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BCSD101 Lacks Common Sense

Name: Kirk Dixon

In reading the article in the Herald about the car running into the school district office, If the school District is in dire need of money, why couldn’t Jan Bayer be working at home at those hours rather than run up utility expenses. Imagine this….what if the School District were to sell that property and use that monies to do repairs that all these levies are about. Imagine this…no more utility expenses….no more property tax expenses….no more up keep expenses…. and much more benefits for the community. I wonder if that would fall under the category of…. “common sense”

Personal Notes on the BCSD101 and the Neglect of School Facilities Just to Extort More Money From Taxpayers

Name: Kirk Dixon
I recently read an article in the Herald stating that the State is coming to Bonners Ferry to inspect Valley View. She (Teresa Rae) mentioned that getting the Kindergarten kids from across the street was difficult. I was on the safety board for a period of time (early 2000) and was at a meeting with Ron Smith.(at Valley View) That topic came up. I mentioned to him that common sense tells me that why not establish a building on the same side of street, seeing that there was plenty of space behind the school. He just glared at me and said that that just can’t be done. I replied with….why not ?. He could not answer that. Humm Now he’s sitting on the City Council. Humm It appears that outside opinions just might not matter much.
My question is….even back in 1996, when we had that intense amount of snow fall and the roof was a concern then, why didn’t that issue get dealt with in 1997-1998? Why did the repairs, “AKA” concerns take so long to embrace?
I would think that common sense would tell the school district to think ahead, rather that wait till the last minute. Which leads to taxing us taxpayers in extremely financially difficult times.



US Dollar Headed for Crash to Near Zero

The US moved away from the gold standard, and adopted the petrodollar as our economy in the 1970s under Nixon. They knew this would eventually lead to disaster, and we are about to reach that pinnacle.

The petrodollar economy began when the US and Saudi Arabia agreed that oil would only be traded using the US dollar. Basically, every country that wants to buy or sell oil would have to do so using US dollars. This gave leverage to the US, and helped its economy.

The petrodollar is the system by which the United States dollar (USD) became the dominant currency used in international oil trading. The system emerged in the 1970s, following the decision by OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) to price oil in dollars.

The petrodollar system works as follows: oil-producing countries, such as Saudi Arabia, receive payment for their oil exports in U.S. dollars. These countries then deposit a portion of their dollar earnings into U.S. banks, which allows the U.S. to maintain a strong demand for the dollar. The U.S. then uses these dollars to finance its trade deficits and to fund government spending.

The argument for this is they say it had several benefits for the U.S. First, it allows the U.S. to maintain a high demand for its currency, which helps to keep the value of the dollar strong. Additionally, it allows the U.S. to easily finance its trade deficits, as it has a steady supply of dollars coming in from oil-producing countries.

However, the petrodollar system also has critical flaws. For example, it creates a dependency on oil-producing countries to continue pricing oil in dollars, which could lead to geopolitical tensions if these countries were to switch to a different currency. Additionally, some argue that the petrodollar system contributes to global economic inequality, as it allows the U.S. to maintain a dominant position in the global economy.

This week, Saudi Arabia has stated that they will start trading in currencies besides the US dollar. When this happens, the US dollar will collapse. Combine this with the US giving hundreds of billions to Ukraine, failing banks, current rampant inflation, food industry disasters, and supply chain problems, the stage is set for disaster. The US government has been spending us into oblivion, and we will not recover.

More and more countries are changing back to the gold standard, while other countries are dropping the US dollar. India is even moving away from the US dollar.

On top of all of this, China has built an economic coalition for countries to start trading in the Chinese Yuan.

The US is headed for total economic collapse in the very near future.

How will you prepare?


Be Aware – The State of Idaho is Coming to Valley View This Month

Boundary County School District 101 Tries Tactics of Veiled Threats and Other Important Notes

Name: Jeanine Betsher

Be Aware – The State of Idaho is coming to Valley View this month!

As you know, last fall we defeated Boundary County School District’s attempt to pass another school bond. At the time, we were told by school trustee Teresa Rae that if it did not pass, the State could not only come in and tell us that we had to build a new school, but also that it would ultimately cost much more than the school district was asking for in the bond.

It seems that was not an idle threat on the part of the school trustees. I regularly attend the school board meetings and at the March 20th meeting I was surprised to hear brief mention of the fact that the State is coming to Valley View in April.

I reached out to Superintendent Jan Bayer afterwards to confirm that I had heard correctly. I asked why they were coming now, if they were invited, and if so, by whom? I also stated that I find it hard to believe that it is a coincidence that they’re coming several months after we were warned/threatened that this would happen if the bond did not pass last year.

Superintendent Bayer’s response is as follows: “Yes, a bond measure failed twice for Valley View, but the needs did not disappear. We are following the avenues provided by the State. The recommendation to request the State to inspect the building occurred in January. The State’s schedule did not permit them to be here until now.”

We cannot continue to let the school system tax us to death in order to get what they want. And that goes for the county and the city of Bonners Ferry as well. The school levy passed last month, and now the city of BF is putting on the May ballot a 1% sales tax increase on all sales within the city limits.

As usual, there’s never any attempt to think outside the box and work to find an alternate solution – instead, the answer is always tax, tax, and more tax!


A Library that Thrives, not just Survives

A Library that Thrives, not just Survives

The last couple of years our library has been fighting to survive. The shutdown in 2020, concerns of books, and operating procedures all caused a rift in the functioning of our “Best Small Library in America”. I am running because I would like to help our library thrive again. Libraries are institutions for obtaining information, ideas, and literary enjoyment. I want to ensure all visitors are able to safely search and check out books that meet their interests; regardless of their age or background. I plan on doing this by supporting what has historically worked for our library.

Our library offers some successful activity-based learning programs. Some of my favorites are the summer and winter reading programs, reading hour, library in a box, the Libby App and of course… the Fab Lab! Our library has also done an excellent job at being a second home for Boundary county’s large home-schooling community. I plan on continuing and expanding these amazing resources.

My name is Mary-Esther Wilson. I am running for Boundary County Free Library District Zone 5 (Naples) Trustee. My husband and I have 5 amazing children ranging from 5 to 27 years old. This last year we were also blessed with our first grandson. When we moved to the area in 2009 and discovered our Boundary County Library, it soon became a favorite hangout spot. It was a comfortable place for us to do our homeschooling lessons while we built our off-grid homestead. I have been a volunteer of the South Boundary Fire Department, Naples Helping Hands and the Treasurer of Boundary Search and Dive. I recently sat on the committee that updated the library’s Collections Policy.

Please Vote for me on May 16th



If You Tell Mentally Ill Kids that People Disagreeing with Them is “Genocide,” Eventually They’ll Pick Up Weapons

From Revolver.News

There is something very dark and evil brewing within the transgender community. As it stands now, the trans movement is plagued by confusion, mental illness, manipulation, and a demonic spirit that’s festering like a rancid boil. But things have gotten even worse, thanks to media, politicians, and celebrities who are pushing this notion that “disagreement” or “debate”on this controversial issue is somehow akin to literal “genocide” against trans people. This messaging has propelled this already disturbing movement into a whole new and violent direction.


If you’ve been paying attention lately, you’ll have noticed the subtle transformation from so-called “victims” to “terrorists” that’s taken place within the trans community.

We’re starting to see a lot of very agressive and violent marketing campaigns from the LGBTQ. For example, the “Trans Rights…Or Else” movement showcases mentally and emotionally unbalanced people, literally threatening the public with guns.

Accept us, or else…

Or else what?

Well, the shirts they’re wearing leave little to the imagination.

These t-shirts transgender activists are pictured wearing are a text book example of “domestic terrorism.”



But it gets worse…

Next week, on April 1st the LGBTQ community has a Trans Day of Vengeance planned.

And again, there’s the word “genocide.”


Will this group still go through with this violent/vengeful meetup after yet another “trans shooting”?


After all, these angry, confused people are proud of being “radical.” It’s actually part of their name in some cases… and this is about so-called “genocide,” right?


Furthermore, the media loves these gun-toting trannys. They’ve been fawning and cheering on these “vengeful” transgender groups for eons. So much so, that Tucker finally called them out just a couple of days before this latest transgender school shooting.

The timing was eerie, to say the least…


And quite predictably, all this vengence and hate has resulted in the bloody mass shooting at a Christian school by a transgender girl, masquerading as a boy.

Audrey Hale plotted a twisted and deadly murder spree at her former school, slaughtering 3 innocent children and 3 adults.

NBC News:

A sense of “resentment” might have played a role in a 28-year-old’s deadly attack on the private Christian school they once attended, Nashville police said Monday.

The shooter, Nashville resident Audrey Hale, had no previous criminal record before opening fire at The Covenant School, killing three children and three adults, authorities said.

“There’s some belief that there was some resentment for having to go to that school,” Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake told Lester Holt of NBC News.

Follow along for live coverage here

Hale had carefully planned the attack with detailed maps and surveillance, police said.

While the shooter might have targeted The Covenant School, Drake stopped short of saying Hale was going after any specific people. There were also indications that Hale had planned to target other locations, Drake told NBC News.

Covenant’s head of school, Katherine Koonce, 60, was among those killed.

“She targeted random students in the school … whoever she came in contact with, she fired rounds,” Drake said, referring to the shooter.

Hale shot open a locked door to gain entrance to the school, officials said.

The former student is alleged to have left behind writings being studied by local and federal investigators.

“We have some writings that we’re going over that pertain to this date, the actual incident,” Drake told reporters hours after the shooting. “We have a map drawn out of how this was all going to take place.”

He said Hale was transgender.


She was killed by police on the scene.

Warning graphic.


And what about all of this so-called “violence” being perpetrated against the trans community?

The “genocide”…

Many are saying they’re not seeing it. All they see is strong, righteous pushback from conservatives who are hell-bent on saving minors from having their genitals lobbed off.

Real violence is tangible, and sadly, we see it from the trans community all too often.

For example, the 2022 Colorado Springs shooter identified as “non-binary.”

NBC News:

The alleged shooter facing possible hate crime charges in the fatal shooting of five people at a Colorado Springs gay nightclub is nonbinary, the suspect’s defense team says in court filings.

The 2019 Denver school shooter identified as transgender.


A Colorado transgender teenager who admitted to taking part in a shooting at a Denver-area charter school last year that left one student dead and eight others wounded was sentenced on Friday to life in prison plus an additional 38 years.

The 2018 Maryland Rite Aid shooter identified as transgender.

Daily Mail:

The transgender woman who went on a shooting spree at a Rite Aid distribution center in Maryland had been diagnosed with a mental illness in 2016 and used a legally purchased gun in the deadly rampage.

Snochia Moseley, 26, shot dead three people and then herself at the Enterprise Business Park in Aberdeen shortly after 9am Thursday.

And of course, the recent Nashville shooter was also transgender.


To any sane/normal-thinking person this signifies a huge problem within the trans community. Women don’t usually run around committing mass-murder like this.

Who is radicalizing these kids?

That’s what acclaimed journalist Glenn Greenwald would like to know.


And filmmaker Mike Cernovich artfully pointed out that no other group, per capita, is committing more violence than Transgenders are.


So, what gives – what’s really going on here?

Marjorie Taylor Greene asked a darn good question recently  that could help answer why we’re seeing so many women become “mass shooters” suddenly.

Is it hormones?


But instead of answering this question like responsible adults, the media and the left are hysterically throwing around words like “transphobe” and “bigot,” and suggesting anyone who asks questions are promoting LGBTQ suicides.

This is just their way of silencing you. Don’t fall for it. Ask the questions even louder.

The shameless and inhumane lengths the left will go to in order to protect their politics is disgusting.

And that’s because the trans movement has become a cornerstone of the lefts twisted and perverted ideology.

It’s no surprise that marginalized, mentally-ill young people are attracted to something like the trans ideology. A movement such as this validates their estrangement issues and inability to fit into society

It also fills a void by creating a sense of purpose; as if they finally belonging to something.

This is often what occurs when societal rejects join a cult.

Most of these trans people have likely been outcasts their entire lives for a whole array of different issues. This movement gives them the power to unleash revenge and vengeance against the people who didn’t accept their festishes or weird quirks.

This is where the violence, threats, and murder come into play – and as a result, we’re now entering a phase of this dark transgender movement that’s extremely dangerous. And what’s even scarier is that as this horror plays out, the media and left-wing politicians will work feverishly behind the scenes to hide the truth from you.


Pornography Effects on Adults and Children


” Like other addictive substances, pornography floods the brain with dopamine. A consistent rush of dopamine traveling to the limbic system REWIRES the brain’s reward pathway and ultimately changes the make-up of the brain. This can result in an increased appetite for pornography.”

Uh oh! This quote is from a medical journal. They are making a statement here that references adults, mostly males, and according to church pastors, this is no SMALL number. With the advent of a wealth of pornography sites on the internet, just a few clicks away is porn heroin! It’s a growing industry!  Just like heroin or crack cocaine, the amount increases. The first hit is no longer sufficient, leading to more deviancy to achieve the high.

Do these addicted people, and they are everywhere (school boards, city administrators, council members, etc,), think their behavior is normal because more and more people have the addiction and the culture supports it via general moral decay thrown at us daily? So, one would ask, “Is it ok to put one’s mindset of being ‘ok’ with pornography on others, maybe our children?”

“Adolescent brains are in a period of development in which the rational, problem-solving frontal part of the brain IS NOT as connected as the emotional, reward part of the midbrain.” Because of this immature development, adolescents have a heightened sensitivity to REWARDING BEHAVIORS like illegal drug abuse, alcohol, pornography, gaming (video games) and bullying. They OFTEN need assistance with rational goal-oriented problem solving which does not occur as quickly AND the reward part of the brain overpowers the rational frontal part.

Should children under the age of 16, let’s say, have any of these stimulators available to them – like pornography at the library, crack cocaine at the vending machines, or alcohol served at the school lunch line – just because adults with these addiction problems think it’s ok? Maybe that would be “ok”if….

If these addicts were in charge of let’s say any location where there were children, like the schools, libraries or playgrounds, how comfortable would parents or even people who actively use rational frontal-brain thinking be?

The big question is really who are the people in charge of library materials? Are they to be trusted with allowing salacious materials for children in the library and do they think it’s ‘ok’ to have porn on the shelves?

When it comes time to vote, look at what they say on this issue and have them read aloud at the library board meetings the materials that they think are ok. Take a listen!

VOTE wisely.


NATO Deploying Massive 300,000 Troops to Russian Border

The mainstream media is programming our minds with nonsense about Trump being arrested, TikTok stuff, January 6th railroading, banks failing, Ukraine propaganda, etc.

The government, mainstream media, and social networks are misdirecting you from what we need to pay the most attention to.

NATO is gearing up to deploy up to 300,000 troops along the Russian border. This deployment will also include equipment from 30 NATO members including training facilities, huge amounts of weapons ranging from small-arms such as firearms and ammunition, to heavy weapons such as tanks, missile systems, rocket systems, artillery systems and warplanes such as drones, fighters, transports, and bombers.

This deployment of troops and equipment is an act of war against Russia and its allies. Vladimir Putin has already stated something most Americans and Westerners in general really have not considered. Putin stated “The West needs to understand that they do not speak for the majority of people in the world. The west is vastly outnumbered by the rest of the world.

Putting this comment into perspective, shows just how serious Putin is about what the response might be, if NATO actually attacks Russia.

We encourage you to look at the facts, and not rely on the mainstream media outlets, or politicians. Look at other sources closer to what is actually happening.

Our sources for this article are:


US Military District



Eutointegration (European Pravda)




North Idaho and the Hazards of Thinking in the Information Age

During the last election cycle, news outlets and Facebook pages were full of smears slung out against the challenger for Boundary County Commissioner, Steve Fioravanti and his family, as well as District 1 Senator, Scott Herndon, and a group of citizens circulating a petition to recall members of the library board. In addition, liberty advocates in North Idaho, and elsewhere in Idaho, have been maligned seemingly beyond any reason.  Some of these smear agents were undoubtedly political operatives, or biased journalists, but many of them were ordinary citizens repeating the political shibboleths being fed to them by the media.

Right wing extremists, revolutionaries, Nazis, fascists, Taliban Christians, militant Fundamentalist Christians, white supremacists, white nationalists, alt-right, racists, book burners, book banners: these were all smears and insults slung out in order to intimidate and discredit conservatives.  This strategy is part of an effort to shame and tame political opposition.

In a recent article for Boundary.News  I described a “smear-industrial complex” exposed by prize-winning investigative journalist, Sharyl Attkisson. To briefly recap, Attkisson tells us that David Brock assembled a complex of left-leaning organizations to work for the Clintons. Brock and Google have cooperated to smear and silence conservatives.  The main thrust of this cooperation was to smear former President Trump and his supporters.  Social media, such as Facebook and Twitter are employed for such purposes, as well as transactional journalists. The library debacle was picked up by national and international news outlets. North Idaho is on their radar.

I think it good to caution North Idaho residents regarding the hazards of swallowing disinformation whole.

The Waking Dream

Mattias Desmet recently came out with a book called The Psychology of Totalitarianism. Desmet thinks the masses of the entire world are sliding into a hypnotic-like state of mind known as “mass formation.”  Mass formation is a necessary prerequisite to the implementation of a totalitarian regime.  

So is Mattias Desmet a right-wing nutcracker opening and closing his jaws? Not at all. Desmet is Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium.  He has studied the rise of the masses in totalitarian regimes in history, such as in pre-WWll Germany, the former Soviet Union and other regimes around the world.  He distinguishes totalitarian regimes from dictatorships. A dictator controls public speech, but totalitarians extinguish both public and private thought and speech.  They partially do this by using the masses to self-police their own and others’ behavior and speech.

Desmet tells us that, in the process of mass formation, individuals unite in the face of fear and uncertainty (such as observed during the Covid-19 pandemic) in order to fight a perceived threat.  The individual melts into the crowd and hearkens to the voice of the crowd, to the voice of leaders, experts and mass media.  The individuals are absorbed into, and find solidarity with, the crowd (or masses).  They adhere to a dominant narrative, but they are not as concerned as to whether or not the narrative is accurate, but that they are all saying it together in solidarity.

Dispensing with Dissent

Among the salient characteristics of masses undergoing mass formation is that they are intolerant of dissident voices.  Those individuals who protest against the dominant narrative and who won’t participate in the requirements of the dominant narrative (such as wearing a mask) are seen as traitors to the crowd, hence the crowd starts snitching on those who won’t comply. Dissenting individuals become targets of aggression.

Another characteristic is the crowd’s disregard for basic civil liberties and rights, either for themselves, or for any dissidents. Intolerance and authoritarianism are characteristic of totalitarized masses. The Rule of Law is set aside in the interest of battling whatever is perceived as threatening.

Desmet writes that it is impossible to impose mass formation without the use of media. The leaders use propaganda via the media to persuade the people.  One of the main strategies used is similar to a hypnotist’s technique.  A hypnotist narrows the subject’s attention to one field of focus the way a lamp lights a certain area, but leaves the unlighted area in darkness.  Facts, data and graphs that tend to undermine the dominant narrative are excluded, and the masses’ attention is focused onto the area the leaders “light” via the media.  Any unwanted evidence and alternative voices are left in the darkness outside of the masses’ field of attention.

Words that make Us Stupid

One means of narrowing the field of attention is by tinkering with language so it can be used to control rational thought and discussion.  Language used to constrict thought is often referred to as Newspeak.  Heather Heying, on the YouTube channel, Dark Horse Podcast, comments on Stanford University’s recent list of acceptable language.

Heying says that Stanford’s document is an attempt to constrict and narrow thought and speech, and is an example of the New Newspeak.  Bret Weinstein, her husband, comments that the authors of the list also assume, and therefore set up an assumption in others, that the so-called experts have the authority to tell us what we may or may not say. In other words, this is use of language that narrows our field of vision, as does Desmet’s metaphorical lamp discussed above. Newspeak is not dead, nor does it live only in the writings of George Orwell.

Learning a New Language

Roger Scruton (1944-2020), former philosopher, writer, and professor wrote an analysis of thought and language used by the New Left in his book, Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New LeftScruton follows the development of Newspeak over more than 50 years.  Below, he describes the Marxist use of language to bring about revolution:

As Orwell perceived, the first target of every revolution is language. The need is to create a Newspeak that puts power in the place previously occupied by truth and, having done this, to describe the result as a ‘politics of truth’. To achieve this new kind of truth it is important to avoid refutation, but not, as science avoids it, by courting and surviving counter-arguments. Refutation must be evaded, so that the truth within the dogma can be protected from the malice contained in real things [in reality].

Hence, we see the need for censorship and shadow-banning on social media.  It’s a tactic of turning our fragile minds’ attention away from unauthorized knowledge, and diverting our focus to the areas desired. It’s a way to evade refutation that might break the hypnotic spell.

Scruton goes on to argue, “Revolutions begin by encasing reality in Newspeak, and thereafter are haunted by the fear that reality will break out of its case and become visible as it truly is.”

Newspeak as Parasite

In order to destroy a culture, its institutions must be implanted with a worm that will feed from the inside out.  Newspeak is that worm. Practitioners of Newspeak consider “right-wing conservative” a term of abuse, as conservatives protest against the tearing down of traditional culture and institutions, and therefore are dissidents who get in the way of revolution. This is why Donald Trump and his supporters, who want to make America Great Again, who wish to preserve American culture and institutions, must be redefined as white nationalists, right-wing extremists and fascists. Scruton says the first job of conservatives is to restore our language.


Mattias Desmet cautions us that mass formation can cause the emergence of new forms of governance, especially totalitarian regimes, and can lead to atrocities.  That is reason enough for us to analyze whatever information to which we are subjected.  Do not swallow information whole, but stringently examine it.  Keep an open mind; take everything with a grain of salt. Above all, think for yourself, and resist the occupation of our minds.



Hatred by the Boundary County Cabal

Name: Kirk Dixon

The “Community Snatchers”are coming…
My wife and I were at Super 1 shopping. As we we strolling through the produce section, there they were. The “outsiders”. They were actually touching and inspecting the “local”tomatoes. If that wasn’t disturbing enough, we also saw them checking out the “local” canned goods. The “outsiders’s”children were even laughing. What was worst than that was, the parents smiled at us. It was just awful. How dare they walk amongst us. As we were waiting in the check-out line, the father”outsider” had the gall to say hello to us. It was indeed a weird feeling. As we were loading our car with the groceries, another “outsider” approached us and offered to help. My wife almost fainted. It took a lot of courage but I replied, no thank you. As we were driving home, we looked at each other with disbelief as to what had just experienced. To have this happen in ‘OUR” community was outrageous. It needs to stop. Next time we’ll call the cops on them. Just to prove a point…..
This is parody, but seems like more and more of this kind of crap is being spewed by “locals”. Seems like it shows up quite often in 9B News
It’s gotten so bad that on 3/13/2023 Mike Weland went as far as to use the term “right wing extremists” instead of “outsider”. I assume by his article, that it was time to tar and feather anybody he does not agree with and send then out of Bonners Ferry on a rail.
I’m wondering what the time frame is to fall under the label of “outside”…..a month…..1 year….perhaps 30 years. Humm



On March 4th, 2023, I received an emailed containing the agenda for the March 6th BCRCC meeting. This agenda contained a line with the Copeland district, and my name, Mark Moseley with a strike through it, and the term “Indefinite Suspension” next to it.

Here is a screenshot of that line:

Just a few days prior, I had requested a topic be added to the agenda. Then, I followed up with a call to Caleb. Caleb never mentioned anything about an issue with me, or that he added my name with a strike through it on the agenda. After I received the agenda, I called Caleb and emailed him asking what the strike through my name was all about. Caleb never answered the phone, never called me back, and never responded to my email asking about this topic. Caleb Davis literally stone-walled me.

Just prior to the opening of the March 6th BCRCC meeting, I sat in an open seat on the side of the tables where the elected committeemen should all be sitting together. Beginning on the October 3rd 2022 meeting, they started placing these name-plates, with my name being far away from the other elected members. This was obviously to coerce me to sit away from the other elected committee members.

Caleb Davis attempted to bully me to move from my seat, and move off to the side, “where I belong”. I refused to give up my seat. Caleb said he would have me removed. I said that Caleb would have to have me physically removed from the seat. Caleb then left the room and immediately started talking to a Bonners Ferry Police Officer, who was standing outside. Caleb was attempting to claim that I threatened him. However, this was a lie. The police officer never did ask me any questions.

Note that there was police activity in and around Mugsy’s at this time. Squad cars were in the ally, and deputies were standing at different tactical points around the building. Someone obviously made sure there was a police presence that night. Caleb was obviously aware of the presence. There was obvious anticipation that something was going to happen. The subversionists, however, had no idea that it would end the way it did.

Let’s backup, provide some historical context, and then address the March 6th meeting.

The GOP leadership has, so far, done nothing to stop the behavior of the BCRCC, or stop it from constant subversion against the GOP.

In the Spring of 2022, this committee attacked Scott Herndon for what his campaign people put on promotional fliers for his campaign.

This committee has a history of refusing to support conservatives, even if the conservatives won the Primary.

This committee refused to promote Heather Scott during her campaign, and the committee opted to support Heather’s opponent, instead.


Dave Wenk, Erik Olson and Caleb Davis have all expressed their hatred for Dorothy Moon, Scott Herndon, and Heather Scott, in private. However, they praise Dorothy Moon in the public meetings.

Dave Wenk said he loves what leftists wrote against Dorothy Moon, and other GOP officials. He expressed his pleasure and asked if he could share the propaganda-hit-piece “art”. This shows exactly which side Dave Wenk is on, and it is not the side of the GOP.

Lester Pinkerton and Dave Wenk both placed campaign signs on their properties that supported the 2022 Primary LOSER and write-in candidate Tim Bertling.

Dave Wenk actually had TWO large signs in his fields, prior to moving them from his fields, and placing one of the signs on the corner of his property. We are unsure where the second sign was moved to. Note that he lied and claimed he never even had a sign. Here is proof that he lied about it.

Lester Pinkerton also placed a sign directly in front of Scott Herndon’s sign that said “NOT”.

Committee Members Dave Wenk and Erik Olson have attacked me (Mark Moseley), Adrienne Norris, and several other individuals in the community calling them names such as “whacko”, “extremist”, “liar”, shit stirrer”, etc. Dave Wenk stood up in the July 2022 meeting and called me a “Shit Stirrer” because I said the committee could do better, and that the meeting minutes were released every month at an unacceptable date.

In a previous meeting in the Spring of 2022, Erik Olson stood up, slammed his fist onto the table, and screamed at someone for saying that Jim Woodward votes like a democrat. I have to say that I had a problem with Erik Olson then being appointed to the BCRCC. I made it public that I had issues with the temperament of Eric Olson. Erik Olson has threatened me with bodily harm on several occasions during 2022. I never filed charges, until he did it several times on March 6th, 2023. There is currently an open complaint on file with the Boundary County Sheriff.

Several people have sent me numerous screenshots from social media and audio of these actions by these committee members.

Danielle Ahrens had an outburst at the December BCRCC meeting. She was saying that I (Mark Moseley) am singlehandedly responsible for getting Tim Bertling elected. Note that this is slander. She ignores the tens of thousands of dollars spent on campaign signs, television commercials, etc by the subversionists in this county.

The video of this can be found here: December 2022 BCRCC Meeting


On October 3rd, 2022, The BCRCC members Lester Pinkerton, Dave Wenk, Erik Olson, and Danielle Ahrens abused their positions as committee members. They conspired to stage the meeting as a platform to attack me, for calling out corruption outside the committee. An article regarding this event can be found here:

Boundary County Central Committee Commits Treason Against GOP


The March 6th meeting opened with Caleb Davis lecturing the community that he has the right to do this and that.

Caleb Davis, Erik Olson, and Danielle Ahrens were more concerned with shutting me up, than they were about actual, official business. Dorothy Moon sent Julie Lynn to speak at the meeting. However, she never got an opportunity to speak. Caleb also added several people to the agenda, knowing they would not be present.

Caleb Davis refused to sit at the table WITH me. So, he opted to sit off to the side. This is another childish action by the so-called Chairman of the Boundary County Republican Central Committee.

Caleb Davis is 100% against transparency. He started out by lecturing the public about how “the meeting minutes” are all anyone needs as a record of what happens at these meetings”. Note that without the cameras, we cannot prove anything. They need the cameras to be removed, so that they can continue their subversion without resistance.



Mark Quinn Spoke out against silencing members: Mark Quinn Speaks



The Boundary County Watchman, Adrienne Norris spoke about names being struck-out on the agenda:  Adrienne Norris Speaks


Here is the point where Caleb and Erik Agree to not interrupt public speakers: Erik and Caleb Talk About Not Interrupting

During the public speaker’s time, Linda Fontanes stood up and began giving her personal testimony about what she saw, and experienced in Boise, when she was present during the legislative sessions. She was cut-off by Caleb Davis on several occasions, and essentially stopped her from giving her honest testimony. Literally just a couple minutes prior to Linda’s testimony, Caleb and Erik Olson agreed that Caleb would not interrupt the speakers. I attempted to stop Caleb from interrupting Linda, but was shouted down by Erik Olson and Caleb Davis. The hypocrisy of Caleb Davis and Erik Olson is clearly demonstrated, here.  Linda Fontanes Speaks


Steve Fioravanti spoke about Caleb’s attempts to silence me:

Steve Fioravanti Speaks



Caleb Davis used “we must have order” and “Robert’s Rules” as an excuse to silence me. Here is that Audio from two different cameras: Caleb Davis giving his reason for silencing me:

Reason for Silencing Me Cam 1


During the time for elected committeemen to speak, I stood up when it was supposed to be Copeland’s turn. Caleb Davis and Erik Olson both shouted over me during my attempt to give my report. I then waited until the rest of the members to give their reports, before I tried again. I was again shouted at by Caleb and Erik. Here is the video with the committee district reports. You can see that I kept my composure during this whole session:  Caleb and Eric Shout Me Down When Trying to Give the Copeland Report



I do not speak about business that is discussed in executive sessions. However, I will tell you that I was threatened during TWO executive sessions. The first time was during the October 3rd, 2022 meeting. Erik Olson threatened to “take me outside” and beat me up several times during that meeting. He escalated these threats in the March 6th, 2023 meeting. I recall roughly a dozen times Erik Olson threatening to do me bodily harm using different terms with each threat. I have a video that shows us seconds after the executive session ended, where you can hear me calling out Caleb for not doing his duty to stop the treats by Erik Olson. Here is the video segment of my complaint to Caleb about his dereliction of duty:


Just after we ended the executive session, Danielle Ahrens snatched items from my seat including a camera, cell phone, eyeglasses, notebook and other misc items. I was across the room getting ready to resume recording on the camera that was on a tripod. Fearing that she was going to put my personal property into the toilet, just feet from her seat, I had to think quickly. You see, I was not willing to engage in a physical altercation by removing my property from her possession, forcibly. So, I moved her cell phone to a chair near the entrance of the room, in hopes that she would put my property down and go retrieve her phone.

Danielle Ahrens, then rushed to me, grabbed onto me and attempted to throw me to the ground. She shook me several times while I yelled out. I knew that I was in a situation that I should not defend myself, but had to try to get out of the situation. I stepped away from her, and she walked over to me again and grabbed me again.

During this time, I was calling out to Caleb Davis to call the police. Caleb sat in his chair and watched, without saying a word to stop. In fact, he sat there and did nothing but watched while I was being assaulted.

I was the last person to be interviewed by the police. Isn’t it standard operating procedure to speak to the victim, first?

It is important to note that Danielle Ahrens can be heard in the videos telling the police that I was the one who attacked her. Lying to the police is also a crime.

The Boundary County Watchman has a video of the entire assault. My tripod camera only captured all but the first 5 -10 seconds of the assault. My secondary camera was stolen by Danielle Ahrens.


Caleb Davis left the scene immediately after the assault. He did not stay around to properly review the situation, or even check to see if everything was alright. In my opinion, this is dereliction of duty as a committeeman, and the Chairman of the BCRCC.

Caleb Davis, Erik Olson, Dave Wenk, Danielle Ahrens and Lester Pinkerton are always claiming that I am causing chaos, and guilty of outbursts during the meetings. However, I can testify that this is NOT TRUE. I do not shout out or cause disturbances during the BCRCC meetings. In fact, I have written several proposals to make this committee better. All of which were rejected, except a formatting change I made to the by-laws.


I am innocent regarding the allegations by this committee, saying that I am disruptive and cause strife during the meetings. I am willing to testify in court of my innocence.

This committee is merely bothered by the fact that I am calling out corruption, and that I am critical of this committee for not doing its job.

This committee has zero accountability, and they know it. They often abuse their positions, and nothing is ever done to stop it. All the while, they have been trying to destroy me. The difference is, I have all of the evidence to prove my case. They have nothing but lies and distortions of truth.

It is time for the GOP to finally disband this committee, or cast out those who have committed assault, threats of bodily harm, or committed dereliction of duty. I plea for the GOP leadership to do their job to resolve this once and for all, and I have faith that they will.

I personally believe that Caleb Davis is a liability to Russ Fulcher, and the GOP organization, based on his performance on the BCRCC.

Lastly, I thank The Most High for the use of recordings in these meetings. Without them, these people would have been successful in destroying my name and credibility.


Boundary County Watchman – BCRCC Meeting March 6th, 2023

The following was written by the Boundary County Watchman

Boundary County Watchman – BCRCC Meeting March 6th, 2023

Mark Moseley was elected by voters to be the Copeland Precinct member for the Boundary Republican Central Committee. On Monday, March 6, 2023 four out of the nine committee members (Caleb Davis, Sue Larson, Erik Olson and Danielle Arhens and possibly Dave Wenk and Les Pinkerton) tried to “indefinite suspension” Mark. Please find the attached Agenda notice that was only shared to the Committee and not published to the public like they usually are. While Dave Wenk and Les Pinkerton were not present at the meeting, it was obvious they were made aware considering their emails were attached to the shared Agenda notice. Since the room had a fire code capacity I notified what I thought would keep us under capacity. The room was packed to support Mark’s 1st Amendment rights and a few people spoke up during prayer and public speaking time. Chair Caleb Davis tried to claim this was about Robert’s Rules and not the 1st Amendment. He tried to claim we were all confused, but we all knew better and stayed to be a witness! It was quite obvious that six out of nine committee members wanted to violate Mark’s 1st Amendment right and also not allow him to be the voice for the Copeland voters.

I have been recording their meetings since November because I was concerned with how they didn’t support the republican winners from the primary election (May 2022). Their bylaws state that it is their duty. They should have made sure the Primary winners made it to the finish line in the general elections (November 2022). But it seemed that six out of the nine committee members were more worried about their friendships than doing what they were elected for. Mark and a few of us have been telling them to do their job. Mark has never been out of line except for the fact that they do not like what he says. It is all recorded and you can watch the playlist on my Youtube channel “Boundary County Watchman”. You will see he has been stern and direct with them, but so has a handful of public commenters. You can also see how they keep shutting him down. We are mad…We do not want our state turning blue. It is happening down south. So here we have a group of elected precinct members who are not taking their job seriously. Some people have a hard time looking past friendships to do the right thing. This human flaw is why our country is in trouble right now. sigh… I am attaching the link to the meeting so you can see what happened for yourself.

The part I did not release to the public is when the Executive Session was over and the public started to come back into the room. As we entered some of us (I recorded it) witnessed Danielle Arhens assaulting Mark Moseley. Mark handled himself perfectly and pulled away and went to sit down and wait for the police. Oddly, Erik Olson tried to point and direct the police to Mark (captured in the recording). It was very obvious last night that some of the committee members do not like Mark and wanted him silenced. The problem is the only way to silence an ELECTED PERSON is through a recall, don’t re-elect or maybe something criminal???.

Sheriff Dave Kramer has been in some of the meetings when Mark was telling the other committee members to start doing their job or confronting these members to stop the rumors and lies. I would assume if Mark was out of line the Sheriff would act… but he doesn’t.

I find it interesting how the Good Ole Boys want everyone to keep issues private, yet they can go around and start rumors, call people extremist, wackos, taliban, nazis, etc.. Buuuuut……we have to take it, shut up and sit down!!!! I am shocked and saddened by what I witnessed and felt compelled to let Boundary County know. In my opinion we all need to start researching who we elect and quit listening to our buddy’s recommendation.

What I am witnessing in this county is a group of people who believe anyone who speaks out of turn, tries to run for office or attempts to make a difference is ganged up on by bullies. It is very much like high school immaturity and it is time to pull mirrors out!

March 6, 2023 meeting:

Watch this playlist of all the recordings of the committee’s meetings for proof. Try to watch chronological series so you can understand what led up to the last meeting:…

Here is Mark’s camera view. It is 5 minutes long. I am withholding my recording that shows in detail Danielle Arhens assaulting Mark Moseley. I gave a copy to law enforcement and Dorothy Moon (State RCC Chair).

Well Done, Sara Hall

Name: garry


The piece by Sara Hall was well done.

Please relay to her kudos and a thank you.

In essence, the federal lands have been institutionally subjected to exist under the new age religion of Gaia.

This is the punch line to the story I believe.

It all feeds into the OWO agenda.

American’s crying- guns, God and country have been duped.

Vote NO on Tuesday

From: Kirk Dixon

We’ve all heard the hype about this M&O levy and that it’s an extension to the one that’s expiring. I don’t know about anybody else, but with the high price of gas, groceries and everything else, I could sure use the tax cut to help with expenses. When did NO stop meaning NO? It’s said the state has money, ask them. If the city can take the ARPA money that we the people were against, the school Dist. can get money from the state. These are desperate times, I would think the School Board could put their heads together and come up with another plan, other than raping us who are working hard to make ends meet. My vote is NO.

Reinventing Government When Loggers were Right-Wing Extremists Part 2 / 2

In part 1 of this two-part series, I promised I would give more details about Bill Clinton’s Forest Conference (Forest Summit) that took place in Portland, Oregon in 1993, and the events that decided the fate of western lands and forests. Al Gore also chaired the conference.

Al Gore: the Green Giant

You remember Al Gore?  He’s the guy who said, in 1992, that we are on the verge of ecological collapse because we have tilted so far toward individual rights.  His fellow eco-warrior, Donald Worster, an environmental historian, wrote that we need a revised Constitution, because a stable society in equilibrium with the processes of nature cannot allow much freedom or self-assertiveness to the individual.  Gore promised the American people that the Clinton-Gore administration would “reinvent government.”

Gore pumped up public panic regarding imminent destruction of the earth in his book, Earth in the Balance.  He attended the Rio Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. In June of that year, Bill Clinton signed the Convention on Biological Diversity treaty which had been presented at the Rio Earth Summit.  According to Brian Sussman, in his book, Eco-Tyranny, Gore was cut loose to implement the United Nations’ Agenda 21 in the United States.

Origins of the Consensus-Building Model of Government

In 1993, when Clinton and Gore chaired the Forest Summit, they trotted out the Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team (FEMAT), which was tasked to find an ecosystems solution to the conflict between environmentalists and Wise Use advocates.  Given Gore’s statements and Clinton’s actions, it is no surprise that the White House packed the FEMAT team with true believers in the sort of scientific conclusions favored by Clinton and Gore, that is, an ecosystems management approach.  There were many scientists who did not come to the same desired conclusions, but they were cut out of the debate, despite their expertise.

One scientist who was invited to be part of Clinton and Gore’s team was Robert G. Lee, both a forester and a sociologist.  Lee resigned from the FEMAT team for two reasons: he saw that science was being mishandled, and he warned about the havoc and suffering that the favored policies were about to inflict on rural Americans, but a deaf ear was turned to his warnings and pleas

After the destruction of the western rural economy, Lee was counseling rural people and helping them piece together their lives again. Their stories moved him to compassion.  What he had forewarned at the Forest Summit had come to pass.  As I said in Part 1 When Loggers were Right-Wing Extremists, he began to explore the dark side of the environmental movement.  Remember that Lee is both a forester and a sociologist.  His area of specialization is the sociology of natural resources.

Loggers as Scapegoats

Lee tried to share the destruction and despair wreaked on his clients with friends, colleagues and college students.  Nobody cared about loggers and their families. They asked him why he cared about the plight of some loggers.  Weren’t they environmental criminals destroying the earth?  Didn’t they deserve what they got?  After all, if we don’t save the earth, all of us will die. Loggers were in the way of that. They were impeding the natural processes and disturbing the balance of nature.  We were doomed to destruction because of our environmental sins, and who cares about the fate of those who had to be sacrificed in order to atone for green guilt.  Think of Greta Thunberg ad nauseum.

This might be the place to share that, after the Forest Summit, the Clinton-Gore administration created a plethora of crimes against nature that had never existed before. The concept of criminality had been extended.  So, yes, the loggers had been stigmatized as environmental criminals.  And Lee tells us that, as such, a principle known as moral exclusion had been applied to them and placed them beyond normal ideas of empathy and regard for other human beings in crisis.  Loggers had to go so that we all could survive. You know, we have to break a few eggs to make an omelet—that kind of thinking.

The Green New Self

Lee tells us that a tactic had been applied during the war over the environment known as moral persuasion. He encountered the work of Charles Lindblom, a Yale economist and political scientist who compared various forms of social control in governments throughout the world. Lindblom discussed a system of social control known as moral persuasion, characterized by governmental or social elite “teachers” who assume the task of instructing the masses of people.  The teachers are to write upon the blank slates of the masses the understandings of the “enlightened” ones.  Lee writes, “’Education’ comes closer to describing what moral persuasion does, although indoctrination, instruction, propaganda, counseling, advice, exhortation, and thought control are all involved.”

The goal is to elicit volunteer conformity to the so-called enlightened views.  The idea is to shame people’s improper attitudes, and elicit guilt in the self, so that people will embrace the correct attitudes and behaviors, and transform themselves into the “new man” desired by the teachers. The technique was also used in the Cultural Revolution in Red China.

Here, the idea is to get the masses to reject the old ecologically incorrect self and to embrace the green new self.  You’ve heard of global green citizens?

Reinventing Government

Here is a timeline of events to refer to during the following discussion.

  • In 1992, Gore attends the Rio Earth Summit. 
  • June 1992 Clinton signs the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
  • April 2 1993 Clinton and Gore hold the Forest Summit.
  • 1993 Clinton sends the Convention on Biological Diversity treaty to Congress where it fails.  Chase tells us that if the treaty ever passes the Senate, elected officials will lose all control over American lands: Once approved,  it would “remove preservation policy from the control of elected officials altogether, delegating this power to United Nations bureaucrats, State Department officials, and advisory committees representing environmental groups (which the UN euphemistically called NGOs, or ‘non-governmental organizations).”

End Run around Congress

 “Meanwhile,” Alston Chase adds, “the administration fine-tuned plans for implementing the Biodiversity treaty as the Senate began its consideration of the agreement.” Our Congress is still being pressured to pass this terrifying treaty.

  • Clinton created Executive Order 12852. June 29, 1993, Bill Clinton established the President’s Sustainable Development Council, which mimicked the United Nations Council on Sustainable Development. Gore played an active role.
  • The Sustainable Development Council presented a document titled A New Consensus for the Prosperity, Opportunity and a Healthy Environment for the Future.  Sussman writes “Gore’s ‘A New Consensus’ statesthe federal government should play a more active role in building consensus on difficult issues.”  Gore also stated that there is no “legitimate debate” about global warming and that the Sustainable Development Council should create policies that are consistent with international agreements (Eco-Tyranny).  Sussman remarks that science is not conducted on the basis of consensus and that ‘building consensus’ implies serious arm-twisting in this case.

An endnote in Robert G. Lee’s book, Broken Trust, Broken Land, shares the following: “During the post-FEMAT interviews with me, FEMAT scientists who designed Option 9 of the President’s report described how they had planned to break the political gridlock by circumventing pluralistic democratic politics and establishing local consensus groups to work in partnership with federal ecosystems managers.”

In fact, Lee comments that the real dark horse to come out of the Forest Summit was the FEMAT team, and it had been set up weeks in advance to include only those who favored the Clinton Administration’s version of ecosystems management. The real agenda was to shut down pluralistic and open debate.

Putting a Good Face on Things: Managing Dissent

The Forest Summit took place only as an orchestrated public relations event and included key local and regional leaders to give the public the feeling that they mattered, and that the President was a fair-minded guy.  I might add that it gives the appearance of buy-in as well, and thereby enlists cooperation.

Lee further states that the FEMAT team “retreated behind closed doors, maintained complete secrecy, and excluded both unwelcome ideas and scientists with whom they disagreed,[they] came to see themselves as an authoritative and self-directed group, and developed a plan endorsed by the President.”

Lee goes on to comment, “The actions of officials in the Clinton Administration is consistent with the belief that ‘charismatic ecological scientists’ should be given the authority of philosopher-kings. The Administration has given these ‘scientists’ the authority to disregard democratic pluralism, including laws guaranteeing an open society.”

  •  The next step in Gore’s plan to reinvent government happened when Clinton conducted the “Gap Analysis.”  This analysis was to conduct a GIS survey of all lands not held/controlled by the federal government and to target them for government acquisition. Also, every living thing was to be located and surveyed by computer technology. Clinton tried to make it so that the results of the survey were to be exempted from the Freedom of Information Act. Congress declined to go along.

 Biocentrism: the New Declaration of the Rights of Nature

Chase comments that the above steps reinvented government by 1) converting government decision-making processes to a consensus building process, instead of fostering open debate accompanied by presentation of evidence; 2) redefining the role, duties and function of government to conform to a philosophy of biocentrism.  Biocentrism, in this discussion, is the view that culture should conform to natural processes, not to the Declaration of Independence nor to the U.S. Constitution, founding documents of the United States of America which hold that the primary duty of government is to protect individual rights, such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  In the biocentrist view, the function of government is to protect nature from humankind. As for the right to life, the Convention on Biological Diversity states that government’s role is to control human populations.  Humankind’s pursuit of happiness is a secondary consideration, if considered at all, because humankind is the source of environmental destruction.

Chase says, “all along biocentrists had invoked the fate of the [spotted] owl, not because they were worried about the little bird itself, but because it was a tool for achieving broader antihumanist and primativist goals…Now by declaring the government responsible for all life, they could avoid science—and accountability—altogether.”  As Chase puts it, the niceties of science had been left behind.

Sussman informs us that Gore presented his plan to reinvent government to the public as a way to streamline the government decision-making process, and to eliminate red tape.

America’s Vision and the Worldview of Philosopher-Kings

Robert G. Lee holds the belief that the environment and humankind can both be best protected by the restoration of the principles of our founding documents.  He believes that individual liberty, not environmental security, must remain the central organizational principle of government policy, toward both people and the environment, and reminds us that “the institutional foundations of this nation are freedom of religion, freedom of association, private property, rule of law, and representative government.”

The United Nations’ Agenda 21/2030, Smart Growth, the Wildlife Corridors Initiative, the Wildlands Project, the Green New Deal and the Great Reset are all tools, devices and different names for world globalists’ desire to subvert American law as expressed in our founding documents and traditions in order to get Americans to abandon the rule of law as we know it.  They want us to embrace the global green citizenship of the world, and to embrace the totalitarian government they plan for us.  They are using our elected officials, our courts, our economy and our education system to do it.  Consult John Fonte’s book, Sovereignty or Submission, for more information on how it is being accomplished.

 Lee writes that advocates for centralized control of our society believe that, in order to preserve our environment, there must be a revolutionary transformation of our citizens and institutions; reduction or elimination of private property, such as land, forests and water; public and private lands must be under the control of the state. There must be a curtailment of pluralistic, political debate, and religion must be broadened so as to focus our ultimate concern on protecting the ‘the community of nature.” That would often make our concern for the welfare of our fellow human beings a secondary priority.

Reinventing Rural America

So why do our elected officials, local, state and national, cooperate in implementing these agendas? In short, it’s because they believe the agendas to be correct.  It’s not that they’re evil. However, they are as much under the influence of moral persuasion, propaganda and mass formation as anyone else.

Former President Clinton sent out special administrative teams to different Northwest forest units (known as Adaptive Management Areas (AMAs) to create partnerships between local citizens, government scientists and ecosystems managers. I think these “partnerships” are the stakeholder groups being touted in Idaho as the way to settle conflict over the environment.

Lee informs us” these reforms are guided by an idealistic vision of consensus groups that would be established to elicit the voluntary cooperation of local citizens in restoring damaged watersheds and helping implement ecosystems management.  Partnerships between government, ecosystem managers and local people are proposed to take the place of the gridlock originating in debates between the timber industry and environmental interest groups. Contentious debate characteristic of an open, pluralistic political system is seen as a threat to stable ecosystem management.”

American Officials Get on Board the Green Train

Lee tells us that advocates for centralized control go into rural communities and act as “teachers” to imprint the correct attitudes, values and behaviors they desire concerning the environment.  They use the tactics of moral persuasion to persuade leaders and citizens to embrace the green, new self.  Many leaders embrace these teachers as “experts” imbued with authority.  The leaders are then receptive to new programs and policies; the “teachers” are only too willing to oblige.

Because they see these teachers as having governmental and scientific authority, leaders are vulnerable, Lee tells us, to the same kind of blind obedience to authority that Milgram’s famous shock experiment demonstrated can result in people inflicting callous or inhumane acts on others, such as did the Nazis.  When elected officials and participants in these groups have no independent moral authority, they often over rely on politically-motivated scientific authority, and they silence public debate and dissent.

Elected officials are often uncomfortable when debate and disbursement of information become public outside of their control. Sometimes these officials seem to be willing agents of groupthink enforcement and thought control.

Then, too, let’s not forget that several generations have been raised and educated under the indoctrination of moral persuasion and mass-hysteria regarding the care of the environment. Lee showed his college students a comic book for children entitled Stop the Chop!  The heroes of the comic book are “Earth Rangers” who go to Oregon to stop Zack Axe from cutting old growth forests.  When loggers in Oregon present them with written permission from the government to cut the trees, the Earth Rangers reply, “We represent something bigger than the government, Zack Axe.” “Yeah! Earth!”

Lee reports that less than one in ten of his students recognizes the police state activities of the Earth Rangers.  The majority believes that laws may have to be ignored to save the earth.  He says the vast majority are unable to comprehend the acceptability of tyranny that this comic would teach young children.  Instead, his students are ill-prepared to “appreciate, protect, or defend a government based on law,” but, due to their fear of an apocalyptic collapse of the environment, they are thoroughly prepared to become functionaries in a government that places saving the environment above the law.

The mass-hysteria over planet earth that the last three to four generations have been subjected to, and the guilt and shame that have been heaped upon rural producers, have well-prepared elected officials to ignore and silence the voice of ordinary citizens, and to implement policies that ignore individual rights and the moral autonomy that are the basis of our founding documents and American traditions.  Lee cautions us against falling for demagoguery because almost none of our elected officials are speaking up for us.

His book has many suggestions for how we might reclaim our institutions so that we may protect both our environment and fellow human beings. But he says that the most important thing of all is to first recover independent moral autonomy, because autonomous persons see themselves as independent moral agents who answer to themselves. As he puts it, “Autonomy implies that individuals develop the capacity to make independent moral and scientific judgments.”

This capacity is the absolute opposite of going along with consensus groups and engaging in groupthink. This means that citizens accept their responsibility for self-governance. One of Lee’s strategies is to start our own citizens’ Adaptive Management Teams.  I would add that the best way to begin is by forming a reading and discussion group around some of the books cited in this article.  Contact the editor of Boundary.News if you are interested.









Boundary County Clerk Using the Police as a Weapon

Using the Police as a Weapon

Boundary County Clerk Calls Police on Member of the Community to Intimidate Them

The following article is based on witness testimony, and physical evidence.


Cameron Smith, who recently bought a home adjacent to the Tractor Supply property, is currently in a dispute with Boundary County regarding the County’s handling of events surrounding the proposed future Tractor Supply location. There are several valid issues that should be investigated in depth, regarding this topic.

County Commissioner Tim Bertling is voting on the topics related to the Tractor Supply, when there is a clear conflict of interest in this case. During Bertling’s write-in campaign, he approved a 40-foot campaign sign sitting on a tractor trailer to be placed on the property where the Tractor Supply is approved to be built. Bertling deflects his conflict of interest claiming that “his campaign manager is the one who put the sign there. So, there is no conflict of interest.” The fact is, when you are the face of a political campaign in a small community, you have TOTAL CONTROL of where your signs are placed. It would be impossible for Bertling to not know about the sign. Bertling is clearly lying about this.

Boundary.News published an article about this topic. Here is that link:

Although there are other, serious issues regarding Boundary County and the Tractor Supply property, there is another, more-serious problem that needs attention.


Mr Smith needed to file time-sensitive paperwork with the Boundary County Clerk’s office. The County Clerk and other departments refused to provide any direction or assistance in the matter. All they did was send him to another department. That department would send him to a different department, in an endless loop. This is a common tactic used in the Boundary County government system.

According to the testimony of Mr Smith, the County manipulated the situation, bounced him around from department to department, and gave him the run-around. It appears that this was an effort to force Mr Smith to miss the deadline to file his paperwork. You can see this in his testimony, below.

Mr Smith was rightfully frustrated at the county official’s incompetence regarding the way he was treated, the posted hours, and the procedures for filing paperwork. Perhaps this was nothing more than stonewalling. Either way, the Clerk’s office has serious accountability issues.

Mr Smith had notified the Clerk’s office that he would be coming in to file his paperwork. When he arrived at the courthouse, he was met by Boundary County Sheriff’s Deputy, and a Bonners Ferry Police Officer. They began asking him questions. Although Mr Smith is not required by law to answer questions, he obliged the officers. The officers then proceeded to order Mr Smith to “be calm”. Audio of that interaction and the interaction with the Clerk’s office can be found here:

If the Clerk’s office dialed 911 in a non-emergency situation, it is an abuse of 911 services, which is illegal. If the Clerk’s office used a non-emergency means to ask for a Bonners Ferry Police Officer, and a Boundary County Sheriff’s Deputy to show up, it is an abuse of County resources, at best.

911 is not to be used if you feel uncomfortable or do not like a situation. 911 is to be used in an emergency. There is a reason why the title says “911 Emergency”.

Here is an interesting fact: The Courthouse jury commissioner who also acts as the security guard on duty is Ben Reinhardt. Ben happens to be a black-belt in Judo, and well-versed in other disciplines. The Clerk’s office entrance is less than 10 feet from Bens desk. The Clerk’s Office employees know this. There was zero need for any law enforcement to be brought to the scene.

The Clerk’s office obviously used the police as a weapon to intimidate a member of this community that had a valid dispute. Whomever is responsible for contacting the police when there was no threat, that individual should be prosecuted.

Mr Smith’s testimony is below:

I took ownership of my property on September 15th 2022 and moved in on October 1st, 2022.  The previous owners Dustin and Lowanda Dyrks were the owners of the house previous to me.  James Byler submitted a request for a zoning change to the property to the south of me in September 2022 so that he could build 15000-foot building.  At the time, he did not disclose in a public forum who the land was to be sold to. It turned out that it was Tractor Supply Company via a developer based out of Alabama who had created an LLC in Bonners Ferry, presumably, just for the purchase of the land and to stay anonymous.

The county failed to notify me as the new owner of the land and allow for public comment. I did not find out about the project until another notice was sent out for an approach variance that was going to be made on Homestead loop.  One of the variances was within 20 feet of my driveway to allow for semi-truck traffic in and out of the new store.  I received the notice on the 29th of December 2022 and was not able to verify what this was about until January 3rd because the road and bridge would not return my calls, nor would the zoning commission.

 I attended the meeting that the county commissioners scheduled for the initial public comment as well as sent in a petition that was signed by 20 plus people explaining that they did not want the approach variances to be approved on the basis of safety concerns due to the increased traffic that was going to be on homestead loop.  The traffic was also going to be compounded by many new high traffic businesses that are also in the works on 95 at this time.  Tim

Bertling stated that he was able to vote on the issue and said that he did not have any conflicts of interest to preside over the decision.  It should be noted that Tim Bertling had a tractor trailer sign on the property in question during the election period in September of 2022.  The initial discussion was put on pause and then set for 3 weeks in advance so that the commissioners could consult with their legal counsel as well as have the developer make changes to the entrances to the business to align with requirements from the commissioners.

During the second public hearing Tim Bertling mentioned the fact that he did in fact did have the sign on the property in question, however he still felt that it was not a conflict of interest.  The commissioners were asked if Road and Bridge had conducted a traffic study on 95 and homestead loop to assess if there were any additional risks by putting in this new business. They did not and stated that it was not required by law. The Commissioners then voted unanimously to approve the approach variances, despite many people from the community who had voiced their concerns about the project.

I then began to inquire how to go about how to file an appeal to the decision sighting that I was not notified and that the county had not followed the Idaho laws in regard to proper notifications of the residents.  The County Commissioners Clerk, The County Court Clerk, Road and Bridge, nor zoning could tell me how to file an appeal.

I was able to look up the information on the county’s own website and then find the paperwork as well as fee schedule for the appeal.  None of this information was known by any of the staff within the county.  This is gross negligence on the county’s part, sighting that their own staff does not understand Idaho laws.

When trying to submit the appeal the county commissioners’ clerk nor the clerk of the courts could help me find the right person to submit the paperwork.  I was bounced from one department to another, and being told it was a zoning issue, then a commissioner’s issue, and back to zoning.

The last day submission process came and I called once more to the commissioners and county clerk offices.  I was told to go to the zoning office in Bonners Ferry by the clerk of the courts and Cherry insisted that this would be the correct action.  The office was closed.  I then tried calling the offices in Sandpoint.  I then found out that the offices were closed on Tuesdays and that the only office for zoning was their Sandpoint location.

I then tried calling the Zoning offices in Sandpoint to verify that they were present and could accept the appeal.  They did not answer.  I then drove through a snow squall to the Sandpoint zoning offices.  The zoning office said they could not accept my appeal.

I then drove back to the Boundary County Courthouse to file the appeal and was met by a Sherriff deputy and a Bonners Ferry Police officer and was told to “be calm”.  I took this as an intimidation, sighting that

I had made no threats to any of the staff during this proceeding.

I am genuinely concerned about the ability for our county commissioner’s ability to follow the letter of the law as well as the ability of the supporting staff to conduct themselves in a helpful and lawful manner sighting that no one was familiar with the process, everyone was confused and unhelpful, and then I was strong armed by 2 armed law enforcement officers.

Please let me know if you would like me to give you the recording of the interaction with the police officers.


High Treason and the American Domestic Bioterrorism Program

From Bailwick News

High Treason and the American Domestic Bioterrorism Program

Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.

Research and organizing tool first posted April 28, 2022, subject to ongoing revision as new information comes to light. Last updated Feb. 12, 2023.

Other formats: Sept. 2022 small-print PDF (67 pages); Sept. 2022 large-print PDF (101 pages); Nov. 2022 Statutory History Orientation Memo (45 pages); Dec. 2022 Legal Structures Outline (2 pages), Dec. 2022 Six Statutory Frameworks – Executive Summary (14 pages); Jan. 2023 Kill Box slide deck (18 pages); Feb. 2023 Kill Box slide deck (36 pages)


I started looking closely at the legal architecture supporting the Covid national prison panopticon on Jan. 30, 2022, after hearing Attorney Todd Callender’s interview, which provided information about the American domestic legal framework; how it fit with the oddly-coordinated pandemic story told by governments worldwide; and how it relates to the World Health Organization International Health Regulations of 2005 at the center.

I wrote up the interview:

Prior to that day, I’d spent a lot of time, with increasing confusion and alarm and despair, trying to figure out why the U.S. Constitutional legal system hadn’t put a stop to the nonsense as its nonsensicality became obvious to so many people.

Why did it continue, with no end in sight, and not even a glimpse of a path to the end?

Since then, as I’ve dug into Callender’s analysis following the supporting paper trails, I’ve learned why, and how.

A whole lot of things that once were federal and state crimes and civil rights violations have been legalized by Congress through legislative, statutory revisions to the United States Code, signed by US Presidents, and implemented at the administrative, regulatory level by the Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Defense through the Code of Federal Regulations.

I’ve reported on those findings in small bits and pieces, connecting the laws to court cases, executive orders, guidance documents for industry and researchers, academic papers, intellectual property patents, regulatory amendments, psychological manipulation programs, geopolitical developments and other facts as they’ve floated across my field of view.

I think the critical decay began around 1983, when the ‘public health emergencies’ section was added to the 1944 Public Health Service Act, although the 1944 PHSA itself represented an additional militarization of human medicine in the United States.

Most of the worst laws have been passed since 2000 — just before 9/11 and the US Department of Defense false flag anthrax attacks.

They are listed below, with links to the full text of each law, and a short summary of what I understand about how each one fits into the overall scheme.

The basic goal of the architects, which has been achieved, was to set up legal conditions in which all governing power in the United States could be automatically transferred from the citizens and the three Constitutional branches into the two hands of the Health and Human Services Secretary, effective at the moment the HHS Secretary himself declared a public health emergency, legally transforming free citizens into enslaved subjects.

That happened on Jan. 31, 2020, in effect as of Jan. 27, 2020 through the present day.

In other words: Congress and US Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. government and the American people, through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program, conducted by the HHS Secretary and Secretary of Defense on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers.

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Related reporting:

1900-1929 – Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover

  • 1907 – Treaty at the Hague — Convention Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land, including Section III, Military Authority Over the Territory of the Hostile State: “Art. 42. Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.”
  • 1909 – Launch of the Round Table Movement. “By 1919, the Round Table Movement changed its name to the Royal Institute for International Affairs (aka: Chatham House) with the Round Table name relegated to its geopolitical periodical… in America, where knowledge of the British Empire’s subversive role was more widely known, the name “American Institute for International Affairs” was still too delicate. Instead the name Council on Foreign Relations” was chosen and was chartered in 1921.”
  • 1913/12/23 – US Congress and President Wilson passed Federal Reserve Act. PL 63-43, 38 Stat. 251. Created Federal Reserve Bank, central banking system in United States. 12 USC Chapter 3
  • 1921/11/23 – US Congress and President Harding passed Sheppard-Towner Maternity and Infancy Protection Act. PL 67-97, 42 Stat. 224. Established status of American-born babies — human beings — as collateral for national debt owed to international bankers; program operated through birth certificates/security bonds filed with state registries of vital statistics. Expired 1929, replaced by 1935 Social Security Act.

1930-1939 – Presidents Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • 1930/05/17 – Bank for International Settlements formed by intergovernmental agreement. Designed to and effectively operates outside of all political and governmental controls. Tower of Basel, Adam LeBor (2017)
  • 1933/04/05 – President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102, under state of emergency (Great Depression). Ratified by Congress through House Joint Resolution 192. Forbade the hoarding ‘of gold or silver coin or bullion or currency,’ confiscated gold held by private individuals, to remove the constraint on the Federal Reserve (1913 Federal Reserve Act) preventing it from increasing the money supply.
  • 1933/06/05 – Congress passed House Joint Resolution 192, ratifying President Roosevelt’s Executive Order 6102; declared bankruptcy of US government; suspended gold standard; pledged lives of American people (registered at birth through Social Security program) as collateral/debt slaves to international bankers, against national debt.
  • 1933/06/12 – London Economic Conference began. Report on Matthew Ehret, Clash of the Two Americas: Open vs. Closed Systems CollideHow Roosevelt Halted Previous Attempts to Implement a New World Order.
  • 1935/08/14 – US Congress and President Roosevelt passed Social Security Act – PL 74-271. 49 Stat. 620. Social Security Act governs Medicare and Medicaid, two of the federal authorization and funding pathways through which ‘breakthrough’ devices and drugs, fast-track products, products eligible for accelerated approval and other FDA-classified products are developed, manufactured and used on humans. Amendments to SSA since 1983 and pending, have expanded/will further expand the novel drug and device/bioweapon classes eligible for fast-tracked federal research and deployment funding within the Medicare/Medicaid programs.
  • 1938/06/25 – Congress and President Roosevelt passed Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA). PL 75-717, 52 Stat. 1040. Original stated purpose: “to prohibit the movement in interstate commerce of adulterated and misbranded food, drugs, devices, and cosmetics.” Codified at 21 USC 9. By the outbreak of Covid in late 2019, FDCA had been amended by several decades of Congressional acts to become one of the key laws under which the American domestic bioterrorism program is authorized, funded and operated.
  • 1939/09/01 – Globalists launched World War II.

1940-1949 – Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman

  • 1944/07/01 – 07/22 – Globalists negotiated Bretton Woods Articles of Agreement to establish a centralized global financial and banking system.
  • 1944/07/01 – Congress and President Roosevelt passed Public Health Service Act (PHSA). PL 78-410, 58 Stat. 682. Consolidated, centralized and militarized the American public health system that had developed within several agencies since the Revolution. Codified at 42 USC 201.
  • 1945/04/12 – President Roosevelt died; President Truman took office.
  • 1945/07/31 – Congress and President Truman passed Bretton Woods Agreement Act, PL 79-171, 59 Stat. 512, authorizing President to accept membership in International Monetary Fund and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, later known as World Bank.
  • 1945/09/02 – Globalists ended World War II.
  • 1945/10/24 – Globalists established United Nations. US Congress ratified treaty.
  • 1945/11/20 – Globalists began Nuremberg trials.
  • 1945/12/27 – Bretton Woods Agreement entered into force.
  • 1945/12/29 – Congress and President Truman passed International Organizations Immunities Act, PL 79-291, 59 Stat. 669. Corey Lynn report – Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework, Sept. 29, 2022.
  • 1946/06/11 – Congress and President Truman passed Administrative Procedures Act, PL 79-404. 60 Stat. 237. Established framework for the administrative state to operate within a de facto executive branch dictatorship, through the “committed to agency discretion” override of both the legislative process and judicial review. Codified at 5 USC 551.
  • 1946/07/22 – Globalists established the World Health Organization and adopted the WHO Constitution, signed by 61 nations at International Health Conference in New York, to enter into force as of 04/07/1948. WHO Constitution amendments passed by World Health Assembly 02/03/1977 ; 01/20/1980 ; 07/11/1994 ; 09/15/2005.
  • 1946/10/01 – Globalists concluded Nuremberg trials.
  • 1947 National Security Act – 61 Stat. 499. Set up precursors to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
  • 1947/10/30 – Globalists adopted General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) treaty.
  • 1948 – UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, part of International Bill on Human Rights
  • 1948 US Information and Educational Exchange Act (Smith-Mundt). PL 80-402. 62 Stat. 6. Set up programs for US propaganda distribution in foreign countries; limited use of government propaganda on American population. ‘Modernized’ to authorize domestic propaganda in 01/02/2013 National Defense Authorization Act.
  • 1948/01/01 – General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) treaty entered into force.
  • 1948/04/07 – World Health Organization Constitution entered into force.
  • 1948/06/14 – Congress authorized President Truman to accept membership in World Health Organization on behalf of US government. PL 643, 64 Stat. 441. Codified at 22 USC 290.
  • 1949/04/04 – US Senate ratified North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) treaty.
  • 1949/06/18 – George Orwell published 1984.
  • 1949/08/24 – NATO treaty entered into force.
  • 1949 – Geneva Conventions

1950-1959 – Presidents Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower

  • 1950/08/08 – Congress and President Truman passed Defense Production Act of 1950, PL 81-774, 64 Stat. 798. Authorized federal takeover of private industry during declared war. Invoked in Spring 2020 for Covid-19 lethal injection production.
  • 1951/05/25 – Globalists adopted first International Sanitary Regulations at the World Health Organization World Health Assembly, to enter into force 10/01/1952. International Sanitary Regulations were revised and renamed International Health Regulations in 1969. Revised again 1973, 1981, 2005. Draft revisions under review 2022.
  • 1951 – Globalists adopted UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
  • 1952/09/14 – Roman Catholic Pope Pius XII presented speech On the Moral Limits of Medical Research and Treatment to First International Congress on Histopathology of the Nervous System. “Insofar as the moral justification of the experiments rests on the mandate of public authority, and therefore on the subordination of the individual to the community, of the individual’s welfare to the common welfare, it is based on an erroneous explanation of this principle. It must be noted that, in his personal being, man is not finally ordered to usefulness to society. On the contrary, the community exists for man.”
  • 1952/09/27 – President Truman signed Executive Order 10399 establishing the US Surgeon General as the “health administrator” for the World Health Organization on American soil, under 1948 WHO Constitution and 1951 WHO International Sanitary Regulations. 17 Federal Register 8648.
  • 1952/10/01 – WHO International Sanitary Regulations of 1951 entered into force in WHO member states.
  • 1953/03/12 – President Eisenhower transmitted Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1953 to Congress, subordinating US sovereignty to WHO International Sanitary Regulations, to be implemented by Surgeon General through the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (later renamed Health and Human Services). 18 Federal Register 2053. Codified at 42 USC 202.

1960-1969 – Presidents Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon

  • 1961/01/17 – President Eisenhower delivered Farewell Address, warning Americans of the military-industrial-Congressional complex and the “danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”
  • 1962/10/11 – Roman Catholic Pope John XIII convoked Second Vatican Council (Vatican II). Through the council, Satanic globalists expanded and deepened their infiltration to destroy the institutional Catholic Church and weaken Catholic faith around the world.
  • 1963/06/30 – Enthronement of Lucifer ceremony coordinated with consecration of Pope Paul VI.
  • 1963/11/22 – President Kennedy assassinated; President Johnson took office.
  • 1964/06 – Globalists adopted the Declaration of Helsinki on ethics of human experimentation, through World Medical Association. Revised seven times since: 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2013.
  • 1965/12/08 – Roman Catholic Pope Paul VI concluded Second Vatican Council.
  • 1966/04/25 – President Johnson transmitted Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1966 to US Congress, transferring US Surgeon General’s authorities to Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare department, effective 06/25/1966. 31 Federal Register 8855.
  • 1968/04/04 – Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • 1968/06/06 – Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.
  • 1968/07/25 – Roman Catholic Pope Paul VI issued papal encyclical Humanae Vitae on meaning of human life, and Catholic prohibition of abortion and contraception.
  • 1969 – Globalist – WHO International Sanitary Regulations, in effect since 10/01/1952, revised and renamed International Health Regulations. Revised again 1973, 1981, 2005. Draft revisions under review 2022.
  • 1969/06/09 – Dr. Donald MacArthur testified to US Senate hearing on DOD appropriations, about development of “new infective microorganisms which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.”
  • 1969/11/19 – Congress and President Nixon passed Armed Forces Appropriations Act. PL 91-121, 83 Stat. 209. Section 409 authorized Department of Defense to use human subjects for experiments in chemical and biological weapons, established reporting requirements (DOD reports to Congress) codified at 50 USC 1511(a) and authorized President to suspend informed consent and other provisions during a declared war or national emergency, codified at 50 USC 1515. Congressional reporting requirements amended 1977 and 1982, repealed 1996.
  • 1969/11/25 – President Nixon Statement on Chemical and Biological Defense Policies and Programs
  • 1969/11/30 – New Ordo Missae, “liturgical innovation,” introduced by Pope Paul VI, breaking the tradition of centuries.

1970-1979 – Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter

  • 1970 – Globalists, through Club of Rome, published The Predicament of Mankind: Quest for Structured Responses to Growing World-wide Complexities and Uncertainties, A Proposal
  • 1970 – Zbigniew Brzezinski published Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technotronic Era.
  • 1970/03/16 – Congress and President Nixon passed An Act to Establish a Commission on Population Growth and the American Future. PL 91-213, 84 Stat. 67.
  • 1970/08/15 – Congress and President Nixon passed Economic Stabilization Act of 1970. PL 91-379, 84 Stat. 799. Authorized President to stabilize prices, rents, wages, salaries, interest rates, dividends and similar transfers as part of a general program of price controls within the American domestic goods and labor markets. Used by Nixon in August 1971.
  • 1970/10/26 – Congress and President Nixon passed Legislative Reorganization Act. PL 91-510, 84 Stat. 1140.
  • 1970/11/01 – Roman Catholic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre founded Society of St. Pius X to preserve traditional Catholic teachings in the wake of the Second Vatican Council.
  • 1971 – Globalists, through Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab, established the World Economic Forum.
  • 1971 – President Nixon launched the War on Drugs
  • 1971/01 – Six banks in the European Community, under Jacob Rothschild’s direction, consolidated into Inter-alpha Group of Banks.
  • 1971/08/15 – President Richard Nixon directed the Treasury Secretary to suspend, with some exceptions, the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets, ordering the gold window to be closed such that foreign governments could no longer exchange their dollars for gold, and issued Executive Order 11615 (pursuant to the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970), imposing a 90-day freeze on wages and prices in order to counter inflation.
  • 1971/08 – US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute published Special Virus Program, Progress Report 8
  • 1971/12/23 – US Congress and President Nixon passed National Cancer Act. PL 92-216, 85 Stat. 778. Expanded US government bioweapons development and programs under pretext of cancer research.
  • 1972 – Globalists, through Club of Rome, published Limits to Growth, expanding on 1970 proposals in Predicament of Mankind.
  • 1972 – Globalists, through Bulletin of the World Health Organization, published two-part series on Virus-associated immunopathology: animal models and implications for human disease, Part 1 and Part 2, addressing potential of lab-developed viral, communicable bioweapons to cause cancers and other life-limiting autoimmune and immune dysregulation disorders.
  • 1972/04/10 – Globalists opened UN Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction for signing, leaving major loopholes for biological and toxic agents allegedly developed for ‘protective’ or ‘prophylactic’ purposes.
  • 1972/08 – US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute published Special Virus Program, Progress Report 9
  • 1973 – Trilateral Commission
  • 1973/01/22 – US Supreme Court issued ruling in Roe v. Wade, 410 US 113, on abortion, eroding moral status of human beings based on developmental status/age and finding a ‘right’ to abortion in the US Constitution.
  • 1973/11/07 – Congress passed War Powers Resolution or War Powers Act, over President Richard Nixon’s veto. 93-148. 87 Stat. 555. Used by Congress and President George W. Bush in 2001 to establish permanent state of war, through Sept. 18, 2001 AUMF, with no limitations in time, geography, and no legal distinctions between civilians and combatants.
  • 1974/04/01 – Richard Gardner published essay in Foreign Affairs: The Hard Road to World Order. “In short, the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great ‘blooming, buzzing confusion,’ to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”
  • 1974/04/24 – Secretary of State Henry Kissinger promulgated National Security Study Memorandum 200, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas InterestsNSSM 200 directed Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Agriculture, CIA Director, Deputy Secretary of State and Administrator for US Agency for International Development to study international political and economic implications of population growth and offer possible courses of action for the U.S. The resulting Kissinger Report was sent to President Nixon 12/10/1974.
  • 1974 Disaster Relief Act. PL 93-288. Another statute creating precursors to FEMA.
  • 1974/07/12 – US Congress and President Nixon passed National Research Service Award Act. PL 93-348, 88 Stat. 342. Title II set up a commission to study bioethics and protection of human subjects. Led to 1977 Health, Education and Welfare report and 1979 Belmont Report.
  • 1974/08/09 – President Nixon resigned; Gerald Ford took office.
  • 1974/11/21 – Roman Catholic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of Society of Saint Pius X, published 1974 Declaration on modernism and preservation of the Catholic faith against destructive assaults subsequent to Second Vatican Council.
  • 1974/12/10 – Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) study completed as the Kissinger Report, establishing global depopulation as US geopolitical strategy.
  • 1974/12/31 – US Congress and President Ford legalized private ownership of gold, reversing 1933 prohibition. PL 93-373.
  • 1975/03/26 – UN Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction entered into force. Codified in US law at 18 USC 175 in 1990. Both the UN convention and the US law left major loopholes for biological and chemical agents developed for ‘protective’ or ‘prophylactic’ purposes. World Health Organization, United Nations, World Economic Forum and US government drove the global bioterrorism program through those loopholes, through swine flu/H1N1, AIDS, anthrax, smallpox, MERS, SARS, SARS-CoV-2 and other communicable and injected pathogens.
  • 1975/06 – Rockefeller Commission published Report to the President on CIA Activities Within the US.
  • 1975/11/26 – President Gerald Ford endorsed the Kissinger Report’s depopulation plan through National Security Decision Memorandum 314
  • 1976/01 – Swine influenza/H1N1 outbreak started at Fort Dix; in April, Congress funded a vaccine development/mass vaccination through Merck; in late September injections began. Heart attacks, Guillain-Barre syndrome, deaths and other adverse effects resulted. In December, campaign suspended and never restarted.
  • 1976/03/23 – UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights entered into force.
  • 1976/04 – Senator Frank Church Commission published a Report on the Foreign and Military Intelligence Activities of the United States in April 1976. The Church report included, at Chapter 15-F, information about chemical and biological activities, and at Chapter 17, information about “Testing and Use of Chemical and Biological Agents by the Intelligence Community.” It reported on Project Chatter, Project Bluebird/Artichoke, MK-ULTRA, MK-NAOMI and other programs through which the US Government conducted experiments on human subjects against their will and to their detriment.
  • 1976/09/14 – Congress and President Ford passed National Emergencies Act – PL 94-412, 90 Stat. 1255. Codified at 50 USC 34. This is one of the key laws cited in George W. Bush’s Sept. 14, 2001 Proclamation 7463, Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks and renewed every year since, most recently by Biden in Sept. 2021. It’s also one of the laws cited in Donald Trump’s March 13, 2020 Proclamation 9994, Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID–19) Outbreak, renewed every year since, most recently by Biden in Feb. 2022.
  • 1977/01/14 – US Department of Health, Education and Welfare published report on informed consent of human subjects of biomedical experiments, 45 CFR 46, Protection of Human Subjects: Research Involving Prisoners and Notice of Report and Recommendations of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, in compliance with 1974 National Research Service Award Act. 42 Federal Register 3076.
  • 1977/07/30 – Congress and President Carter passed Department of Defense Appropriations Authorization Act of 1978. PL 95-79, 91 Stat. 323. Section 808 addressed DOD use of military personnel as research subjects for biological and chemical weapons under 1969 law, codified at 50 USC 1520; required notice to be given to local officials before subjecting civilian populations to chemical and biological weapons tests; required DOD reporting to Congress. The provision on DOD reporting to Congress was amended in 1982 and repealed in 1996. Other provisions of the law were amended in 1997 to expand experimentation on military personnel, through the NDAA for FY1998 at Section 1078 and the Emergency Use Authorization provisions of the 1997 Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act at Section 402.
  • 1979/04/18 – National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of
    Biomedical and Behavioral Research published the Belmont Report on ethics of human subjects research, in compliance with 1974 National Research Service Award Act and informed by 1977 HEW report and recommendations.
  • 1979/10/17 – Congress and President Carter passed Department of Education Organization Act. PL 96-88, 93 Stat. 668. Section 509 redesignated the US Health, Education and Welfare Department as the Health and Human Services Department. From that point to the present, the Secretary of Health and Human Services has exercised authorities under the WHO Constitution and WHO International Health Regulations, as transferred from Surgeon General to HEW Secretary in 1966.

1980-1989 – Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush

  • 1980 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act. PL 96-510, 94 Stat. 2767. Superfund Act. Set up federal programs for cleanup of toxic chemical dumpsites.
  • 1980/06/16 – US Supreme Court ruling in Diamond v. Chakrabharty447 US 303. Held: A live, human-made micro-organism is patentable subject matter under 35 USC 101.
  • 1981/06/01 – HHS-Food and Drug Administration Final Rule Protections for Human Subjects; Prisoners Used as Subjects in Research, 21 CFR 50, implementing 1979 recommendations of National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, went into effect. 45 Federal Register 36386
  • 1981/07/27 – HHS-FDA Final Rule Protection of Human Subjects;
    Informed Consent
     (21 CFR 50.20) and Protection of Human Subjects; Standards for Institutional Review Boards for Clinical Investigations (21 CFR 56.101) went into effect. 46 Federal Register 8942. Both were amended many times thereafter.
  • 1982 – Roussel-Uclaf developed RU-486/mifepristone chemical abortion pill. Approved by US FDA in Sept. 2000.
  • 1982/12/21 – Congress and President Reagan passed Congressional Reports Elimination Act. PL 97-375, 96 Stat. 1822. Section 203(a) amended requirements for DOD report to Congress on use of human subjects in chemical and biological weapons research under 50 USC 1511(a). Reporting requirement repealed by Congress, 02/10/1996, PL 104-106 at Section 1061(k).
  • 1983/07/13 – Congress and President Reagan passed Public Health Service Act Amendment. PL 98-49, 97 Stat. 245. Section 319 amended Public Health Service Act to add a ‘Public Health Emergencies’ program, granting new powers to Health and Human Services Secretary and establishing a $30 million slush fund called the Public Health Emergencies Fund. Codified at 42 USC 247d. Summary posted April 20, 2022.
  • 1983/12/22 – President Reagan signed Executive Order 12452, listing communicable diseases subjecting citizens to forcible apprehension and detention under Health and Human Services Secretary’s quarantine authority through PHSA, 42 USC 264b, including “Cholera or suspected Cholera, Diphtheria, infectious Tuberculosis, Plague, suspected Smallpox, Yellow Fever, and suspected Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (Lassa, Marburg, Ebola, Congo-Crimean, and others not yet isolated or named).” 48 Federal Register 56927
  • 1985/11/20 – Congress and President Reagan passed Health Research Extension Act. PL 99-158, 99 Stat. 877. Section 498 prohibited HHS from funding or conducting fetal tissue research for three years. Codified at 42 USC 299g.
  • 1986/03/29 – Robert Strecker delivered to Congress and published report on AIDS outbreak: This Is a Bioattack Alert. Report connected US government cancer virus research to virus-induced immune system disorders and cancer in AIDS patients.
  • 1986/07/13 – Congress and President Reagan passed Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act. PL 99-499, 100 Stat. 1613. Title III, Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act related to toxic chemicals and federal government authority.
  • 1986/08/27 – Roman Catholic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre published Letter to 8 Cardinals Regarding the Assisi Affair, addressing dangers to the Catholic faith presented by Pope John Paul II’s planned Interfaith Peace Service.
  • 1986/09/18 – Roman Catholic Pope John Paul II conducted multi-religious Interfaith Peace Service in Assisi, Italy.
  • 1986/11/14 – Congress and President Reagan passed State Comprehensive Mental Health Services Plan Act – PL 99-660, 100 Stat 3743. Title III, National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, amended Public Health Service Act to establish and fund a National Vaccine Program; grant vaccine manufactures legal immunity for injuries and deaths caused by their products; establish and fund a tax revenue/debt-funded National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Codified at 42 USC 300aa.
  • 1986/12/02 – Roman Catholic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer published Joint Declaration Against Assisi, again deploring the weakening of the Catholic faith by Vatican leaders under the influence of the Second Vatican Council.
  • 1987/06/27 – UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, drafted in 1984, signed 1985, entered into force.
  • 1988/11/04 – Congress and President Reagan passed Genocide Convention
    Implementation Act of 1987, PL 100-606, 102 Stat. 3045, to implement the International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. Codified at 18 USC 1091.
  • 1988/11/04 – Congress and President Reagan passed Health Omnibus Programs Extension Act. PL 100-607, 102 Stat. 3048. Section 105 established National Center for Biotechnology Information under Public Health Service Act (42 USC 286c). Section 156 extended fetal tissue research moratorium imposed in 1985 for two more years. Section 201 outlined and funded HIV-AIDS research under direction of NIH/NIAID/Fauci (42 USC 300cc). Section 256 increased funding for the Public Health Emergencies Fund to $45 million (42 USC 247d).
  • 1988/11/23 – Congress and President Reagan passed Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Act. PL 100-707, 100 Stat. 4689. Amended 1974 Disaster Relief Act, FEMA law; redefined ‘emergency’ and ‘major disaster;’ established procedures for Presidential disaster and emergency declarations, DOD domestic deployment of military and more. Codified at 42 USC 5121.
  • 1989/12/19 – Congress and President George H.W. Bush passed Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. PL 101-239, 103 Stat. 2106. Section 6601 amended Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, set up special master program.

1990-1999 – Presidents George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton

  • 1990/05/22 – Congress and President Bush passed Biological Weapons Antiterrorism Act of 1989. PL 101-298, 104 Stat. 201. Drafted by Francis Boyle to bring US into compliance with 1975 UN convention. Establishing as criminal, acts of those who “knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so,” and defined ‘for use as a weapon’ to “not include the development, production, transfer, acquisition, retention, or possession of any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for prophylactic, protective, or other peaceful purposes.” Codified at 18 USC 175.
  • 1990/12/21 – HHS Interim Final Rule: Informed Consent for Human Drugs and Biologics; Determination that Informed Consent is Not Feasible – 55 Federal Register 52814
  • 1991 Common Rule governing research on human subjects.
  • 1992/06/03 – United Nations opened UN Conference on Environment and Development, commonly called the Earth Summit, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.179 participating nations adopted Agenda 21 (later renamed Agenda 30), laying out plans for depopulation, elimination of private property, and elimination of borders and national sovereignty. Implicitly defined living human beings as biological weapons of mass destruction, against which lethal chemical and biological agents could be construed as ‘protective’ and ‘prophylactic’ and therefore exempt from 1975 UN Convention on Prohibition of Biological Weapons. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change opened for nation-state signatories to sign.
  • 1992/07/10 – Congress and President Bush passed Alcohol, Drug Abuse, Mental Health Administration (ADAMHA) Restructuring Act. PL 102-321, 106 Stat. 323. Expanded drug abuse prevention and treatment programs; reorganized HHS subdivisions.
  • 1992/10/27 – Congress and President Bush passed Preventative Health Amendments. PL 102-531, 106 Stat. 3504. Changed name from Centers for Disease Control to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • 1993/06/10 – Congress and President Clinton passed National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act, PL 103-43, 107 Stat. 122. Reorganized and expanded research programs; reversed moratorium on fetal tissue research.
  • 1993/11/16 – Congress and President Clinton passed Religious Freedom Restoration Act. PL 103-141, 107 Stat. 1488. Affirmed Constitutional protections for free exercise of religion under First Amendment. Related to military personnel requests for religious exemptions from vaccine mandates, not accepted by DOD. Codified at 42 USC 2000bb.
  • 1993/11/30 – Congress and President Clinton passed NDAA for FY1994, PL 103-160, 107 Stat. 1547. Section 1703 related to DOD reporting to Congress on chemical and biological weapons testing programs. Codified at 50 USC 1523. Amended 11/18/1997 and 10/17/2006. Repealed 12/23/2016, effective 12/31/2021?? , Also authorized DOD to “enter into agreements with Secretary of HHS to provide support for vaccination programs…in the US through use of the excess peacetime biological weapons defense capability of the DOD.” Codified at 50 USC 1524.
  • 1994/03/21 – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change entered into force.
  • 1994/09/05 – United Nations opened the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Egypt. 179 nation-states signed on to a 20-year Programme of Action for depopulation, which was extended in 2010 to cover 2014-2034.
  • 1994/09/13 – Congress and President Clinton passed Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (Clinton Crime Bill). PL 103-322, 108 Stat. 1796. Expanded American prison state, by expanding predicates for incarcerating nonviolent civilians for long sentences, increasing funding for prison construction/operation, and law enforcement officers.
  • 1994/12/08 – Rockefeller Senate Report on US government chemical and biological weapons research, development, testing and deployment programs. S.Prt. 103-97.
  • 1995 – Launch of World Trade Organization, update to 1947 General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs.
  • 1996/02/08 – Congress and President Clinton passed Telecommunications Act of 1996. PL 104-104, 110 Stat. 56. Authorized media consolidation, centralized control of propaganda, electromagnetic radiation weapons (cell phones, cell phone towers, etc.)
  • 1996/02/10 – Congress and President Clinton passed National Defense Authorization Act for FY96. PL 104-106, 110 Stat. 443. Section 1061(k) repealed 50 USC 1511 as adopted in 1977 and amended in 1982, eliminating requirement that DOD report to Congress on chemical and biological weapons experiments conducted on military personnel.
  • 1996/04/24 – Congress and President Clinton passed Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act; Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act; Prison Litigation Reform Act. PL 104-132. 110 Stat. 1214. Section 521(a) prohibited DOD chemical and biological weapons testing in urban and suburban areas, codified at 18 USC 2332C. That provision was repealed in 1998. Also related to court stripping: Congress passing laws to remove federal courts’ oversight power regarding legislative and executive acts, eliminate checks and balances. See ACLU report, Oct. 2001, Upsetting Checks and Balances: Congressional Hostility Toward the Courts in Times of Crisis.
  • 1996/12/17 – UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism opened for negotiation by resolution 51/210 forming ad hoc committee; subsequently deadlocked over definition of terrorism.
  • 1997/04/29 – UN Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction entered into force, after drafting in 1992 and signing in 1993.
  • 1997/11/18 – Congress and President Clinton passed National Defense Authorization Act for FY98 – PL 105-85, 111 Stat. 1915. Section 1078, “Restrictions on the use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents,” repealed and replaced a 1977 section of 50 USC Chapter 32, the Chemical and Biological Warfare Program. The 1977 provision (50 USC 1520) had added a requirement that DOD report to Congress about DOD human experimentation programs. In 1997, Congress replaced 1520 with 1520a, purportedly to prohibit DOD conducting experiments on soldiers without the individual soldiers informed consent. It was passed by Congress in response to public outrage over injuries and deaths caused by mandated anthrax injections of soldiers during and after the 1991 Gulf War. However, the authority for federal government experimentation on non-consenting human beings continued; Congress simply transferred the program to the Food Drug and Cosmetics Act, 21 USC 360bbb (see below, passed three days after the NDAA) under declared emergency situations (Emergency Use Authorizations/EUA).
  • 1997/11/21 – Congress and President Clinton passed Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act – PL 105-115, 111 Stat. 2296. Added new section to Federal Food Drug and Cosmetics Act to expand access to investigational drugs and devices during emergency situations. Codified at 21 USC 360bbb – “Expanded Access to Unapproved Therapies and Diagnostics”. This was the beginning of the Emergency Use Authorization/EUA framework that culminated in the American government’s psychological, social and economic coercion program aimed at universal injection of all American citizens with products marketed as Covid-19 vaccines, operational from mid-2020 to the present.
  • 1998/03 – Washington DC tabletop exercise on smallpox epidemic. Used for political cover six months later to establish Strategic National Stockpile of US-government-controlled chemical and biological weapons, disguised as ‘vaccines’ and other ‘pharmaceutical’ products.
  • 1998/10/17 – Congress and President Clinton passed National Defense Authorization Act for FY1999. PL 105-261, 112 Stat. 1920. Section 1401.
  • 1998/10/21 – Congress and President Clinton passed Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY1999 – PL 105-277, 112 Stat. 2681-358. Title II established the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile, later renamed the Strategic National Stockpile. Appropriated $51,000,000, “to remain available until expended…for pharmaceutical and vaccine stockpiling activities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” Division I, Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998, established prohibitions on chemical weapons. Codified at 18 USC 229 and 22 USC 6701.
  • 1999/09/17 – Death of Jesse Gelsinger from early gene therapy trial.
  • 1999/09/30 – President Clinton signed Executive Order 13139: Improving Health Protection of Military Personnel Participating in Particular Military Operations. Authorized administration of experimental, FDA-unapproved vaccines to members of the armed forces without informed consent. 64 Federal Register 54175
  • 1999/10/05 – HHS Interim Final Rule – Human Drugs and Biologics; Determination That Informed Consent Is NOT Feasible or Is Contrary to the Best Interests of Recipients; Revocation of 1990 Interim Final Rule; Establishment of New Interim Final Rule64 Federal Register 54180
  • 1999/11 – Population-control zealot Bill Gates launched GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations) with $750 million investment from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Public-private partnership organization develops, tests, manufactures and deploys pharmaceutical products in low and middle-income countries.

2000 – 2009 – Presidents William Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack H. Obama

  • 2000/09 – FDA approved RU-486, mifepristone pill for use to terminate pregnancies: chemical abortion drug.
  • 2000/09 – Project for the New American Century published Rebuilding America’s Defenses report. “Advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”
  • 2000/11/13 – Congress and President Clinton passed Public Health Improvement Act – PL 106-505, 114 Stat. 2314. Title I, Public Health Threats and Emergencies Act, reworked and expanded Section 319 of Public Health Service Act, 42 USC 247d (the Public Health Emergencies section first added in 1983). Appropriated funding and established a working group on bioterrorism ‘countermeasures’ research and development.
  • 2001/09/11 – Terrorist airplane attacks on World Trade Center and Pentagon.
  • 2001/09/14 – George W. Bush signed Proclamation 7463, Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks, under 1975 National Emergencies Act. Renewed every year since, most recently by Biden in Sept. 2021. 66 Federal Register 48199
  • 2001/09/18 – 2001/10/09 – Anthrax attacks on US Congress and media organizations.
  • 2001/09/18 – Congress and President Bush passed Authorization for Use of Military Force. PL 107–40; 115 Stat. 224. Passed under the 1973 War Powers Act, 50 U.S. Code § 1541, and construed as putting the United States in a permanent state of war (Global War on Terror) with no limitations in time or geographically.
  • 2001/09/23 – President Bush signed Executive Order 13224, blocking property ownership and prohibiting transactions with persons who commit, threaten to commit or support terrorism. List maintained by Office of Foreign Assets Control, US Dept. of Treasury.
  • 2001/10/23 – Model State Emergency Health Powers Act promulgated by CDC and the Center for Law and the Public’s Health at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities, “structured to reflect 5 basic public health functions to be facilitated by law: (1) preparedness, comprehensive planning for a public health emergency; (2) surveillance, measures to detect and track public health emergencies; (3) management of property, ensuring adequate availability of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and hospitals, as well as providing power to abate hazards to the public’s health; (4) protection of persons, powers to compel vaccination, testing, treatment, isolation, and quarantine when clearly necessary; and (5) communication, providing clear and authoritative information to the public.”
  • 2001/10/26 – Congress and President Bush passed Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act – PL 107-56, 115 Stat. 272. Amended 18 USC 2331 – Definitions section of 18 USC 113B – Terrorism – to add “domestic terrorism,” defined as activities that “(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended—(i)to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.” There is plenty of evidence to prosecute and convict Fauci, Baric, Gates, Daszak and others under this criminal statute. However, this is also why the conspirators used the FBI to infiltrate the January 6, 2021 Washington DC election protests, to ensure breach of the Capitol and subsequent arrests and indefinite detentions of non-violent trespassers, to create predicates to steer and shape national panic about domestic terrorism exclusively defined as civilians challenging the legitimacy of government officials and acts, to steer public anger and distrust away from government agents killing, maiming and imprisoning civilians.
  • 2002/06/12 – Congress and President Bush passed Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act – PL 107-188, 116 Stat. 594. Major amendments to Public Health Service Act (42 USC 201) and Federal Food Drug and Cosmetics Act (21 USC 9). This law fully constructed and expanded funding for the federal government’s domestic bioterrorism apparatus headquartered at the CDC, disguising it as a program to protect Americans from non-state actors. Sections included National Preparedness and Response Planning, Coordinating, and Reporting; Strategic National Stockpile; Development of Priority Countermeasures (i.e. fast-tracking approval of drugs and devices without standard safety testing, efficacy testing, and regulatory compliance); Improving State, Local, and Hospital Preparedness for and Response to Bioterrorism and Other Public Health Emergencies; Emergency Authorities (i.e. federal quarantine power); Controls on Dangerous Biological Agents and Toxins (Title II, Subtitle B: Agricultural Bioterrorism Protection Act of 2002); Safety and Security of Food and Drug Supply; Drinking Water Security and Safety. Coincidentally also in 2002, HHS-NIH-funded (grant no. AI23946-08) University of North Carolina researcher and Fauci colleague Ralph Baric filed a US patent (7,279,372) on methods to make bat coronaviruses more lethal to humans, noting that “the US government has certain rights to this invention.” More on that.
  • 2002/11/25 – Congress and President Bush passed Homeland Security Act – PL 107-296, 116 Stat. 2135. Established Department of Homeland Security as a cabinet-level administrative arm of the executive branch. Expanded militarization of domestic surveillance and law enforcement. Title V: established a Directorate of Emergency Preparedness and Response within Department of Homeland Security, headed by an Undersecretary. Strengthened crosslinks between DHS and other federal agencies: Health and Human Services, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Defense, Department of Justice and Department of Agriculture, to build and operate a public-health-predicated martial law system.
  • 2003/04/04 – Congressional hearing held on Project Bioshield: Contracting for the Health and Security of the American Public. Congress members discussed authorizing HHS to waive informed consent during declared emergencies. (06/14/2022 Bailiwick post with partial transcript.)
  • 2003/04/04 – President Bush signed Executive Order 13295 added symptomatic SARS to list of quarantinable communicable diseases, authorizing HHS to order apprehension and indefinite detention of Americans for contracting common respiratory illnesses under 42 USC 264(b) and 42 CFR 70.668 Federal Register 17255.
  • 2003/09/16 – Model State Public Health Act published by Johns Hopkins, Georgetown and CDC, working through Turning Point Initiative/Turning Point National Collaborative. Slightly less aggressive form of Model State Emergency Health Powers Act circulated in October 2001.
  • 2003/11/24 – Congress and President Bush passed National Defense Authorization Act for FY2004. PL 108-136, 117 Stat. 1392. Section 1603(a), created 21 USC 360bbb-3 – “Section 564 – Authorization for Medical Products for Use in Emergencies” under the EUA part of the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetics Act as amended in 1997 to add 21 USC 360bbb “Expanded Access to Unapproved Diagnostics and Therapies.” At Section 1603(b)(1), Congress added Section 1107a to the military code after 10 USC 1107, authorizing the US President to waive informed consent rights of military personnel during declared emergencies and redefining the meaning of the right to be “informed of an option to accept or refuse administration of a product.”
  • 2003/12/22 – US federal court in Doe v. Rumsfeld, 297 F Supp. 2d 119 (DDC 2003) addressed informed consent (10 USC 1107) and Presidential waivers (10 USC 1107a) in the anthrax vaccination campaign context. Federal court enjoined DOD from overriding service members informed consent requirements with the experimental Anthrax vaccine. Eight days later, FDA fully approved the Anthrax vaccine. That FDA decision was vacated by the Court 10/27/2004 in Rumsfeld II341 F. Supp. 2d 1 (D.D.C. 2004). The injunction was expanded to cover the vaccine after being granted EUA status in Rumsfeld III2005 WL 774857 (D.D.C. April 6, 2005)
  • 2004/07/21 – Congress and President Bush passed Project Bioshield Act. PL 108-276, 118 Stat. 835. Amendments to Public Health Service Act and Federal Food Drug and Cosmetics Act. Nullified informed consent principles under US law. Amended and expanded 21 USC 360bbb on authorization for investigational drugs and devices to be used in emergencies (Emergency Use Authorization). Established program for ‘qualified countermeasure’ research, procurement, contracting, manufacture, use and liability exemptions. Expanded authority of NIAID Director (Fauci). Appropriated $640,000,000 for the Strategic National Stockpile for FY2002, $590,000,000 for smallpox vaccine development for FY2002, and $5,593,000,000 for “procurement of security countermeasures.” Expanded HHS power to subject citizens to involuntary relocation and indefinite detention on communicable disease predicates. Expanded coordination among Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Homeland Security.
  • 2005/04/01 – President Bush signed Executive Order 13375, adding symptomatic influenza to list of quarantinable communicable diseases, authorizing HHS Secretary to use force to apprehend and detain people under 42 USC 264(b) and 42 CFR 70.6.. 64 Federal Register 17299.
  • 2005/04/02 – Death of Roman Catholic Pope John Paul II. After conclave, Pope Benedict XVI took the papacy 04/19/2005.
  • 2005/07/05 – HHS FDA Draft Guidance Re: Emergency Use Authorization of Medical Products. 70 FR 38689.
  • 2005/09/15 – World Health Assembly adopted World Health Organization International Health Regulations 2005 revisions. Entered into force 06/15/2007.
  • 2005/12/30 – Congress and President Bush passed Department of Defense, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act – PL 109-148, 119 Stat. 2818, Division C at last 14 pages: Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act. Amended Public Health Service Act. Established power of Secretary of Health and Human Services, during self-declared public health emergency under Section 319, to unilaterally issue declarations recommending “manufacture, testing, development, distribution, administration, or use of one or more covered countermeasures.” Codified at 42 USC 247d-6d(b). Added more detail on liability shields for pandemic and epidemic products and security countermeasures. Set pre-suit hurdle requiring HHS to first bring claims against defendants, and bar private claims until after HHS claims resolved, if and only if defendant found liable. Set liability standard at willful misconduct, “establishing a standard…more stringent than negligence in any form or recklessness,” requiring proof defendant 1) intentionally engaged in misconduct 2) proximate to victim’s injury or death. Established just-following-orders defense for vaccinators and others in the chain of distribution. Established court-alternative, tax-and-debt-funded Covered Countermeasure Process Fund, similar to Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund established in 1986 for products on childhood vaccine schedule. Another provision of the DOD Supplemental Emergency Appropriation funded the Public Health and Social Service Emergency Fund (PHSSEF), a slush fund under the control of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, with $3.3 billion to start.
  • 2006/06/07 – HHS-FDA Interim Final Rule, Medical Devices; Exception From
    General Requirements for Informed Consent
    71 Federal Register 32827
  • 2006/09 – Department of Justice published report: Role of Law Enforcement in Public Health Emergencies: Special Considerations for an All-Hazards Approach. “Depending on the threat, law enforcement’s role may include
    enforcing public health orders (e.g., quarantines or travel restrictions),
    securing the perimeter of contaminated areas, securing health care
    facilities, controlling crowds, investigating scenes of suspected biological
    terrorism, and protecting national stockpiles of vaccines or other
  • 2006/10/17 – Congress and President Bush passed NDAA/John Warner Defense Authorization Act for FY2007 – PL 109-364, 120 Stat. 2095. Section 1076 amended 1807 Insurrection Act, (10 USC 333, renumbered as 10 USC 253), providing exemptions to 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, to expand the authority of federal government to deploy US military on American soil against American citizens during “natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition in any State or possession of the United States.” Repealed in NDAA for FY2008. Passed again in NDAA for FY2012.
  • 2006/11/28 – HHS FDA Guidance: Gene Therapy Clinical Trials – Observing Subjects for Delayed Adverse Effects
  • 2006/12/19 – Congress and President Bush passed Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act. PL 109-417, 120 Stat. 2878. Fulfilled many of the requirements of the World Health Organization International Health Regulations of 2005, by further consolidating and centralizing power in federal Health and Human Services Secretary’s hands. Created new HHS department, led by new Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (counterpart to the DHS Director of Emergency Preparedness and Response position created in 2002). Established rules for coordination among HHS, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Secretary of Transportation and “any other relevant federal agency.” Established national framework subordinating state, county, tribal and local public health and law enforcement systems to federal agencies. Expanded surveillance programs. Clarified definitions of qualified countermeasure, security countermeasure, and infectious disease for purposes of 2004 Project Bioshield Act. Established Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) division under HHS, “to facilitate a broad-based approach to emergency medical countermeasure-related activities,” including $1,070,000,000 appropriation. Tools included HHS access to Other Transactions Authority contracting provisions, and authority to limit competition among manufacturers of pandemic products as defined under 2004 Project Bioshield Act.
  • 2007/01/15 – Congress and President Bush passed National Institute of Health Reform Act – PL 109-482, 120 Stat. 3675. Reorganization, consolidation of power and funding.
  • 2007/05/04 – President Bush issued National Security Presidential Directive 51. US Government Continuity of Operations policy.
  • 2007/06/15 – World Health Organization International Health Regulations, 2005 Amendments, entered into force.
  • 2007/07/01 – HHS FDA Guidance – Emergency Use Authorization of Medical Products. 71 FR 41083. Finalized draft guidance published in Federal Register 07/05/2005.
  • 2007/07/07 – Roman Catholic Pope Benedict XVI issued Summorum Pontificum, affirming the right of Catholic priests and faithful to celebrate the pre-1962, Traditional Latin Mass.
  • 2007/09/27 – Congress and President Bush passed Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007. PL 110-85, 121 Stat. 823. Expanded FDA power over new product authorizations and post-marketing surveillance.
  • 2007/12/28 – HHS Interim Final Rule – FDA Exceptions or Alternatives to Labeling Requirements for Products Held by the Strategic National Stockpile. Effective same day. 72 FR 73589.
  • 2008/01/28 – Congress and President Bush passed National Defense Authorization Act for FY2008. PL 110-181, 122 Stat. 325. Section 1068 repealed 2007 amendments to Insurrection Act which had expanded exemptions to 1878 Posse Comitatus Act limits on US Presidents’ power to deploy the military domestically. Amendments passed again in NDAA for FY2012, again giving President power to deploy military domestically.
  • 2008/07 – DOJ-CDC published A Framework for Improving Cross-Sector Coordination for Emergency Preparedness and Response. Merging public health and law enforcement.
  • 2009 H1N1 outbreak, first mass vaccination campaign since 1976 swine flu outbreak.
  • 2009/11/18 – HHS FDA Workshop Summary: Medical Countermeasures Dispensing: Emergency Use Authorization and the Postal Model. “At the workshop, participants noted that EUA has a broader use beyond enabling the use of an unapproved product or extending the use of an approved product to populations for which it was not approved. In particular, it can also be used to address labeling requirements and other challenges that arise because of constraints inherent in a public health response. ‘From a legal perspective, there are a lot of situations where EUA helps get past all those requirements,’ said [Susan E. Sherman, J.D., M.S., is a senior attorney with the Office of the General Counsel, HHS] ‘You can change the labeling. You can change the information. You can change the dosage. You can give it to populations for which wasn’t approved.’ ”
  • 2009/12/29 – Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information. Black box federal funding for clandestine projects.

2010-2019 – Presidents Barack H. Obama, Donald J. Trump

  • 2010/03/23 – Congress and President Obama passed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). PL 111-148, 124 Stat. 119. Title VII, Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009, related to the legal, approval/authorization, labelling and marketing differences among ‘biosimilars,’ BLA (Biologics License Application) products, and EUA products.
  • 2010/07/02 – President Obama signed Executive Order 13546, Optimizing the Security of Biological Select Agents and Toxins in the United States. 75 Federal Register 39439.
  • 2011/01 – HHS FDA Guidance for Industry: Potency Tests for Cellular and Gene Therapy Products
  • 2011/06/24 – HHS-FDA Final Rule: Medical Devices; Exception From General Requirements for Informed Consent76 Federal Register 36989.
  • 2011/09/16 – Congress and President Obama passed Leahy Smith America Invents Act. PL 112-29, 125 Stat. 340. Section 33 limited the authority of the US patent office under 35 USC 101, by prohibiting issuing of patents “directed to or encompassing a human organism.” Related to 1980 Chakrabarty and 2013 Myriad Supreme Court precedents authorizing patents on genetically-modified living organisms and modified genetic material, and government-ordered mRNA and DNA spike protein Covid injections that reverse-transcribed genetic material into human genome of recipients.
  • 2011/12/31 – Congress and President Obama passed National Defense Authorization Act for FY2012 – PL 112-81, 125 Stat. 1298. Section 1021 codified authority for US President to order military arrest and indefinite detention of American civilians without charge or trial under 10 USC 801 et seq. (Uniform Code of Military Justice), to the extent the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force, passed under the 1973 War Powers Act, (50 U.S. Code § 1541) is construed as putting the United States in a permanent state of war (Global War on Terror) and the national emergency first declared by President Bush in 2001 is extended. It has been extended, every year since.
  • 2012/03/12 – President Obama signed Executive Order 13603, National Defense Resources Preparedness, delegating authorities and addressing national
    defense resource policies and programs under the Defense Production Act
    of 1950. 77 Federal Register 16651.
  • 2012/07/09 – Congress and President Obama passed Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act. PL 112-144, 126 Stat. 993. Amendments to Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act regarding user-fee programs for prescription drugs and medical devices, generic drugs and biosimilars, and for other purposes.
  • 2013/01/02 – Congress and President Obama passed National Defense Authorization Act for FY2013. PL 112-239, 126 Stat. 1957. Section 1078 “modernized” Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 to authorize domestic deployment of propaganda by the US government, on the American population. Propaganda used with tremendous effect on US population to instill fear and promote behavioral compliance with government orders.
  • 2013/01/29 – Congress and President Obama passed Disaster Relief Appropriations Act. PL 113-2, 127 Stat. 4. Division B, Sandy Recovery Act: most major FEMA overhaul since 1988 Robert T. Stafford Act.
  • 2013/02/28 – Roman Catholic Pope Benedict XVI resigned. After conclave, the papacy of Pope Francis began 03/13/2013.
  • 2013/03/13 – Congress and President Obama passed Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act. PL 113-5, 127 Stat. 161. Renewed and updated 2006 Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, with amendments to Public Health Service Act and Federal Food Drug and Cosmetics Act. Added sections 564A and 564B to the FDCA to further authorize emergency use of approved products in emergencies and products held for emergency use. Amended definitions of covered countermeasures and qualified pandemic and epidemic products in Section 319F-3 of PHSA (2005 PREP Act provisions). Extended definitions to include products or technologies intended to enhance the use or effect of a drug, biological product, or device used against the pandemic or epidemic or against adverse events from these products.
  • 2013/06/13 – US Supreme Court ruled on Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics539 US 576, in favor of the biotech corporation and the federal government, finding that naturally-occurring DNA is not patentable, but synthetic cDNA is patentable, under 35 USC 101. Implicates mRNA/DNA injections administered on global population starting in December 2020, reverse-transcription into human genome, and whether injected humans are chattel property of Covid-19 injection patent-holders within US government/DOD, Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen.
  • 2014/07/31 – President Obama signed Executive Order 13674, adding asymptomatic, suspected SARS to list of quarantinable communicable diseases under 42 USC 264(b) and 42 CFR 70.679 Federal Register 75461
  • 2014/08/19 – HHS FDA Guidance: Decisions for Investigational Device Exemption Clinical Investigations. Related to federal government’s position on legal status and regulatory control differences between Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) products, Investigational New Drugs (IND) and Investigational Device Exemptions (IDE).
  • 2015/04/16 – Congress and President Obama passed Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization (MACRA) Act. PL 114-10, 129 Stat. 87. Largest changes to health care system since 2010 ObamaCare. Section 511 directed HHS to clarify how changes to human subjects protections under 1991 Common Rule would apply to Medicare and Medicaid “clinical data registries.” Related to ‘real world evidence’ with no legal protections for human subjects, replacing traditional clinical trial procedures that did have legal protections for human subjects. Codified at…
  • 2015/06 – HHS FDA Guidance: Considerations for the Design of Early-Phase Clinical Trials of Cellular and Gene Therapy Products
  • 2015/08 – HHS FDA Guidance: Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products
  • 2015/11/25 – Congress and President Obama passed National Defense Authorization Act for FY-2016. PL 114-92, 129 Stat. 893. Section 815 added ‘prototype’ procurement contracting language (Other Transactional Authority – OTA), authorizing Department of Defense to contract with pharmaceutical corporations to produce bioweapons labeled as medical countermeasures or security countermeasures. Used to contract for production of ‘Covid-19 vaccine’ bioweapons in 2020, through Medical CBRN [Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear] Defense Consortium program members. Codified at 10 USC 2371b, renumbered 10 USC 4022 effective 01/01/2021. First two posts on this topic: 05/25/2022 and 05/26/2022.
  • 2016/09/21 – HHS Final Rule – HHS Clinical Trials Registration and Results. 81 Federal Register 64981
  • 2016/10/17 – Congress and President Obama passed National Defense Authorization Act for FY2017. PL 114-328, 130 Stat. 2000. 10 USC 111 note at 130 Stat. 2400
  • 2016/10/24 – HHS Workshop Summary – The Nation’s Medical Countermeasure Stockpile: Opportunities to Improve the Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Sustainability of the CDC Strategic National Stockpile.
  • 2016/11/04 – President Obama signed Executive Order 13747Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats
  • 2016/12/13 – Congress and President Obama passed 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act 1.0) – PL 114-255, 130 Stat. 1033. Updated and expanded Public Health Service Act “to accelerate the discovery, development, and delivery of 21st century cures.” Section 3022 authorized ‘real world evidence’ instead of clinical trials as grounds for FDA authorizing general use of experimental products, transforming Americans into human subjects and our communities into unmonitored, unregulated experimental test sites. Sections 3023 and 3024 granted broad authority for HHS Secretary to waive or alter human subject protections and informed consent requirements, by transferring each individual human subject’s risk-benefit assessment authority to the HHS Secretary, who can preemptively decide, for all subjects collectively, without knowledge of individual health conditions or conscientious beliefs, and without the subjects’ knowledge or consent, that risk is ‘minimal.’ Codified at…
  • 2016/12/23 – Congress and President Obama passed National Defense Authorization Act for FY2017. PL 114-328, 130 Stat. 2509. Established DOD Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) and Director of DSCA, with authority to coordinate and synchronize US military with foreign military forces, and conduct domestic military campaigns in violation of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act. Codified at 10 USC 382.
  • 2017/01/13 – HHS FDA Guidance: Emergency Use Authorization of Medical Products and Related Authorities (Update/revision to 07/01/2007 version). Related to federal government’s position on legal status and regulatory control differences between Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) products, Investigational New Drugs (IND) and Investigational Device Exemptions (IDE).
  • 2017/01/19 – HHS Final Rule – Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects. 82 FR 7149. Joint rule by 16 federal agencies, subsequently adopted by other agencies. Revised 1991 Common Rule, which had been developed based on 1947 Nuremberg Code and 1978 Belmont Report.
  • 2017/01/19 HHS Final Rule – Control of Communicable Diseases Final Rule. 82 FR 6890. Set up regulations governing apprehension and detention of American people on public health quarantine pretexts.
  • 2017/01/23 – Department of Homeland Security published Biological Incident Annex to the Response and Recovery Federal Interagency Operational Plans. At p. 70, stated that 10 USC 382 “permits Department of Defense to provide support to the Department of Justice under certain circumstances in emergency situations involving Weapons of Mass Destruction, including biological weapons and materials.”
  • 2017/07/25 – HHS FDA Guidance: IRB Waiver or Alteration of Informed Consent for Clinical Investigations Involving No More Than Minimal Risk to Human Subjects
  • 2017/08 – HHS FDA Guidance: Use of Real-World Evidence to Support Regulatory Decision-Making for Medical Devices
  • 2017/08/18 – Congress and President Trump passed FDA Reauthorization Act – PL 115-52. 131 Stat. 1005
  • 2017/10 – Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security exercise and report, SPARS Pandemic, 2025-2028, A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators. Chapter 13 covered how government and corporate PR representatives should handle “anti-vaccine” messages. Chapter 17 covered how they should manage public awareness and anger about vaccine injury.
  • 2017/12/12 – Congress and President Trump passed National Defense Authorization Act FY 2018 – PL 115-91, 131 Stat. 1283. Section 716 added subsection (d) to 10 USC 1107a, re: EUA product use in military. But see FDCA amendment, PL 115-92 (below) passed same day, which immediately repealed 10 USC 1107a(d) while adding new FDCA section on military use of EUAs.
  • 2017/12/12 – Congress and President Trump passed Act to amend FDCA EUA statute, 21 USC 360bbb-3. PL 115-92, 131 Stat. 2023. Provided for “Additional Emergency Uses for Medical Products to Reduce Deaths and Severity of Injuries Caused by Agents of War.” Codified at…
  • 2018/01 – FEMA published Pandemic Crisis Action Plan/PanCAP.
  • 2018/06/19 – HHS Final Rule – Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects: Six Month Delay of the General Compliance Date of Revisions While Allowing the Use of Three Burden-Reducing Provisions During the Delay Period. 83 Federal Register 28497
  • 2018/06/19 – Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology published by US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine.
  • 2018/10/044 – Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board Statement 56. Federal funding for clandestine programs.
  • 2018/10/05 – Congress and President Trump passed Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act. PL 115-254, 132 Stat. 3186. Division D, Disaster Recovery Reform Act, another major FEMA update.
  • 2018/10/09 – Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security published report Technologies to Address Global Catastrophic Biological Risks, on ‘self-spreading vaccine’ technology, informed consent challenges of same, and ‘self-amplifying mRNA vaccines.’
  • 2019/02/11 – President Trump signed Executive Order 13859Maintaining American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence. Directed and prioritized federal agency collaboration with industry for AI research and development.
  • 2019/05/22 – Congressional Research Service Opinion: An Overview of State and Federal Authority to Impose Vaccination Requirements by Wen W. Shen
  • 2019/06/11 – President Trump signed Executive Order 13874: Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products84 Federal Register 27899.
  • 2019/06/24 – Congress and President Trump passed Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act – PL 116-22, 133 Stat. 905. Amended Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 201), further consolidating federal power in HHS Secretary’s hands during public health emergencies, further merging public health and law enforcement systems, and further subordinating state, tribal, county and municipal governments and American civilians to direct federal control.
  • 2019/09/19 – President Trump signed Executive Order 13887Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health. Directed and prioritized federal agency collaboration with industry for rapid-deployment mRNA/DNA/LNP/nanotech bioweapon platforms misclassified as public health protection.
  • 2019/10/04 – 10/19 – Roman Catholic Pope Francis hosted pagan Pachamama/Gaia worship ceremony in Vatican Garden, at Basilica of St. Peter, and Santa Maria Traspontina Church, and during Way of the Cross, until angry Catholics seized pagan statues and threw them into Tiber River.
  • 2019/10/18 – Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security conducted Event 201:“…a pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic…”
  • 2019/12/12 – Material Transfer Agreement signed between US Health and Human Services (HHS) National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute for Allergies and Infection Diseases (NIAID), led by Anthony Fauci, University of North Carolina coronavirus researcher and patent-holder Ralph Baric, and Moderna, for “mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates developed and jointly owned by NIAID and Moderna.”

2020 – Present – Presidents Donald J. Trump, Joseph R. Biden

  • 2020/01/27 – US Secretary of Health and Human Services Determination that a Public Health Emergency Exists. Signed Jan. 31, 2020, effective Jan. 27, 2020. Renewed every 90 days since then. Also signed a ‘declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of in vitro diagnostics for detection and/or diagnosis of this novel coronavirus.’ The determination and declaration were recorded in the Federal Register as taking effect Feb. 4, 2020. 85 Federal Register 7316.
  • 2020/01/30 – WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared Covid-19 outbreak a “public health emergency of international concern,” (PHEIC) triggering the legal obligations of WHO member states under the 2005 International Health Regulations, to suspend national sovereignty and constitutional rights of citizens using the implementing domestic statutes and regulations they had adopted in compliance with the WHO IHR.
  • 2020/02/04 – US Secretary of Health and Human Services Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Medical Countermeasures Against COVID–19. 85 Federal Register 15198 (6 pages). Issued March 10, 2020, effective Feb. 4, 2020. Deployment of the domestic bioterrorism program against all American citizens under Covid-19 pretext.
  • 2020/03/01 – HHS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) COVID-19 Emergency Declaration Blanket Waivers for Health Care Providers. Exempted health care providers from patient care standards and regulations that would legally apply in non-pandemic circumstances; authorized stripping patients of their rights to have family members and pastors/rabbis visit them and advocate for them in the hospital or nursing home; supported hospital demands that law enforcement officers remove family and pastors from the premises by force; created conditions for death protocols of restraint, withheld water and nutrition, forcible administration of Remdesivir and forcible connection to ventilators under the ICD-10 codes.
  • 2020/03/06 – Congress and President Trump passed Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act – PL 116-123, 134 Stat. 146. $8.3 billion to Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Food and Drug Administration, Small Business Administration, Department of State and US Agency for International Development, for research and development of vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics and other Covid programs.
  • 2020/03/13 – PanCAP Adapted U.S. Government Covid-19 Response Plan.
  • 2020/03/13 – President Trump issued a Stafford Act declaration under the 1988 Stafford Act, and signed Proclamation 9994, Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID–19) Outbreak, under the 1975 National Emergencies Act. Renewed every year since, most recently by Biden in Feb. 2022. 85 Federal Register 15337.
  • 2020/03/18 – President Trump signed Executive Order 13909, Prioritizing and Allocating Health and Medical Resources to Respond to the Spread of COVID–1985 Federal Register 16227.
  • 2020/03/18 – Congress and President Trump passed Families First Coronavirus Response Act – PL 116-127, 134 Stat. 178. $3.5 billion for Covid mass testing, supplemental nutrition (Department of Agriculture), sick leave, family medical leave, and unemployment compensation (Department of Labor) programs.
  • 2020/03/24 – HHS Secretary Alex Azar issued Declaration of Emergency Use
    Authorization, declaring “that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of medical devices, including alternative products used as
    medical devices.” 85 Federal Register 17335.
  • 2020/03/26 – President Trump signed Executive Order 13910, Preventing Hoarding of Health and Medical Resources To Re- spond to the Spread of COVID–19. 85 Federal Register 17001.
  • 2020/03/27 – President Trump signed Executive Order 13911, Delegating Additional Authority Under the Defense Production Act With Respect to Health and Medical Resources To Respond to the Spread of COVID–1985 Federal Register 18403
  • 2020/03/27 – Congress and President Trump passed Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act – PL 116-136, 134 Stat. 281. 15 USC 9001. $2.2 trillion in corporate and small business loans, household stupport and unemployment insurance, tax deferrals, aid to state and local governments, aid to universities and colleges, aid to K-12 schools, aid to hospitals and veterans programs, airline loans and grants, and $10 billion for “Operation Warp Speed.”
  • 2020/04/24 – Congress and President Trump passed Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act – PL 116-139, 134 Stat. 620. $75,000,000,000 for Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund (first funded in 2005), “to remain available until expended, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally” plus $25,000,000,000 for research, development and deployment of Covid-19 tests.
  • 2020/05/19 – Advisory Opinion on the PREP Act and the March 10, 2020 Declaration Under the Act, April 17, 2020, as modified on May 19, 2020, by Robert P. Charrow of HHS Office of General Counsel. Legal opinion on statutory liability shields.
  • 2020/05/29 – Supreme Court ruled in South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom, 590 US __, (2020), denying role for federal judiciary in Constitutional review of executive and legislative acts taken during declared public health emergencies. Semi-reversed on rehearing, February 2021.
  • 2020/07/20 – DOD-Pfizer Base Agreement, through Advanced Technology International; 2020/07/21 – DOD-Pfizer Statement of Work, through Advanced Technology International. Pfizer later argued (04/22/2022, Jackson v. VentaviaMotion to Dismiss) that “Because of pandemic-related exigencies, the agreement was not a standard federal procurement contract, but rather a ‘prototype’ agreement executed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 2371b[.]…The [contract’s Statement of Work] describes a ‘large scale vaccine manufacturing demonstration’ that imposes no requirements relating to Good Clinical Practices (‘GCP’) or related FDA regulations.” 10 USC Section 2371 renumbered 10 USC 4022, 01/01/2021
  • 2020/08/26 – HHS CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Meeting Summary Report. At p. 56 – “Dr. Cohn reminded everyone that under an EUA, vaccines are not allowed to be mandatory. Therefore, early in the vaccination phase individuals will have to be consented and cannot be mandated to be vaccinated.” [Attorney Johnsen cited this interpretation of Section 564 in a footnote on p. 7 of her 07/06/2021 slip opinion, immediately citing the judge’s 06/12/2021 order in Bridges v. Houston Methodist as “summarily rejecting” the argument.]
  • 2020/12/27 – Consolidated Appropriations Act – PL 116-260, 134 Stat. 1182. $2.3 trillion spending bill, including $900 billion for Covid programs.
  • 2021/01/05 – Orange Book Transparency Act – PL 116-290, 134 Stat. 4889. Amendments to patent law under Federal Food Drug and Cosmetics Act, (21 USC 9)
  • 2021/01/12 – FDA Chief Scientist Rear Admiral Denise Hinton Authorizations of Emergency Use of Certain Drug and Biological Products During the COVID–19 PandemicAvailability, effective Dec. 11, 2020 for Pfizer; Dec. 18, 2020 for Moderna. 86 Federal Register 5200.
  • 2021/01/21 – HHS Secretary Norris Cochrane notifies state governors that federal government will give 60 days notice before terminating the ‘“determination that a public health emergency exists” first issued by HHS Secretary Alex Azar effective 01/27/2020.
  • 2021/03/11 – Congress and President Biden passed American Rescue Plan/Consolidated Appropriations Act. PL 117-2, 135 Stat. 4. Section 1401, Covid-19 Consumer Protection Act. Criminalized advocacy of alternative treatments under Federal Trade Commission provisions.
  • 2021/04/02 – Congressional Research Service Opinion: State and Federal Authority to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccination (Version 1) by Wen W. Shen
  • 2021/06/12 – Texas federal judge ruled in Bridges v. Houston Methodist Hospital, 543 F. Supp. 3d 525 (S.D. Tex. 2021), finding that informed consent doesn’t apply to hospital workers, because the injections are government-authorized under FDA Emergency Use Authorization, therefore not part of experimental clinical trials or ordinary medical treatments, therefore hospital employees cannot be legally construed as human subjects or ordinary patients, therefore they have no individual, Constitutional liberties; rights to privacy and against government violation of bodily integrity; or rights to be secure in their persons against warrantless search and seizure.
  • 2021/06/25 – FDA EUA Pfizer Fact Sheet addressing “option to accept or refuse.” This is only one of many versions issued between December 2020 and present; it’s the one cited by Attorney Johnsen in her legal opinion.
  • 2021/07/06 – Dawn Johnsen, Deputy Attorney General, published DOJ Opinion: Whether Section 564 of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Prohibits Entities from Requiring the Use of a Vaccine Subject to an Emergency Use Authorization. Related federal government’s position on legal status and regulatory control differences between Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) products, Investigational New Drugs (IND) and Investigational Device Exemptions (IDE).
  • 2021/07/16 – Roman Catholic Pope Francis issued Traditionis custodes, attempting to abrogate Pope Benedict’s 2007 Summorum Pontificum, and revoke the right of Catholic priests and faithful to celebrate the pre-1962, Traditional Latin Mass.
  • 2021/07/29 – President Biden directed Department of Defense to “look into how and when they will add COVID-19 vaccination to the list of required vaccinations for members of the military.”
  • 2021/08/24 – Department of Defense order from Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, vaxx mandate on military personnel in Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard.
  • 2021/09 – HHS FDA Guidance: Real-World Data – Assessing Electronic Health Records and Medical Claims Data To Support Regulatory Decision-Making for Drug and Biological Products
  • 2021/09/09 – President Biden signed Executive Order 14042, vaxx mandate on federal contractors. 86 Federal Register 50985.
  • 2021/09/09 – President Biden signed Executive Order 14043, vaxx mandate on federal employees. 86 Federal Register 50989.
  • 2021/09/09 – President Biden issued directive to Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), vaxx mandate on private employers with more than 100 employees.
  • 2021/09/17 – President Biden signed Executive Order 14047, adding measles to the list of quarantinable communicable diseases authorizing HHS Secretary to use force to apprehend and detain people under 42 USC 264(b) and 42 CFR 70.686 Federal Register 52591.
  • 2021/11 – HHS FDA Guidance: Real-World Data – Assessing Registries to Support Regulatory Decision-Making for Drug and Biological Products
  • 2021/11/05 – President Biden issued directive to Department of Health and Human Services Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), vaxx mandate on health care workers at hospitals, nursing homes and other federally-funded facilities.
  • 2021/11/17 – HHS Interim Final Rule – Possession, Use, and Transfer of Select Agents and Toxins—Addition of SARS–CoV/SARS–CoV–2 Chimeric Viruses Resulting From Any Deliberate Manipulation of SARS–CoV–2 To Incorporate Nucleic Acids Coding for SARS–CoV Virulence Factors to the HHS List of Select Agents and Toxins. 86 Federal Register 64075. Chimeric, lab-weaponized SARS-CoV-2 added to list of agents that “have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety” under 42 CFR 73.3. Attempt to block accountability by preemptively reclassifying bioweapons as legally identical to pandemics, to block international law claims brought under the theory that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon, and not a pandemic. If classified as a bioweapon, the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (international) and public health emergency (federal) legal frameworks would be nullified, instead bringing to bear federal and international laws prohibiting chemical and biological weapons.
  • 2021/12/02 – HHS Final Rule – National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Adding the Category of Vaccines Recommended for Pregnant Women to the Vaccine Injury Table – 86 Federal Register 68423. Added vaccines recommended for pregnant women to the list of vaccines subject to the 1986 VICP compensation scheme, so as add another hurdle to civil suits against Covid-19 injection manufacturers, even though the products had not yet been added to the childhood vaccine schedule that otherwise governs access to VICP scheme. Because CDC does recommend them for pregnant women.
  • 2021/12/27 – Congress and President Biden passed National Defense Authorization Act FY2022 – PL 117-81, 135 Stat. 1541. At Section 716, established military vaxx tracking system, including refusals, under 10 USC 1110 (originally re anthrax vaxx). At Section 6501, authorized US government to engage with Bill Gates Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). More coverage.
  • 2022/01/13 – Supreme Court ruled in Missouri v. Biden (21 A 240), Louisiana v. Biden (21 A. 241), 595 US __, (2022), asserting federal funding for hospitals and nursing homes voids Constitutional protection for employees individual bodily integrity and informed consent to medical treatment.
  • 2022/02/07 – Congressional Research Service Opinion: State and Federal Authority to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccination
  • 2022/02/10 – Supreme Court leaked draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, leaked draft opinion by Justice Samuel Alito. SCOTUS poised to explicitly deny the principle of Constitutionally-protected inalienable individual rights to personal privacy, conscience, bodily integrity, or liberty, against State exercise of authority. Final ruling issued 06/24/2022.
  • 2022/03/09 – President Biden signed Executive Order 14067, Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets, on Central Bank Digital Currencies)
  • 2022/03/15 – Congress and President Biden passed Consolidated Appropriations Act – PL 117-103, 136 Stat. 49. $1,274,678,000 for the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund (HHS slush fund established in 2005). $780,000,000 for new domestic bioweapons production, classified as ‘security countermeasures’ under the Public Health Service Act as amended by 2004 Project Bioshield Act, 42 USC 247d-6b(c)(1)(B); $845,000,000 to stock the Strategic National Stockpile established 1998, controlled by the CDC within HHS 42 USC 247d-6b(a); $300,000,000 “to prepare for or respond to an influenza pandemic,” including federally-funded construction or renovation of privately-owned pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, if the Secretary of Health and Human Services finds such construction or renovation necessary; $1,000,000,000 to establish ARPA-H: Advanced Research Program Agency – Health, to conduct research and development of bioweapons misbranded as public health measures; $3,880,000,000 to US Agency for International Development (US-AID) for programs mislabeled as ‘Global Health Programs,’ including immunization programs, HIV/AIDS programs, The GAVI Alliance [population-control zealot Bill Gates’ Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization] and a multilateral vaccine development partnership, for, among other projects, “experimental contraceptive drugs, devices and medical procedures.”
  • 2022/05/17 – Congressional Research Service Opinion: State and Federal Authority to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccination. (Version 9)
  • 2022/05/17 – Congressional Research Service Opinion: Status of Federal COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate Litigation. (Version 7)
  • 2022/06/24 – Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health SCOTUS decision released.
  • 2022/07/15 – HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra extended 01/27/2020 determination that ‘public health emergency’ exists.
  • 2022/07/22 – HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra elevated Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) from staff division to operating division, still under HHS Assistant Secretary Dawn O’Connell.
  • 2022/09/12 – President Biden signed Executive Order 14081 – Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy87 Federal Register 56849.
  • 2022/09/28 – HHS-FDA Proposed Rules: Protection of Human Subjects and
    Institutional Review Boards.
     87 Federal Register 58733
  • 2022/10/13 – HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra extended 01/27/2020 determination that ‘public health emergency’ exists.
  • 2022/10/13 – Boston University researchers, funded by Fauci’s NIAID, publish preprint paper on their gain-of-function/DURC research combining the toxicity of the original Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2 with the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant to achieve 80% mortality in transgenic, humanized mice expressing the ACE-2 receptor. Role of spike in the pathogenic and antigenic behavior of SARS-CoV-2 BA.1 Omicron
  • 2022/10/18 – President Biden National Security Memorandum (NSM-15) on Countering Biological Threats, Enhancing Pandemic Preparedness, and Achieving Global Health Security and National Biodefense Strategy Implementation Plan.
  • 2022/12/23 – NDAA for FY2023. PL 117-263. Section 5955: Global Health Security and International Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Act of 2022. Authorizes, expands and funds globalized military-health structure linking US military to global genocide apparatus operating under WHO frameworks.
  • 2022/12/29 – Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY2023. PL 117-328. Many federal and state-level public health/martial law authorization and funding provisions included. H.R. 2617-419: “Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund. For expenses necessary to support activities related to countering potential biological, nuclear, radiological, chemical, and cybersecurity threats to civilian populations, and for other public health emergencies, $1,647,569,000, of which $950,000,000…for expenses necessary to support advanced research and development…of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority.” H. R. 2617-420 – $1,500,000,000 for ARPA-H: Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health. Section 2235 at H.R. 2617-1297, One Health Framework: “coordination mechanism at the Federal level to strengthen One Health collaboration related to prevention, detection, control, and response for zoonotic diseases and related One Health work across the Federal Government.”

Pending legislation

List last reviewed Summer 2022. Some of these laws may have been passed in 2023 NDAA, 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act or other Congressional acts.

  • 2022 Research Investment to Spark the Economy (RISE) ACT – Pending, S.289. Senate counterpart to Cures 2.0 Act/HR6000, Title V, Section 502. Authorizes billions in funding for the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, the Interior, Health and Human Services, and Transportation, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Science Foundation, and Environmental Protection Agency to provide support for research regarding COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) or research disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Support may be used to provide supplemental funding to extend the duration of a grant…that was awarded prior to enactment, or to expand the purposes of such a grant; issue awards to research the effects of the current pandemic and potential future pandemics; and provide flexibility on awards to account for facility closures or other limitations during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
  • 2022 PASTEUR Act – Pending, HR 3932. (41 pages). Pioneering Anti-microbial Subscriptions To End Upsurging Resistance Act. Would create subscription-based procurement contracts between the US government and pharmaceutical corporations for ongoing, open-ended development, purchase and deployment of drugs alleged to treat antibiotic-resistant infections. Appropriates $11 billion for program. Program to be developed by committee comprised of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Veterans Health Administration, and Department of Defense.
  • 2022 Cures 2.0 Act – Pending, HR6000. (173 pages.) Would legally establish Covid-infection injury and Covid-19 bioweapon injection injury as “long Covid,” (erasing injection-caused injury as a separate diagnostic classification) and appropriate research and treatment funding; would establish genomic testing program for children and teens (corroborating evidence that government developed the bioweapons to cause listed harms and anticipates observing those effects in the population); would establish pharmacogenetic consulting and other programs. Title V, Section 502 is House counterpart to S.289, RISE Act (see above), to authorize billions in funding for the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, the Interior, Health and Human Services, and Transportation, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Science Foundation, and Environmental Protection Agency to provide support for research regarding COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) or research disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 injectable bioweapons as case study in legalized, government-operated domestic bioterrorism. Or: why there won’t be any civil suits, or compensatory damages for injured victims or survivors of dead victims.

Since first realizing the implications of the many Congressional statutes and Health and Human Services regulations adopted to create and operate the bioterrorism program, mostly between 1997 and the present, I’ve been intermittently finding the specific citations for each statement while researching related issues.

Some statements are simply logical deductions from the first premise, corroborated by the observable actions and inactions of Food and Drug Administration officials as the observable injuries and deaths mount up in the American people.

Others are specifically written into the laws, but I don’t yet have the citations because I’ve prioritized my research time investigating other issues related to the bioterrorism program.

I’m posting the information as I understand it today [June 9, 2022], despite those limitations, in case it’s useful for readers who also follow FDA Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) reporting by Toby RogersIgor ChudovSteve KirschJessica Rose, and others.

They continue to rightly raise public awareness and alarm about FDA’s ongoing failure to protect the public from the Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) products.

But they don’t address the main reason why FDA is acting as it is.

FDA is not pulling the EUA products from the market or stopping the ‘vaccination’ campaign because Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and FDA Commissioner Robert Califf are running the US government’s bioterrorism program jointly with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Department of Justice Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Majorkas, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel, and World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Main Premise

Use of EUA-covered medical countermeasure (MCM) products including masks, PCR tests, mRNA and DNA injections, and other drugs, devices and biologics, once designated as such by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (March 10, 2020, retroactive to February 4, 2020) “shall not be considered to constitute a clinical investigation.” 21 USC 360bbb-3(k). FDA EUA law, adopted 1997 and amended 2003, 2004, 2005, 2013, 2017.

This is true no matter how untested, unmonitored, unsafe, or ineffective they are, no matter whether their harmfulness to human health and uselessness for infection-control are known before use, or discovered afterward.

Legal implications derived from the main premise:

  1. There is no stopping condition.
  2. EUA products are exempt from laws regulating researcher use of investigational, experimental drugs, devices and biologics on human beings.
  3. EUA products are exempt from laws regulating physician use of approved drugs, devices and biologics as medical treatments for patients.
  4. There are no manufacturers of experimental products (EUA products are not part of any clinical investigation, and therefore not experimental.)
  5. There are no government or private contracts for purchase of experimental products; there are only contracts for ‘large scale vaccine manufacturing demonstrations.’
  6. There is no act of administration of any experimental products.
  7. There are no nurses or pharmacists administering experimental products.
  8. There are no human subjects (of experiments) or patients (of physicians providing treatment) receiving experimental products: no victims.
  9. There is no party responsible for the wellbeing of recipients after administration of EUA products.
  10. There is no treatment group and no control group.
  11. Human beings administering EUA products have no informed consent obligations to provide information about ingredients, risks, benefits, alternatives, or the option to accept or refuse the products. See 21 USC 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)) waiving informed consent for unapproved products (2004); 21 USC 360bbb-3(e)(2)(A) waiving informed consent for unapproved use of an approved product (2004); 21 USC 355(i)(4) waiving informed consent for experimental products classified by HHS as ‘minimal risk’ drugs (2016); 21 USC 360j(g)(3)(D)(i) waiving informed consent for experimental ‘minimal risk’ devices (2016).
  12. Human beings receiving EUA products have no informed consent rights to receive information about ingredients, risks, benefits, alternatives, or the option to accept or refuse the products. See citations, bullet point above.
  13. There are no Institutional Review Boards supervising administration of the experimental products.
  14. There are no safety standards for EUA products.
  15. There are no efficacy standard for EUA products. See 21 USC 360bbb-3(c)(2)(A), 1997, 2003, 2004, re: ‘may be effective.’
  16. There are no clinical investigators studying the effects of EUA products on human subjects.
  17. There are no doctors, nurses, or other treatment providers providing experimental treatment to their patients subject to the Hippocratic Oath (“first do no harm”) using EUA products.
  18. There is no coordinated, public, federal government monitoring of recipients after receiving the products for adverse effects and deaths.
  19. There is no coordinated, public, federal government data collection or analysis.
  20. There is no legal requirement for medical supervision during product administration.
  21. There is no legal requirement for recipient monitoring after product administration.
  22. ‘Real world evidence’ — mass administration of products to general public, followed by collection of private/proprietary information about the effects, from health insurance systems, government databases (Medicare, Medicaid, Defense Medical Epidemiology Database, Veterans Health Administration) and other private databases — is authorized for the purposes of FDA regulatory decisions. See 21 USC 355g. 2016.
  23. There is no requirement for individual prescriptions to be written prior to dispensing EUA products, and products dispensed without prescriptions “shall not be deemed adulterated or misbranded.” See 21 USC 360bbb-3a(d). 2013.
  24. Manufacturers, as contractors, are considered HHS employees for purposes of legal immunity under Federal Tort Claims Act. See 42 USC 247d-6a(d)(2)(A).
  25. DOD is authorized to contract with pharmaceutical corporations to conduct ‘prototype’ experiments on the general public, and under such contracts, is exempt from legal obligation to comply with Good Clinical Practices or other FDA regulations. See 10 USC 2371b (2015), renumbered 10 USC 4022 (Jan. 1, 2021, effective Jan. 1, 2022)
  26. One of the factors to be considered by HHS secretary in making determinations about EUA products (qualified security countermeasures) and use of Special Reserve Fund/Strategic National Stockpile appropriations to procure them is “whether there is a lack of a significant commercial market for the product at the time of procurement, other than as a security countermeasure.” See 42 USC 247d-6b (c)(5)(B)(iii)
  27. There are no required standards for quality-control in manufacturing; no inspections of manufacturing procedures; no prohibition on wide variability among lots; no prohibition on adulteration; and no required compliance with Current Good Manufacturing Practices. EUA products, even though unregulated and non-standardized, “shall not be deemed adulterated or misbranded.” See 21 USC 360bbb-3a(c). 2013.
  28. There are no labeling requirements regarding the contents or ingredients in EUA products. 21 USC 360bbb-3(e)(2)(B)(ii). 2004.
  29. There is no limitation of administration of EUA products past their expiration dates.
  30. There cannot be clinical trial fraud, because there are no clinical investigations, no investigational drugs, no investigators and no human subjects.
  31. There are no marketing standards.
  32. There cannot be consumer fraud, because the only legal parties to the financial transactions are the US government (DOD) as buyer; the US government (HHS) as regulator authorizing exemptions from consumer protection laws that otherwise apply to medical products; and the pharmaceutical corporations as sellers, contracted to develop and manufacture the products. There are no commercial pharmaceutical products, no commercial marketplace, and no commercial market consumers.
  33. There is no access to courts for judicial review of the facts or law relating to HHS Secretary declarations of EUA products, which are committed to agency discretion. See 42 USC 247d-6d(b)(7). 2005.
  34. There is no access for plaintiffs, to civil courts for judicial review, and no entity to whom civil liability can attach, for injuries and deaths caused by declared covered countermeasures, unless and until FDA/HHS and/or Attorney General/DOJ file enforcement action against manufacturers and prove willful misconduct proximate to injury or death, but HHS and DOJ have operated the EUA product program together with the manufacturers since inception, and will not prosecute their co-conspirators. See 42 USC 247d-6d. 2005.
  35. Even if there were access to courts for judicial review, and a fact-finder found evidence of harms caused by administration of products to recipients, and even evidence that those who caused the harms, by developing, manufacturing, distributing and/or administering the EUA products, knew the EUA products were toxic and knew their own actions were harmful, “just following orders” is an authorized, legal defense. See 42 USC 247d-6d(c)(4). 2005.


There are no actions that can be legally classified as crimes or civil torts; there are no medical battery or homicide victims, or plaintiffs; and there are no medical batterers or murderers. Because legally, nothing has been done, and no one has done anything, to anyone else.

The recursive loop can be infinite, as covered countermeasures are developed, authorized and deployed, through HHS Secretary EUA declarations, as treatments for complications from prior countermeasures.

St. Eustace, patron saint of hunters and those facing adversity.

Boundary County Officials Cry Wolf and Waste Taxpayer Resources on Use of County Seal

Boundary County Officials Cry Wolf and Waste Taxpayer Resources on Use of County Seal

The Boundary County Commissioners and the Boundary Prosecutor need to stop wasting taxpayer resources regarding the Boundary County seal. The actions by these people are quite immature, at best. They need to grow up and start acting like adults.

They have attempted to intimidate and coerce The Boundary County Watchman, Adrienne Norris into stop using an extremely low-resolution version of the Boundary County Seal on a flag banner background. the County has also colluded with a local “newspaper” to attempt to make a case for bullying individuals to not use the Boundary Seal in any capacity.

Here is the actual example of the emblem that The Boundary County Watchman used:

Here is the pitiful version of the actual seal that you can find online:


The State of Idaho has set a precedent for how the official seal should be shared; Boundary County should follow the lead of the State. Boundary County should also offer a high-resolution version of the County Seal for download. Instead, the County officials choose to bicker with citizens who use the County seal in a flag/banner format in an unofficial capacity. Instead of wasting taxpayer resources going against the use of the County Seal, the County should encourage people to be proud enough to use it, in an unofficial capacity.

The State of Idaho offers the Idaho Seal for download. In fact, there are several, beautiful, high quality versions of the state seal readily available for the public to download from the Secretary of State website. This is simply good practice by the Idaho Secretary of State.

Here is an example of some of the images available from the Idaho Secretary of State. Click on the images to access the direct download link:


The commissioners and the county prosecutor are now pondering if they should trademark the county seal. State law has something to say about the trademark of a county emblem.

Idaho State law appears to actually forbid municipalities from trademarking their official seals. Even if they were legally able to trademark the county seal, they would still have to adhere to the “Fair Use” laws. In fact, Fair Use allows individuals to use a trademarked material in not-for-profit, and a non-official manner.  The law regarding trademarking states the following:



48-502.  REGISTRABILITY. (1) In order to be registered, a mark must have some element of distinctiveness, arbitrariness or uniqueness, which may be inherent to the mark or acquired through extended usage and establishment of a reputation.

(2)  A mark by which the goods or services of any applicant for registration may be distinguished from the goods or services of others shall not be registered if it:

(a)  Consists of or comprises immoral, deceptive or scandalous matter; or

(b)  Consists of or comprises matter which may disparage or falsely suggest a connection with persons, living or dead, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them into contempt or disrepute; or

(c)  Consists of or comprises the flag or coat of arms or other insignia of the United States, or of any state or municipality, or of any foreign nation, or any simulation thereof; or”

It is also important to note that you can download the US seal, the US Presidential Seal, the DISA seal, the USAF Space Command seal, and the DHS seal. The United States Government allows its seals to be available to download and use, in an unofficial capacity. Note that the Wikipedia pages do link to the official websites.

Click on the images to access the direct-download links.



The Boundary County officials need to stop acting like foolish children, grow up, and stop the insanity.


The Controversy Surrounding Drag Queen Story Hour

by: Steve Fioravanti

The Controversy Surrounding Drag Queen Story Hour:

Is Drag Queen Story Hour familyfriendly entertainment?  Have our moral values and culture degenerated to the point where Drag Queen Story Hour is now considered normal in our society today?

I read a blog post by “Lil Miss Hot Mess” who performs regularly at these events.  She has her own website,  She has authored a children’s book called The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish and she has performed for the Brooklyn Museum, HBO, and numerous libraries and schools coast-to-coast.  She has also appeared at legendary clubs like The Stud and Queen Kong.  I’ll let your imagination conjure up who might frequent such adultonly entertainment venues.

Hot Mess, as she refers to herself, serves on the board of Drag Queen Story Hour and is a professor at the University of Arizona.  Is it any wonder why the standards in our institutions of education have degraded over time.

Drag performers, as described in the blog I was reading, were a “fearless army of sequined superheroes, standing on the shoulders of legends, brandishing the magic of books and our imaginations.”

I began to question my own deep-seated bias about Drag Queen Story Hour.  Is it just harmless fun to witness grown men wearing wigs, dresses, garish make-up, and gyrating in a perverse and sexual display before an audience of children?  Was I being insensitive by my own pious views?

Worried about being labeled a phobic of some sort, I visited the website of the American Library Association.  Surely, the national organization of librarians would be all about protecting the virtue and innocence of our children.  Using the search engine on their own website, I queried Drag Queen Story Hour.  Lo and behold and to my amazement, there was a lot of content surrounding this highly controversial topic.

Reading the blog posts, I learned the definition of drag is simply adults playing dress-up.  It sounds harmless enough.  A drag queen from Spokane is quoted, “The fact that a drag queen is reading to a child is not putting that child at any more threat or risk than having your grandmother read to a child.”

Putting it that way, who would be against their grandmother reading stories to children?  However, I think grandma would be far more modest in how she dressed and far less provocative when dancing in front of the children.

Continuing my research, you can cross link directly from the ALA (American Library Association) website to the official, Drag Queen Story Hour website.  On this website I learned that Drag Queen Story Hour captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models as stated on their home page.

They proclaim this is now a global phenomenon.  These events are happening all over the world at libraries, schools, bookstores, summer camps, even afterschool programs.  Is this coming to a library near you?  If a time-tested organization like the American Library Association is supporting this, it must be okay right?

I questioned my own beliefs.  Is this simply an expression of art by supporting culturally-inclusive role models into our society? Or, is this a movement to normalize abhorrent behavior and an attempt to indoctrinate our children to an amoral lifestyle?  After much soul searching, I believe it to be the latter.

Should one be concerned by people who will simply use this as a ruse to get in front of children?  I found an article in The New American, published on March 18th, 2019.  Titled, “Drag Queen Who Read to Kids at Houston Library Is Convicted Pedophile.”

The article confirmed that one of the program’s drag queens operating under the alias of, Tatiana Mala Niña (Tatiana “Bad Girl”), was Alberto Garza, a 32-year-old child sex offender.  In 2008, he was convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy.  He was sentenced to five years’ probation and community supervision.  Somehow, he slipped through the cracks and was featured in a Houston library performing to children.  A pro-family group uncovered this egregious security breach and blew the whistle.

The Houston library in question drew much public criticism for their gross negligence.  “In our review of our process and of this participant, we discovered that we failed to complete a background check as required by our own guidelines,” library officials said in a statement.  “We deeply regret this oversight and the concern this may cause our customers.”

The New American article stated that the very fact the library and countless others across the country are hosting Drag Queen Storytime belies the officials’ professed concern for their patrons.  “Any reasonable person would see that Drag Queen Story Hour is a train wreck waiting to happen.  It’s a program whose goal is to make children feel comfortable about LGBT behaviors.  It features cross-dressing homosexual men in garish make-up and costumes who seem obsessed with reading “gay” themed books to very young children.  These same men lead bizarre lives as “adult” sex entertainers.  What could possibly go wrong?”

In conclusion, I harbor no ill will toward LGBT people.  But hosting “drag queen story hour” at children’s libraries in an effort to normalize LGBT culture and promote sexual grooming to impressionable young children is simply unconscionable.  If you are a concerned citizen, get involved.  This agenda is being promoted in libraries across our nation and is fully endorsed by the American Library Association.

Steve Fioravanti















Quick Update from Rep. Heather Scott 223

Bills-Bills and More Bills! The session is in full swing!

Hello from the Capital!

The 2023 session is flying by and it is refreshing to be working with many of the new House and Senate legislators on good legislation.  We have been putting a lot of effort into  drafting good legislation and trying to remove bad parts of the law.  Remember, to get rid of a bad law, you have to pass a new law.  With almost 300 pieces of legislation introduced so far, there are too many to provide details on all.  Here are some of the highlights I think you might be interested in:



House Bill 24 (Little-IACI-Blanksma), Launching Idaho into Debt and Socialism

Socialist/Communist China determines what citizens do which jobs.   Capitalism lets citizens decide which jobs they want to pursue to follow a dream or passion and to enjoy and excel at what they do.  Apparently, the legislators in green above want Idaho to follow China’s lead.  One of the first bills pushed through the system was HB 24, the governor’s “education launch program.” This bill would use an “independent” council of appointed bureaucrats, global corporate businessmen, and establishment cronies hiding behind the moniker (the Work Force Development Council) to determine more or less which careers should qualify as “essential” hence, buying off high school graduate with an $8500 taxpayer funded tuition gift to continue education in these “approved workforce careers”. . Continue Reading…

Choices in Education are Good!

Senate Bill1038 (Nichols/Lenney) the Freedom in Education Savings Account Act (FIE).  This bill creates savings accounts for Idaho families with K-12 age children. It allows the dollars to follow students so parents could access the education services and environments that work best for their children. Parents will be able to access and spend these funds on behalf of their child for approved educational expenses through an online platform. A “Parent Review Commission” is established to provide recommendations to the Department… Read More Here…

The Vulnerable Child Protective Act – Child Sex Change Surgeries and Practices on Children

House Bill 71 (Skaug) would amend the existing state ban on female genital mutilation to also include puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and sex reassignment surgeries when administered to children struggling with gender dysphoria. Like FGM, these medical interventions are almost always irreversible; some render the patient sterile or with lifelong sexual dysfunction, while others unnecessarily mutilate healthy body organs.  This bill passed the House floor and is in the Senate awaiting debate.  I am a co-sponsor of this bill.  If you want to watch the Committee meeting and testimony, you can click HERE and watch the Feb 7th meeting.

Other bills to keep an eye on:

HB154 (Nichols/Boyle) makes it a misdemeanor to administer experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in Idaho. 

SB1004 (Herndon) Is an enhanced Castle Doctrine/ Stand Your Ground laws. It protects individuals if they merely threaten the use of force in a lawful self-defense situation, and offers individuals who use lawful force a legal opportunity in the courts to claim self-defense immunity. The bill also allows for recovery of costs in certain prosecutions. I am a co-sponsor on this bill.

HJM001  The purpose of this memorial is to authorize the Idaho and Oregon legislatures to begin official discussions on whether it is feasible to move the Idaho border into Eastern Oregon.  This memorial passed the House and is off to the Senate!

There has been a lot of conversation and ideas floating around about Property Tax Relief….Read More of What’s Coming

Read More of What’s Coming…

There is a new short documentary movie out on some interesting Idaho history that most may have forgotten about.  I was working in the Bear River area when it happened and remember hearing much about it and seeing the cat enclosure. Idaho’s history can never be called dull or mundane! 

You can watch the video created by public television HERE



That’s all for now, but stay tuned!  I am sure things are going to start to get real interesting!


In Liberty,

Representative Heather Scott



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© Heather Scott
P.O. Box 134, Blanchard, Idaho, 83804, United States

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