
The Boundary County Watchman, Adrienne Norris spoke about names being struck-out on the agenda: Adrienne Norris Speaks
Here is the point where Caleb and Erik Agree to not interrupt public speakers: Erik and Caleb Talk About Not Interrupting
During the public speaker’s time, Linda Fontanes stood up and began giving her personal testimony about what she saw, and experienced in Boise, when she was present during the legislative sessions. She was cut-off by Caleb Davis on several occasions, and essentially stopped her from giving her honest testimony. Literally just a couple minutes prior to Linda’s testimony, Caleb and Erik Olson agreed that Caleb would not interrupt the speakers. I attempted to stop Caleb from interrupting Linda, but was shouted down by Erik Olson and Caleb Davis. The hypocrisy of Caleb Davis and Erik Olson is clearly demonstrated, here. Linda Fontanes Speaks
Steve Fioravanti spoke about Caleb’s attempts to silence me:
Steve Fioravanti Speaks

Caleb Davis used “we must have order” and “Robert’s Rules” as an excuse to silence me. Here is that Audio from two different cameras: Caleb Davis giving his reason for silencing me:
Reason for Silencing Me Cam 1
During the time for elected committeemen to speak, I stood up when it was supposed to be Copeland’s turn. Caleb Davis and Erik Olson both shouted over me during my attempt to give my report. I then waited until the rest of the members to give their reports, before I tried again. I was again shouted at by Caleb and Erik. Here is the video with the committee district reports. You can see that I kept my composure during this whole session: Caleb and Eric Shout Me Down When Trying to Give the Copeland Report
I do not speak about business that is discussed in executive sessions. However, I will tell you that I was threatened during TWO executive sessions. The first time was during the October 3rd, 2022 meeting. Erik Olson threatened to “take me outside” and beat me up several times during that meeting. He escalated these threats in the March 6th, 2023 meeting. I recall roughly a dozen times Erik Olson threatening to do me bodily harm using different terms with each threat. I have a video that shows us seconds after the executive session ended, where you can hear me calling out Caleb for not doing his duty to stop the treats by Erik Olson. Here is the video segment of my complaint to Caleb about his dereliction of duty:

Just after we ended the executive session, Danielle Ahrens snatched items from my seat including a camera, cell phone, eyeglasses, notebook and other misc items. I was across the room getting ready to resume recording on the camera that was on a tripod. Fearing that she was going to put my personal property into the toilet, just feet from her seat, I had to think quickly. You see, I was not willing to engage in a physical altercation by removing my property from her possession, forcibly. So, I moved her cell phone to a chair near the entrance of the room, in hopes that she would put my property down and go retrieve her phone.
Danielle Ahrens, then rushed to me, grabbed onto me and attempted to throw me to the ground. She shook me several times while I yelled out. I knew that I was in a situation that I should not defend myself, but had to try to get out of the situation. I stepped away from her, and she walked over to me again and grabbed me again.
During this time, I was calling out to Caleb Davis to call the police. Caleb sat in his chair and watched, without saying a word to stop. In fact, he sat there and did nothing but watched while I was being assaulted.
I was the last person to be interviewed by the police. Isn’t it standard operating procedure to speak to the victim, first?
It is important to note that Danielle Ahrens can be heard in the videos telling the police that I was the one who attacked her. Lying to the police is also a crime.
The Boundary County Watchman has a video of the entire assault. My tripod camera only captured all but the first 5 -10 seconds of the assault. My secondary camera was stolen by Danielle Ahrens.

Caleb Davis left the scene immediately after the assault. He did not stay around to properly review the situation, or even check to see if everything was alright. In my opinion, this is dereliction of duty as a committeeman, and the Chairman of the BCRCC.
Caleb Davis, Erik Olson, Dave Wenk, Danielle Ahrens and Lester Pinkerton are always claiming that I am causing chaos, and guilty of outbursts during the meetings. However, I can testify that this is NOT TRUE. I do not shout out or cause disturbances during the BCRCC meetings. In fact, I have written several proposals to make this committee better. All of which were rejected, except a formatting change I made to the by-laws.
I am innocent regarding the allegations by this committee, saying that I am disruptive and cause strife during the meetings. I am willing to testify in court of my innocence.
This committee is merely bothered by the fact that I am calling out corruption, and that I am critical of this committee for not doing its job.
This committee has zero accountability, and they know it. They often abuse their positions, and nothing is ever done to stop it. All the while, they have been trying to destroy me. The difference is, I have all of the evidence to prove my case. They have nothing but lies and distortions of truth.
It is time for the GOP to finally disband this committee, or cast out those who have committed assault, threats of bodily harm, or committed dereliction of duty. I plea for the GOP leadership to do their job to resolve this once and for all, and I have faith that they will.
I personally believe that Caleb Davis is a liability to Russ Fulcher, and the GOP organization, based on his performance on the BCRCC.
Lastly, I thank The Most High for the use of recordings in these meetings. Without them, these people would have been successful in destroying my name and credibility.