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Mirror Lake Golf Course – Bonners Ferry

Hello All,

This is the third video in a series of three that someone took the time to make, for you.

This video shows Mirror Lake Golf Course early in the morning at roughly 6:00am, when the colors are strange and mystical.

The colors in this video were not enhanced. They are the true, extreme greens that appear this early in the morning.

We hope you enjoyed this series. Here is a link to the video: MIRROR LAKE GOLF COURSE

Please feel free to send us a message and tell us if you would like to see more posts like this.

Please share with your friends, too!



Bonners Ferry Fly Through – Our Mother’s Day Gift to You

Hello All,

On Mother’s Day, someone took the time to fly through Bonners Ferry using a drone.

This was very early in the morning, when most people in the town were just getting up or having their morning coffee.

The sun is as low on the horizon as it can be, in the morning. The colors are mystical. The original footage was dark, but it was slightly enhanced to help show the details of our little piece of heaven.

This is video one in a series of three videos that were made on that morning.

We hope you enjoy this little gift from us to you.

Here is a link to watch the first video of our little town: BONNERS FERRY FLY THROUGH

Please let us know if you would like to see more posts like this one. We want to bring positive things to our community, and not just reports on corruption.


The staff of Boundary.News

About My Mother

To whom it may concern,

I’m writing this in regard to my mother’s application as library trustee.

Mary-Esther is more than qualified for this position within the community. She has resided and been involved in the community for 10+ years. If its time spent in a library, then she more than qualifies. Throughout my childhood the community library was utilized by my parents for schooling material and resources.

Her education level is a cherry on top of many personal achievements. Included but not limited to her managing the 2nd busiest Applebee’s in the nation, New York city being the only contender. Raising 3 successful/motivated adults, just to turn around and start raising 2 more infants. Shes tender, understanding, and helpful. I’ve witnessed her mastery of working well with infants and adults with great efficiency.

Her willingness to embrace a life of less modern comforts foreshadowed her great mental strength. My parents left Logan UT to move to Naples ID to chase a dream of less reliability on others. The challenges that come with their living situation can’t be simulated. It calluses the mind and creates a person of many strengths.

This is my Mother…

Thank you very much,
Matthew Wilson


The Shadowmen

Our name is “The Shadowmen”,

We stand in the shadows watching, listening, and waiting. We have watched so many things happen in the last few years here in Boundary. Many times we laughed at some of the situations brought up in the county meetings, and elections. We laughed not because they were funny, but because the people here believe that what is taking place is an acceptable practice. We have met many people here, decent people from all walks of life. Many had 1 thing in common, GOD led them here. They moved here because GOD was leading them, and they sold their homes quit their jobs, and moved here. We are talking about people from all walks of life, Police Officers, Firefighters, Nurses, and Doctors as well as business owners did you know there are 44,000 retired military folks who have moved to North Idaho in the last few years? Surprising isn’t it, not to us, like we said, they all have one common denominator, God had led them to this place.

It has come to the attention of many in the county, the recent BCRCC meetings and since last year things were nothing but a good ole boy system around Boundary County. It is also apparent they want to keep it that way.  Last year people were told the BCRCC could not endorse a candidate unless they won the primary, well they refused to do that and instead endorsed the candidate that lost. Steve Fioravanti won the primary fair and square. Yet the BCRCC elected to forsake the Republicans of Boundary County and crap on their parade, and when it was brought to their attention they laughed and made jokes to shut down the public voice.

And now this year you have the crap feast led by Caleb Davis Jr. Where intimidation, assault, and assault & battery are part of the proceedings, where elected representatives for the people are shut down, as well as people who speak on behalf of that elected official in order for him to speak.  Caleb Davis Jr we thought you were a man of GOD? We see the Godliness in the meetings you chair. We see who you represent, We see the truth and righteousness you seek by YOUR actions. Caleb when the word gets out like it is flying, that you are not a true leader for the people and just a representative for your friends, we will show them the ways of your leadership. All those new true conservatives that you are supposed to represent that have moved in over the last few years and left states that were far more suppressive than Idaho and were told by the good ole boys who to vote for, you will be done.

We’re waiting to hear if there will be lawsuits filed, this could get interesting. Who has to pay if a lawsuit was filed against the BCRCC, the county? Or were the representatives sued? Does an elected official have civil Rights? Can they violate someone’s civil rights? What happens if the DOJ was called in? I wonder what they would find? What has been done to one official there is wrong, you know, we know, and the people are finding out know it.

I hate to see it, but sometimes such drastic measures must be taken in order to save the people from those who actually were elected to serve them.

Tick Tock

We are always watching, we are watching all of you!

The Shadowmen

Face Off / Good vs Evil

The election for two of Boundary County’s Library Board Trustee seats is Tuesday May 16, 2023. Mary E Wilson and Lewis Clark face off against incumbents Aaron Bohachek and Lee Colson. The library has been embroiled in scandal over the past two years while Bohachek and Lee were on the board.

An advisory committee of which Mary E Wilson was a member was organized to tackle the problem of the presence of obscene books in the Children’s Section of the library. Some of these books show children how to commit suicide, suggest drug use, and expose children to deviant sexual behavior.

The new policy which was developed, with the assistance of Mary E. Wilson, now states that the library will follow state and federal law on such matters and give the public a way to express their concerns regarding objectionable material. This policy was approved in March of this year.

There are rumors that the incumbents may return to the old policy if they are returned to office. The incumbents failed to fix the problem when it was first discovered. What would stop them from reverting to the previous policy once the election is over? We cannot risk our children’s future with the present bunch. Therefore I urge voters to make a change by voting for Mary E. Wilson and Lewis Clark for zone 5 and zone 3 respectively. Both love Boundary County and will do whatever they can to protect the children. For more information about pornography, click on the link below.

Anyone who exposes children or anyone else to this material bare some responsibility for the damage caused to these persons by their viewing it.

by: Greg Lamberty

Consider This on May 16th

Dear Reader,

I am writing to wholeheartedly endorse Mary-Esther Wilson as a candidate for the library board position. As a mother of 5, Mary-Esther is passionate about children and their education. Her dedication to learning and her intelligence are two of her greatest strengths, and she has used these qualities to proactively fix many issues in our community.
Despite her many achievements, Mary-Esther’s opponents are spreading false rumors about her, claiming that she is anti-school and anti-kids. This could not be further from the truth. Mary-Esther is a champion for education and has always been committed to providing the best opportunities for children in our community.

As a member of the library board, Mary-Esther will be able to use her skills and experience to make a positive impact on the lives of children and families. She is a compassionate and caring individual who understands the challenges that families face in today’s world. She has worked tirelessly to promote equality and fairness in our community, and I have no doubt that she will continue to do so on the library board.

Mary-Esther is a qualified candidate who has proven time and time again that she is committed to making a difference in the lives of those around her. I strongly urge you to support her candidacy and to vote for her in the upcoming election.


Kathy Farrelly

Why Clark and Wilson are the best choice for Library Board Trustee

Clark and Wilson are the best choice for Library Board Trustee

On May 16th our community has the opportunity to exercise our rights as citizens and taxpayers. We have the opportunity to vote for new leadership for our library.

Our publicly funded library is one of the largest taxpayer funded entities in the county. However, in the last two years have seen our library embroiled in controversy due to a lack of leadership and oversight by the current board of trustees. Additionally, when these serious, legitimate issues were brought to the attention of the board by concerned citizens, their response was to initially deflect then dismiss, and ultimately lobby the media in an effort to discredit the taxpayers of this county. Contrary to their narrative, the turmoil surrounding the library was not the fault of the taxpayers of this county. It was a direct result of the coordinated smear campaign that they ran in the news media to discredit those who opposed them and their agenda.

The current board members who are running for re-election have already shown us what they are NOT capable of.

On May 16th, vote for competent, responsible leadership. Vote for the two most qualified candidates. Vote for Lewis Clark (Zone 3) and Mary-Esther Wilson (Zone 5). We the citizens, patrons and taxpayers of Boundary County deserve better.


“Some” of the Leftist Subversion in Our Community

Leftist Manipulation in Our Community

It is time to tell ~ We have leaders and well know people in our community who are trying to apply their left leaning ideals to our local government, churches, schools, families, etc.. It is not all of our leaders, but some.

They hide behind terms like nazis, smart growth, extremist, love, human rights and volunteerism. All these terms have been rebranded or hijacked for their cause. They are the ones who name call to discredit, shun people, decline applicants for job positions that the applicant was qualified for & boycott businesses. This tactic was working well for them. Most people didn’t want this to happen to their family or business so they kept their heads down. One of the mottos was if you have an issue take it privately. Unfortunately, this only benefited the leader who was at fault. Many of these filed complaints in our town have been stuffed in the drawer and forgotten about. This included legal issues (according to many testimonies told to me). Sex offenders have been given little to no punishment and many were not even made to be put on the sex offender’s list. Leaders cover up for their buddies all while many churches won’t speak up.

Another issue is Bonner County Clerk Michael Rosedale admits Democrats are registering as Republicans. I personally can attest that this is true and going on in Boundary County. Interestingly, the County Clerk states the Republican Central Committee usually poll watches on election day. This doesn’t happen in our county. Our local John Birch Society has been doing all the work. (SEE VIDEO IN COMMENTS)

Some have started Political Action Committees (PACs) so they can influence elections. Right now, the two PACs that are sending out flyers and paying for ad space in Boundary County are:

Nine B Strong (aka 9B Strong)

Started by Dave Anderson who is a former Mayor and commonly known to lean left. His wife Laura Anderson sat on the library committee to update the collection policy. Her and William Lee Colson believe sexually explicit materials in the children’s section is a 1st Amendment issue. BUT the library’s own lawyer told them at the first meeting this was not a 1st Amendment issue. Child porn or pediphila is not covered by the 1st Amendment per the Federal Obscenity Law & Idaho Law. No person of any age can possess child nudity/sex. Additionally, adults cannot give children sexually explicit materials with adult actors, (videos, writings, drawings, etc..). Per the Law, this stuff should not be in the children’s section.

Here is an example of what I have asked to be moved upstairs to the adult section. Right now this book is shelved downstairs in the children’s section in the Young Adult which the library recommends for 12 years old. The title of this book is not sexual and doesn’t not have a warning or age rating.


Nine B Strong (aka 9B Strong) is funded by left leaning republicans like Jim Woodward and organizations like QUANTUM CONCEPTS, LLC/North Idaho Voter Services (NIVS or NIVSPlus). They are running around town telling people that outsiders have come to take over. This is hogwash. The truth is people that have moved here want to get involved and keep what they fled from out. This is not a joke. There isn’t extremist moving in… it is people who want to make a difference! They also are noticing that this state was controlled by the democrats a few years back and when our state turned red many of these democrats changed their party to red and tricked the voters. So, they go around town creating fear with the locals and start calling the newcomers extremist, nazis, etc… Fear mongering. Honestly, I believe they are having a difficult time dealing with the change that comes when new people move in.

North Idaho Voter Services (NIVS or. NIVSPlus)

Owned by Diana L Dawson, of Sagle, who also owns QUANTUM CONCEPTS, LLC.; chooses to not be part of a PAC and instead funnels her money through as a business owner to influence all of North Idaho.

These organizations are run by left leaning Republicans, etc… Make sure you look at the bottom of the ads, flyers or signs to see who paid for it… you will be shocked at how many of your flyers and ads are paid for by interest groups and people who are trying to sway the vote!!!

I get this is hard for some people to swallow. I understand that many people don’t research who they are going to vote for… the voter just goes to the polls and votes for candidates with an “R” next to their name. Or votes for who their buddy said he was voting for.

Democrats have realized this and now are telling their left leaning buddies to change their party from Democrat to Republican. Then at the polls, these false flagged Republicans, can get a Republican ballot and vote for the fake Republicans. How do you think people like Rep. Mark Sauter got voted in? Look around we have many more playing this game. Last year Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad did this and got caught while trying to fill out a governor candidate form. He was registered republican, but took donations and ran on a democrat campaign… Shelby forgot to change his republican voter registration in time. A few newspapers wrote about this last year.

These are concerning times when lies and money are the primary influences of our future. Please, do your own research on the candidates and vote smart. We have 4 sexually explicit books in the children’s section for ages 12 years and up. I have been asking for 3 months for the Board to move 3 of these books out of the children’s section. The fourth one was requested recently. They told me to wait… There was no urgency. They do not care about the damage that these books do to young impressionable minds and their families. Also, the library still has multiple legal cases pending.


I am my own person with NO ENDORSEMENTS from any entity.

I am voting:

  • Lewis Clark
  • Mary-Esther Wilson


by: Adrienne Norris

Personal Testimony Regarding Mary Esther Wilson

I had the honor of serving with Mary Esther Wilson on the Library Policy Design Committee beginning August of 2022. It was here that I quickly recognized Mary Esthers high moral courage and her value-based leadership. Mary Esther is a mother, and she knows the importance of protecting those without agency, that being children. Character is a reflection of morality and Mary Esther scores the highest marks in both. We as a community are fortunate to have her amongst our citizenry and we will be well served under her contributions as a board member of our cherished library. I highly encourage the support of Mary Esther; you will find no greater candidate.

Very Respectfully,

Doug Nowak
Captain, U.S. Army (Retired)
Virginia Military Institute, Class of 2010


A Library Should be Free and Moral

A nation cannot be both ignorant and free nor can it be immoral and free.

Our Public Library could and should be an Institution for promoting both morality and freedom. I keep hearing that we have a great little library and President Bush said so, which gives it credence and preserves the status quo. While I agree that it is a good Library there is plenty of room for improvement. For instance a good Public Library does not close its doors to the public without any explanation as to why it has done so. Nor does it have material which undermines both morality and freedom, when there are plenty of books which promote morality, freedom, virtue, wisdom and understanding, as well as Christian beliefs history and philosophy to fill the shelves. Even a book about George Bush and his lifelong promotion of a” New World Order “would be  advantageous.

Let’s work together to make a good library a better library by electing some new blood.

Please support Mary Esther Wilson and Lewis Clark for trustees in Zone 3 and 5.

by: Robert Vickaryous


Why We Should Not Re-Elect Incompetent Library Board Members Aaron Bohachek and Lee Colson


Ever since Bohachek and Colson were appointed to the Boundary County Library Board, both of these individuals have been responsible for the degenerate downfall of our library. Let’s start by letting you know that all but one library board member were appointed. According to the current TORT against the library, all but one member got their seats by being appointed by the Sandy Ashworth, illegally. You can also see that all but one of the board members were appointed on their very own website here:

Since being appointed, the board including Aaron Bohachek and Lee Colson have:

  • Been responsible for the events outlined in the TORT against the library
  • Appointed the leftist, marxist train wreck director that resigned under pressure from concerned citizens
  • Weaponized the board meetings and hid behind attorneys
  • Abused E911 services by calling 911 and having police show up at several meetings for no reason but to intimidate members of the public
  • Allowed attorneys to speak over and run the public meetings
  • Used the attorneys to verbally abuse and threaten members of the public during public meetings
  • Aaron Bohachek insulted members of the public during public meetings (video below)
  • Jeopardized the ICRMP insurance policy, because they were encouraging the new director Kimber Glidden (she, her, hers) to bypass the board and make illegal-unilateral decisions on her own without oversight
  • Allowed a library employee to use the Facebook group in which she shared videos to children of her pole dancing routines while semi-nude. She has been re-hired and is now in charge of the Fab Lab, and she will be allowed to be with children behind closed doors
  • Failed to make sure internet content filters function properly (ongoing)
  • Refused to abide by state and federal law regarding pornography access to children
  • Re-hired employees that are directly related to the TORT filed against the library
  • Sat by and did absolutely nothing about an employee who was viewing porn on Fab-Lab computers

We encourage all of you who are reading this, to download the TORT and the Supporting Evidence.

The TORT can be downloaded here: TORT CLAIM AGAINST LIBRARY

The Supporting Evidence can be downloaded here: SUPPLEMENTARY EVIDENCE

We have testimony from a source that claims she went to the library and was on a computer. She performed a simple, routine search while using a computer, and porn sites popped up. She had to cover her children’s eyes.

It is important to note that this library board, which includes Aaron Bohachek and Lee Colson, fought to include the books that contain the images you will see below, and explicit stories in our library. In addition to that, they fought and are still fighting to make this smut available to our children.

Is this really people you want to continue running our library?

William “Lee” Colson

According to CNN, Colson is a Marxist Democrat who, allegedly according to his own words, says that the gender queer books that contain graphic images of children sucking the penises of children “are not pornography”.

Colson has been fighting hard to make sure sexually explicit material is readily available to children, in our library. His position on this is “the kids have a Constitutional right to have access to anything they want”.

In addition to this, The Boundary County Watchman said this:

“William “Lee” Colson (Zone 5) representing the Boundary County Library Board of Trustees while being interviewed by CNN (9/2/22). He states the library would bring PORN in if requested. These books teach children how to do different sex positions, how to use sex tools, teaches 4-year-old about sex, how to find drugs in medicine cabinets and what the names of the prescription drugs are, how to commit suicide, teenagers raping other teenagers, adults molesting kids, siblings wishing their daddy would molest them instead of their sister and much more. WE HAVE SEVERAL OF THESE BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY, BY ELLEN HOPKINS (Crank, Perfect, Impulse). Verify on:

Here are just a few screenshots that we received from some of these books that Lee Colson allegedly believes is not pornographic, and has been fighting to give our children access to.

NOTE: We had to redact the graphic and offensive portions of these images.

Colson can be seen here sitting with other leftists that support exposing our children to pornography and explicit material.

Aaron Bohachek

Aaron Bohachek was once a reporter for a local marxist media outlet. Although Bohachek is not the chairman of the board, he acts as the board chairman. Every meeting, Bohachek sits in the middle, and runs the meeting. He is the mouthpiece of the Library Board. We encourage you to watch any series of library meetings, and you will see this.

Aaron Bohachek has been a primary cause of the lack of accountability of the Boundary County Library. His actions show his incompetence, and his obvious desire to be the center of attention of the library board. It is because of Bohachek’s “leadership” that the Boundary County Library Board continues to drag their feet on implementing sound, responsible policy changes that have been proposed by their very own committee.

Bohachek hates the Bible and has stated that he would rather remove the Bible from the library, instead of restricting children’s access to sexually explicit material. (Yes, he really said this several times.)

Aaron can be seen here insulting a member of the public at the August 2022 meeting. It is also important to note that during the testimony from this person, the Sonic Wall internet filter was and still is not functioning properly.

Mismanagement of Sonic Wall Content Filter

The Library eventually purchased a Sonic Wall Content Filter. However, although it has been licensed since 2021, it has never been properly deployed. In fact, to this day, it is not being properly managed. The board has been dismissive, when this topic has been brought up. In fact, they have even lied about it on several occasions with claims that the Sonic Wall is simply plug-and-play and needs no management. I happen to be an expert on this topic, and can tell you that the library board have been lying about the Sonic Wall ever since it was licensed to the library. The only time I heard the truth, was from former employee Derrick Grow. When Derrick Grow was the IT employee for the library, I asked him about the content filter and firewall situation. He said that he had no idea how to properly setup a firewall or content filtering system. He also told me that he knows nothing about firewalls or content filters. This is the person that the Library Board and Director hired to be the IT person. Incompetence breeds incompetence.

Here is my testimony on January 19, 2023 regarding the Sonic Wall content filter.

Here is the Sonic Wall Corporation reinforcing what I said regarding how Sonic Wall works, and what is required for it to work.



Remember this one thing.

Aaron Bohachek and Lee Colson are directly responsible for the scandals that our library has had to endure. They have proven to be incompetent, lack integrity and lack the moral compass, desire, or skill to properly oversee the library. We also encourage you to keep a watchful eye on the ones who support them.

Here are some resources that you can read, to get a better understanding of how important it is for us to protect our children from sexually explicit materials.

Heather Scott – 2023 Idaho Legislation Passed

Here is a link to Heather Scott’s 2023 legislative summary.

April 2023

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2023 Idaho Legislation Passed

The 2023 Idaho legislative session is over and there were numerous highlights as well as drama and floor debates.  Never a dull moment!  I was very busy this session working on legislation, trying to increase transparency and expose corruption, serving as the vice-chairman for the Judicial & Rules Committee and helping new liberty legislators learn the legislative process.  All the while trusting that God had a plan every step of the way.

Becoming a better legislator takes time and persistence.  Over the past few sessions, I focused on learning the interworking’s of government, growing personally from hard learned lessons, developing and test strategies and building of a coalition of conservative legislators and policy influencers.  This momentum of the past eight years has helped me grow into stronger mentor and better leadership roles allowing me to guide newly elected legislators towards conservative thinking, preservation of liberties and freedoms and working to reduce government’s heavy hand on citizens.   Whether it was being the Committee Chair and managing debate on one of the most controversial bills of session or working with House and Senate members to kill bad legislation, I am proud of my endeavors to improve the lives of Idahoans and promote and protect individual freedoms.

There were over 550 pieces of legislation introduced and over 300 bills that were signed into law during the 2023 session.  Below are a few highlights of bills destined to become law.  All bills and their status can be found by going to the Idaho Legislature website.

Bills were passed to:

  • Make it illegal to perform sex change surgeries (physically or chemically) on children. (H71-Vulnerabel Child Protection Act)
  • Define the word “abstinence” for sex education in schools -because many were defining it as any type of sex act that one participates in in which you can’t get pregnant. (H228)
  • Expand parental rights in education (H163) and expand choice in public school enrollment. (S1125)
  • Disallow the Chinese App Tic Tok ….


There were many voter integrity bills that passed to ensure safe, fair and honest elections including:

H001, H011, H124, H138, H179, H340 and several others.  These bills addressed post-election audits, state employees accepting private money for election administration, the use of student IDs for voting, consolidation of elections, voter identification documents, and prohibiting ranked choice voting in Idaho.  Several of these bills were carried by Freedom Caucus members including Joe Alfieri, Tina Lambert, and Dale Hawkins.

Idaho Property Tax Relief was finally addressed in a modest way. 

Property taxes are high because of local spending.  Spending by your county commissioners, fire districts, local schools, library districts, water districts and many other local taxing districts all add to the total cost of your tax bill.  If you don’t participate in these local budget hearing meetings and encourage them to stop spending so much money, property taxes will continue to rise.

Beyond your local governments, the state can address property taxes by shifting these taxes to others like businesses or farmers, capping the local spending allowed by each taxing district, or subsidizing local governments with state money that ultimately still comes from your income tax or other state taxes.  None of these seem as prudent as reigning local spending.

This year the legislature passed a real property tax relief bill that aims to…..


Here are bills I worked on or carried on the House floor that passed:

HCR2 Electoral college -Declared the importance of the electoral college and raised awareness against the efforts to repeal or nullify it by the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.  (Scott/ Zuiderveld)

S1051 Idaho Outfitters and Guides liability -This law clarifies that outfitter and guide businesses have protection from liability unless they are negligent or reckless. (Scott/Lakey)

H97 Transparency MOU/MOA Agreements -This transparency law requires government agencies and officers to register all agreements with the state controller.  Did you know that there are over 5,600 agreements that bureaucrats have entered Idaho into agreements with?  Some of these agreements involve data sharing, which was my original concern and the reason for the legislation.  (Scott/Herndon)

S1010 Slow Moving Vehicles -Clarifies that there must be a safe and reasonable place for a slow-moving vehicle to turn off to before a vehicle is required to pull over to let traffic by.  (Scott/Herndon)

S1030 Immigration bill -Prevents…


An issue that needs to be addressed in Idaho:

Although Idaho is considered a Republican State, it is not very conservative. Last year, Idaho dropped in nationwide status as the most conservative state from #6 to #23.  I imagine this year things may get worse.  Blue republikans (or Rinos), continue to vote with democrats to kill good bills and pass bad bills. Because of Rinos, many of the good bills above that passed, were sadly watered down from their original intent so that enough votes were gained to get them passed.

A perfect example of a good bill killed by blue republikans, was my bill,  HB 91, which would have  stopped using 7 million dollars of your tax money to pay for membership fees and dues for state employees.  This bill was killed on the House floor with a vote of 31-38-1.  The defeat was successful when Democrats and blue republikans teamed up against this good bill to reduce government spending.

blue republickan House Education chairman refused to allow S1071 to be heard, which would have protected our youngest children from racial gender theory and oversexualization in grade school.

A blue Senate republikan State Affairs chairman refused to allow H265 to be heard in committee which would have protected minors from exposure to sexual performances.

And the blue republicans killed famous HB314, a bill to keep sexually explicit materials out of the hands of children under 18 years old in our libraries.  The original vote was 40-30.


The blue RINO republikans above (in bold) voted with Democrats to try to kill this bill.  Even though the bill passed, it ultimately was killed when the House did not have the votes to override the veto because of Rinos!  Many of these same legislators voted with democrats against protecting minors from sexual performances (H265).

These should be no-brainer issues for real republicans who strive to protect families and children and to honor the party platform, yet once again families lose in Idaho due to RINO republikans. Conservative and liberty Republicans also have not had the votes needed to address Idaho’s spending problem to rein in overreaching government.  Spending statewide is out of control, and I will address this in my next update.

See other bad democrat bills that passed with the help of Rinos HERE 

But please don’t be discouraged and continue to stay engaged!  Good things are happening across the state.  Grass roots Republican Central Committees are censoring RINO legislators and warning  them  with votes of no confidence and censorship.  So far, the following legislators have been put on notice with votes of no confidence:

Lori McCann District 6:  Nez Perce & Lewis County Counties

Julie Yamamoto District 11: Canyon County

Matt Bundy District 23: Boise, Custer, Valley and Elmore  Counties

Mark Sauter District 1: Bonner County

Kenny Wroten District 13: Canyon County -censured

The worse things get, the more citizens wake up.  And although there are many ups and downs in today’s world, the one thing, we must remember is that God has the final say, and those who stand with Him will always win. That does not mean that we get to sit back and cruise all day and say God is in control. No, we still must take a stance and choose to do what is right. With every journey I make as your state representative, I couldn’t do it without God’s righteous hand guiding my way.

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my righteous right hand. 

We still have much work to do to ensure Idaho protects and promotes its conservative ideals. Thank you for joining me in this battle and spreading the word.


In Liberty,

Rep. Heather Scott – Idaho District 2A


© Heather Scott
P.O. Box 134, Blanchard, Idaho, 83804, United States
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Live Not by Lies: a Word to Pastors and Laypeople

Should the church prepare for a totalitarian regime?

There always is this fallacious belief: “It would not be the same here; here such things are impossible.” Alas, all the evil of the twentieth century is possible everywhere on earth.

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn

The above quote heads up the introduction to Rod Dreher’s book, Live Not by Lies: a Manual for Christian Dissidents.Dreher draws comparisons between the onset of the totalitarian regimes of the Third Reich and the Soviet Union in the early Twentieth Century.  He then correlates those conditions to the current conditions we find here in the United States. 

He goes on to explain how the church in Germany and Russia failed to prepare and guide their parishioners.  Instead they allowed themselves to be co-opted and used by totalitarian governments.  Waking up too late, tens of thousands of Christians were arrested, tortured and executed in those countries.

In contrast, Dreher explains how one prescient Catholic Jesuit priest fled the Gestapo in 1943 and settled in Czechoslovakia.  There he warned Catholic Christians of what was to take place when one form of totalitarianism defeated another.  He foresaw that the Soviets would rule the Czechs through a Soviet puppet government.  The priest began to prepare the Catholics to get ready for the coming persecution.  That priest was Father Kolakovic.

He began to organize Family groups comprised of people from various walks of life.  They studied the Bible and prayed.  Kolakovic began to lecture on philosophy, sociology and intellectual topics.  He trained young followers how to work in secret and withstand the interrogations that were sure to come.  These Family groups spread out across their nation.

Kolakovic was eventually deported from Czechoslovakia, but he had already done his work.  Two years later, the Communists seized power and brutalized and arrested Christians, including Family group members.  When the latter emerged from prison they followed what Kolakovic had trained them to do.  They set up a network of underground churches. In this way, their faith and the church survived Soviet rule.

The Church Victorious

Underground churches were formed in other Soviet-bloc countries, including Poland and Romania.  In Poland, Christian families secretly taught their children what it was to be Christians and Polish patriots.  They paid a high price for their convictions. 

The same situation took place in Romania, and that story is related to us in Richard Wurmbrand’s book, Tortured for Christ; also available at Kindle for a very small price. As I mentioned, these Christians paid a high price for their liberty to teach the truth.  Amazingly, many commentators believe that it is the church that finally took down the communist governments in these countries. You can listen to Dreher as he speaks at Pepperdine School of Public Policy.

Here is another place to listen to Rod Dreher.

Dreher gives us suggestions for how we might prepare to live in a soft totalitarian government. His work is especially important to us now. Mattias Desmet (The Psychology of Totalitarianism) believes that one of the prerequisites to totalitarian governments is a mechanistic view of humanity, based on the belief that humans are a type of machine, or that nothing exists outside of the material world.  Those of us who understand the Imago Dei (Image of God) know quite differently.  You can read more about Desmet’s work in my last article, North Idaho and the Hazards of Thinking in the Information Age.

Special Offer to Pastors in Boundary County: the Work has already been Done

An entire series of videos and outlines for a study/teaching group centered around this book has been prepared for Pastors and leaders by Reformed Apologetics on YouTube. If any Pastor in Boundary County, Idaho is interested in reading Dreher’s book, Live not by Lies, I will purchase one copy of the book and have it mailed to an address of your choosing. Just let me know. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy looking over the Reformed Apologetics video series and listening to Dreher’s keynote speech at the Pepperdine School of Public Policy.

Is Your Library Pro-Porn?

Is Your Library Pro-Porn?

A recent poll conducted by the Idaho Family Policy Center revealed that 74% of Idaho voters believe public schools and community libraries should keep pornographic materials away from minor children.  That leaves the 26% who are pro-pornography.  Which group does your library board trustee fall into?

At the Boundary County library board meeting last month, Aaron Bohacheck, current board member who is up for re-election, stated emphatically that the bible is the most controversial book.  Really?  Compared to books like Gender Queer and other books of smut now being introduced to our libraries.  I have never had to supervise my children when reading the bible.

Let’s compare one questionable book called “Identical,” by Ellen Hopkins.  This is an excerpt copied straight from Amazon.

Amazon Book Review:

Kaeleigh and Raeanne are 16-year-old identical twins, the daughters of a district court judge.  Kaeleigh always tries so hard to be the good girl – her father’s perfect little flower.  But when the girls were 9, Daddy started to turn to his beloved Kaeleigh in ways a father never should and has been sexually abusing her for years.

Amazon was careful not to reveal any more of the sordid details of this book in their preview.  I certainly can’t blame them.

The actual book content degrades to a disgusting level wherein the author describes in intricate detail a revolting encounter between the judge and his daughter.  Is this repulsive behavior something our children should be introduced to or have access to when browsing for something to read?

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  A lot of the books in question contain graphic animated pictures of sexual acts.  Boy with boy, girl with girl, etc., etc., ad nauseum.  What’s next, Drag Queen Story Hour?

Our last library director resigned when her agenda was revealed and foiled by concerned parents.  The current library board was fully aware of her agenda and complicit.

Current library board trustee Lee Colson was quoted in a CNN article (Sept. 5th 2022).  “The conflict is that I cannot say we will not get them,” “Because if we’re a library, if the public comes and requests those books, we will get those books.  That’s what we do.”

Who are these board members that are devaluing our traditional Bonners Ferry values?  Are they quietly supporting the agenda promoted by the American Library Association (ALA)?

The ALA masks the real agenda by calling it a First Amendment right and book banning.  Parents expect their children will be protected from harmful material at local libraries.  Libraries should be healthy places of learning, not places of indoctrination.

The majority of concerned citizens believe there is no First Amendment protection to distribute pornography to children (74% of Idaho voters).  This cannot be used as a cover.  Retail stores do not shelve dirty adult magazines at childrens’ level.  They take the necessary precautions to shield children from accessing these magazines.

The real issue here is whether sexually deviant books should become part of the library’s permanent collection and will our children be protected?

Does your board member think pedophilia is simply a lifestyle decision?  Are these the type of people that represent your values?

Let’s keep our library worthy of the “Best Small Library in America” awarded to us in 2017.  Our library should be a wholesome and safe place for our children to learn.

Those who wish to introduce our children to pornography should be removed from the library board.  You can vote for the status quo or vote for morality.


Zone 3 (Bonners Ferry) – vote for Lewis Clark

Zone 5 (Naples) – vote for Mary-Esther Wilson

Meet the two candidates at the Mt. Hall Community Church, 1554 Highway 1 in Bonners Ferry.  Tuesday, May 2nd at 6 PM.

Bring your questions and learn more about these candidates who support and defend our children.



Things to Consider Regarding the Bonners Ferry Sales Tax Increase

Another Option Than a Sales Tax Increase

Does Bonners Ferry really need to increase their sales tax 1% to balance their budget? In my opinion, no. Here’s why…
Bonners Ferry City had only one lawyer’s interpretation of the law stating that they can’t legally transfer money from their utility fund to their general fund because they service other areas than the City of Bonners Ferry. In other words, Moyie Springs would be subsidizing the City of Bonners Ferry. Bonners Ferry City charges those outside of city limits, such as Moyie Springs, a higher rate than city residents. In my opinion, give a 5% discount to those residents outside of city limits, and continue to transfer the rest of the utility money. Then Bonners Ferry City would only have that difference to make up. They could keep the majority of the $475k they currently transfer.

But wait! Didn’t property taxes go up recently? Hasn’t everything else gone up recently like food and durable goods? The City would already be benefiting from more sales being charged since goods are more expensive. Between the extra property tax money and sales tax increase the city already has a windfall.
Remember, all three grocery stores are within city limits. If the sales tax is allowed to be increased, the WHOLE county pays for this, not just the city. What about our city businesses? Let’s say you want to change out your windows throughout your home. You will now pay an extra 1% sales tax to do so if you went through Bonners Ferry Glass. Don’t you think some people will not go to Bonners Ferry Glass and will look for a less expensive alternative for the same product? This sales tax increase could affect our local businesses.

When this sales tax increase was first proposed, I sat down with Lisa Alport and Mayor Dick Staples and went through their budget line item by line item. I had been a financial analyst for many years and put budgets together myself. Although the city was “conservative” with their budget, I could definitely see they went to the worse case in expenses and the worse case of income being brought in. This showed for a lopsided budget with your expenses being the highest and your income being the lowest it could be. In my opinion, the numbers were too bloated in both directions. This would show the people a worse-case scenario.



Here’s my suggestion:
1. Get another lawyer’s interpretation of the law if they can’t transfer utility money to the general budget.
2. If they can’t, then reduce outside city serviced homes with a discount and continue to transfer the utility money. Then they are only losing a little instead of the full $475k.
3. Curb expenses just like you and I must balance our budgets. With the increased property tax dollars and sales tax dollars, I’m sure it would be a minor tightening.
4. If need be, maybe increase sales tax a quarter of a percent. Do they really need the full 1%?

I wish Bonners Ferry City would stop with the “fear porn” that they will have to cut police and city street maintenance and find other solutions if the sales tax increase fails.
Remember, once a city sees they can increase sales tax to bring in more money, it will NEVER end! This not only hurts city residents, but the whole county as we all shop within city limits.

How sad they are pushing this sales tax increase when the people are already hurting with everything going up. What can you do?

Vote NO, May 16th, on the increased 1% sales tax proposal


mRNA Vaccines Soon to be Deployed Into the U.S. Beef Supply

It is now confirmed that the US food supply of pigs is currently being pumped with mRNA vaccines.

Not far behind is the chicken and beef supply.

Right now, Missouri House Bill 1169 would require labeling of food products that can alter DNA. The question is, why is our food supply being allowed to be contaminated by these poisons?

Why is our government not stopping this disaster, and instead, imposing it on the American people?

According to one article, the push for adding “vaccines” to the US food supplies has been going on for decades. Here is a link to that article: Article on Avian Flu RNA

Read the full story here: American Food Supply in Danger

Here is an article written by the University of California regarding the research they are working on to put mRNA into vegetables. UC Riverside Article

Many states are actively researching ways to infuse these mRNA “vaccines” into the food supply. Here is a statement from the Texas Department of Agriculture 


They Say That Democracy Dies in Darkness

They Say That Democracy Dies in Darkness

Have you been attending or following the Boundary County Republican Central Committee meetings?

I recently sent Caleb Davis, chairman of the BCRCC, an email asking if our RCC is considering taking a vote of No Confidence in Representative Mark Sauter based on his abysmal voting record this session. I didn’t receive a response, so I sent a follow-up message. Again, no reply.

Could it be that they approve of Mr. Sauter and his voting record? Or, are they afraid to take a stand? Sauter’s votes clearly do NOT align with the platform of the Idaho Republican party. If other counties can do this with their RINO representatives, why can’t we? We need to send him a clear message that we do not support him. And if our BCRCC cannot handle real issues such as this which are vital to our party, then there needs to be major change in the BCRCC. Does the BCRCC exist only to host a Lincoln Day Dinner and a booth at the county fair? That would seem to be the case.



Did you know that they have eliminated the public comment section from the monthly meetings? And have voted to not allow further video and audio recording of the meetings?

They clearly feel threatened, want to control the narrative, and are determined to maintain the status quo. These committee members hold elected positions, yet they treat the RCC like a high school clique in which only certain people are allowed to participate.

What have they got to hide? We need to ask these questions, hold them accountable, and see that they align with the principles of the Idaho GOP. If they don’t, vote them out!

The American War Machine

To the editor.

Let’s talk about war. Why are we constantly engaging in it? Who benefits? What is the military industrial complex?

The names of companies that might come to mind are Ford Motor Company ,International Harvester, Caterpillar ,Boeing aircraft and perhaps hundreds of others. But what about the Russian military industrial complex? Who built the factories in Russia where  the tanks, guns ,trucks and aircraft are made that were used to kill American soldiers in Vietnam and Korea and now Ukrainians? Would you believe they are big names like Ford Motor Company ,International Harvester, Caterpillar, Boeing aircraft ,and of course DuPont as well as hundreds of others? A side note .

A pilot interviewed during the Vietnam war after bombing the trucks on the Ho Chi Minh trail stated “Those trucks looked just like Ford trucks,” Surprise surprise. The Russian Kama River plant built primarily by American firms has the capacity of producing more than 100,000 heavy ,multi-axle trucks per year. This is more than the capacity of all of the American heavy truck manufacturers combined. All of this and more is detailed in a book called “National Suicide Military aid to the Soviet Union” by Anthony C Sutton.

These factories also produce tanks, guns ,aircraft ,munitions and other material used in Modern Warfare .According to Colonel McGregor ,who you can look up on YouTube ,they have enough munitions stockpiled to last for a 30 month war. If you think provoking a war with Russia is a smart and responsible thing to do you might want to take a body count in the cemeteries of Ukraine. All of that Soviet aide was supplied under  the guise of peaceful purposes. Indeed graveyards are very peaceful places.


Robert Vickaryous

— Dictated at —

Boundary County has lost its Moral and Patriotic compass

Name: RadicalGranny

Would the Globalists please stand up?

Do you love the freedoms that you have today?
Then listen to me closely to what I have to say
because if you do not listen and act in a Patriotic way
those freedoms you so dearly love will surely go away.

I have listened with my ears and seen with my eyes and have come
up with this conclusion that this county has lost its Moral and Patriotic compass.
This does not fall on any one group of people, but includes all of us.
Look in the mirror and see if you like what you see.

The time has come for us all to reexamine what we stand for. This county is in deep trouble, as is the whole
USA, and it is going to take all of us on the same page to bring us back to some sort of reality.
This is war between good and evil; which side will you choose to be on?

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